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  1. Prince Hal

    One x One The Once and Future King of the Night

    Okay, this is all up and running! This is the place for any random out of character thoughts on the game, comments on writing, questions about setting, or any other possible things about this game. I hope you enjoy UnwantedTruth!
  2. Prince Hal

    One x One The Once and Future King of the Night

    Sign-Up: Name: Age: Appearance: (Pictures acceptable, as long as they fit the site rules) Personality: (Generalized picture of how the character behaves. I'm more concerned with you knowing your character's personality) Equipment: (Just be realistic; if you're a warrior, you'd have...
  3. Prince Hal

    The Once and Future King of the Night

    @UnwantedTruth ((Here we go, finally starting! Apologies for the late start; I was not satisfied with the prologue but ultimately decided I've delayed you enough.)) Prologue It is the 500th Year in the Christian calendar. Our fair island of Britannia lies stricken, not by disease but by war...
  4. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    Hi @P U R I T Y ! Thank you for responding and the interest! Your response has prompted me to go and edit my response, but in the mean-time, I can tell you that I have an opening in Fantasy option 2 and Sci-Fi option 1. If neither of those were to your liking, brainstorming would also be...
  5. Prince Hal

    Writer Seeking Writers!

    Hello and welcome from another fairly new member! Always glad to meet another writer! Writing's what makes this world fantastic, in my humble opinion.
  6. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    Apologies to @UnwantedTruth and @Wixed for my late response! A final unexpectedly occurred today in one of my classes (silly professors deciding to finish the semester far earlier than I originally remembered) and I was rather hastily studying and working my way through all that stress...
  7. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    No problem, and thank you! I'll PM you tomorrow (I have school far too early in the morning) and soon thereafter get the thread up and running! I've already got the plot worked out for that RP so it'll be starting fairly quickly!
  8. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    I think technically if I add another person to either the current sci-fi and fantasy groups that they'd be over the allowed numbers for the 1x1 forum. However I would be more than happy to run the vampiric King Arthur story for you with the possibility of adding another person, if that works for...
  9. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    Everything seems to be falling into place! It's all...part of the plan....*coughcough* @PeanutLemur and @ShadowDancer23, I will send the two of you a PM to start some world building/character building etc. @eheu Indeed, option 2 was what actually made me think "Gee, this would work well with...
  10. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    Excellent! I'm excited, I haven't role played in far too long.
  11. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    ...I'm glad you enjoyed the zaniness of pop culture references, obscure writing style, caffeine-addled syntax, and utter randomness that is my mind! (*U*) And I'd certainly hope you didn't kill my father! I'd hate to have to challenge you to a duel. That might dampen the mood here a bit....(...
  12. Prince Hal

    Here comes the Roxbinator

    Oops haha forgive my silliness. I totally misread the second half of your name as a reference to Saturday Night Live's skit/movie Night at the Roxbury (' :| )
  13. Prince Hal

    Is This Thing On?

    Hello! As a fellow college student I can sympathize with basically all of that. (^U^) Enjoy the forums!
  14. Prince Hal

    Here comes the Roxbinator

    Hi! Welcome! Enjoy the forums, and all the RPing! Also, Roxby as in head-bobbing? :P
  15. Prince Hal

    On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

    Hello one and all, ladies and gents! My name is Inigo Montoya, you kill - erm wrong introduction. :P I'm Prince Hal, or Nat, whichever you fine folks prefer! Whilst stuck between classes and waiting for my ride to arrive, I came up with some very very bare bones ideas for a couple RPs! At...
  16. Prince Hal

    Waiting for a room at the Hotel California.

    Waiting for a room at the Hotel California.
  17. Prince Hal

    Anime & Manga Favorite Anime?

    Hahaha yeah I found myself rooting for the antagonist more often than I first thought I would.
  18. Prince Hal

    Anime & Manga Favorite Anime?

    Arslan Senki is very enjoyable. I liked that it's not your traditional high fantasy and more of a sword-and-sorcery setting (based off of medieval Persia instead of medieval Europe (for the most part... :P )) but with a high fantasy hero. The large ensemble cast of characters really tied the...
  19. Prince Hal

    When was the last time I RP'd??

    I'm the same with Hetalia lol. I mainly write fantasy of all varieties (dark, high, low, urban, etc.) with a smattering of sci-fi and some poetry but mainly it depends on my mood lol. My thoughts exactly on SAO hahaha. I just found that after the first season/Aincrad arc that the whole "every...
  20. Prince Hal

    *Waves awkwardly* Hello!

    Castiel is the best haha