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  1. CatGirl

    Other Any Christians?

    See, that's where Protestants and Catholics diverge, among 6 other key areas 7 Key Differences Between Protestant and Catholic Doctrine - DTS Voice (see item 7) Protestants don't believe the prayers of saints (or anyone else other than Jesus) are above our own. What matters most is our personal...
  2. CatGirl

    Other Any Christians?

    Then why not just go to God directly?
  3. CatGirl

    Other Any Christians?

    Except I assume by "saints" you refer to people who are already dead. It's different from asking a living person to do so, and the living person would be praying with you, not interceding. Only Jesus can intercede for us.
  4. CatGirl

    Chitchat I'm the jerk that disappeared.

    I'm with butcher bird here. In every single RP I've been in, I've literally been the last person standing with everyone else going inactive around me. I'm very sentimental about my characters and plots we've built, so I never wanna abandon anything I've written, and oft times I make vague...
  5. CatGirl

    Chitchat I'm the jerk that disappeared.

    People ghosting an RP is very very common, in fact I'm more surprised if people actually stay on for more than a month lol. I always think that you should RP with people who are also friends with you, and you can share your problems with. I would feel awkward if I knew everyone in that RP...
  6. CatGirl

    Other Any Christians?

    I was born into a Presbyterian family, and after being married, the husband and I moved to a church independent of denomination. In spite of studying the bible all my life, I'm learning new things from it everyday, and still trying to be a better person. The Christian life is a lifelong one, and...
  7. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    I've personally tried various ways, mostly by trial and error. The OCs I created were not made with romance in mind, but sort of fell into it during the course of the story and developing close friendships with others. Romantic gestures were made in story when there became evidence of chemistry...
  8. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    I think the modern slice of life aspect stems from a want to fantasize themselves in the role of their character. Living out their lives as someone prettier, more successful etc I'm very much like you, I love the fantasy aspects and being in a fictional world apart from our own where magic and...
  9. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    I'm currently writing as a 10 year old boy, several 20+ to 30+ year old women, two 30+ year old men and as old as a 50+ year old man. I'm pretty flexible, as long as they are canon characters that I know to the bone. I haven't tried doing that with OCs, but I assume it'd be similar.
  10. CatGirl

    Opinion What are your thoughts on having babies?

    ...of the kid, but I've grown accustomed to it. 4. What age group are you in? 22 and younger | 23 -33 | 34 and over Highlighted it in bold 5. *Added* Do the people in your life seem invested in you having children? Yeah, because of being a mom, I've ended up hanging out with other...
  11. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    haha, I've noticed that.
  12. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    Most females looking for romance are playing female characters. The males on our server are playing male characters. Except the female characters want to RP romance a male character and the males aren't into it (or like I mentioned before, some of them are a bit young therefore, it's...
  13. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    Oh let me clarify, it wasn't a question, that's why I wasn't looking for an answer. It's just an observation and wanting to discuss it. Over the years I've met quite a number of men who were interested in writing romance as well, but the ratio is unbalanced so that makes pairing people up...
  14. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    As far as I'm aware, you're not obligated to have a preference for romance, nobody does. Nobody should decide for you what you should think, nobody should feel they're being victimized by any external influence. Like I said, you decide for yourself who you are and what you like. I just found it...
  15. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    Hm, I don't really see it as society's engineering, but more of a biological preference. Ultimately we're individuals who make up our own mind about what we like and what we don't. I like romance, and I'd like to think I write it quite well, but I don't like it being the sole focus in my story -...
  16. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    Is it a dominating factor for you ladies? Or what is your main focus when you write RP?
  17. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    Do you notice that it's mostly females who come online looking to RP romance as compared to males? (Sorry, going a bit off topic)
  18. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    I've witnessed a 20+ gal trying to write a bed scene with a 14 year old, him writing his character running out of the room due to awkwardness, and her taunting him for it afterwards. And yeah I usually fade to black, although before the fade to black I tend to describe emotions with similes in...
  19. CatGirl

    Opinion Fahrenheit or Celsius?

    I think in celcius.
  20. CatGirl

    Opinion Why is everyone so young?

    Not explicit per se, but if the RPer is below 15 I'd feel awkward even making a vague reference to a bed scene. As for gore, even if the kid is into gore, I wouldn't feel comfortable being responsible for exposing him/her to it. He/she can go find it elsewhere.