Search results for query: *

  1. cattamer

    A-Team RP?

    So I just started back through the seasons of The A-Team, and it brought back memories of playing Murdock when I was younger in real life rping so I thought... hey, maybe I can find a person who wants to play with me, only via text.. ahaha. Anyway, I'd prefer someone who has watched enough of...
  2. cattamer

    1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!)

    Yez-zir/ma'am, I am always open to the lone creatures that wander to my slightly dead rp search that needs an update so badly its sad. Should I PM you or you PM me?
  3. cattamer

    casual/literate partner search! + PLOTS INSIDE +

    I'd like to try plot 1~ I can post however much or little you'd like -I match post lengths to the best of my ability. Sadly the only off thing is I generally only post during the night (8-11 pst...) my life gets hetic, but when its not I'll post during thr morning hours as well. Sometimes...
  4. cattamer

    1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!)

    ^^ Can you PM me, or do I need to PM you to discuss further details? Cx
  5. cattamer

    1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!) like to PM me for further plotting? Sounds fun! C: Would you like like to PM me to work something out? I haven't had any partners in crime *cough* hunting... recently, so I'll be glad for a change! Ooo Vacation! Sadly my most ditched plot :c PM me! Unless you want me to PM you. xD...
  6. cattamer

    The Road Less Traveled... [1x1 Apocalypse RP]

    Uh we did? *head desks* I don't remember I'm guessing it failed? xD
  7. cattamer

    The Road Less Traveled... [1x1 Apocalypse RP]

    And there's an apocalypse rp just when I am searching for one! Come, let us plot! ;D
  8. cattamer

    RP plots - closed until further notice (ignore any post count)

    Honestly I prefer PMs because I can keep track of them better... but if you need thread, thread it be!
  9. cattamer

    All pairings open always!!!!!!!! MxF, MxM, and FxF

    If you're interested, I've got a idea for master, slave, criminal, law enforcement rp :3
  10. cattamer

    RP plots - closed until further notice (ignore any post count)

    If you're still interested I have a char looking for a room :3
  11. cattamer

    1x1 Romance Parters Wanted! [CLOSED]

    I have a slight idea for a master servant blackmailer and victim (all blended together), if you're interested. C:
  12. cattamer

    Modern Romance RP. (Always open!)

    I'm a bi romantic xD so that works for me xD so... shall I PM you or you PM me? I'll be getting off shortly, since I'm sick and I'm defusing oils and I'm getting slowly knocked out by them xD
  13. cattamer

    Modern Romance RP. (Always open!)

    I can do either. I play male, so whichever you want to play works for me.
  14. cattamer

    Modern Romance RP. (Always open!)

    I'm interested in cop and robber. Do you have a plot for it?
  15. cattamer

    Looking for some new one on ones

    Hello! I specialize in modern action stuff. Are you into that sort of rp? C:
  16. cattamer

    1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!)

    xD I was thinking it could start out when A manages to get themselves back to camp, and then B would arrive in the next post :P
  17. cattamer

    1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!)

    Added another horsey plot if anyone's interested.
  18. cattamer

    1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!)

    Buuump I need spice