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  1. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    I'm drawing it from the fact that that the one alien caveman could transform into a form not unlike the SS in terms of its gigantic powerup and golden aura. That and Frieza actually training attained something similar suggested to me that all species have something deep within them that lets...
  2. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Truth be told, it seems to be, thanks to Super and various other sources, that all species have similar "Awakening to ultimate power" transformations that the Super Saiyan is. The name is supposed to be a rabbit pun, and also a glimmer of hope when there are nothing but insanely strong aliens...
  3. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    My sincerest apologies. I was intending to respond later, but Mother Nature kicked my fanny, and I lost power till yesterday, thanks to a larger than average wind storm messing up my area.
  4. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Jobs are great. Congrats on that, @SephirothSage Also, it was my intention to make the Commander something of a punk. A punk with higher than starting stats, but a punk nonetheless. However, considering that AC-3 is basically in his larval stage, something that Cell had passed by on his way...
  5. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    If my two cents are any help, I still think that Merrick would benefit both mechanically, as Thief and Vinom helpfully pointed out, and because Merrick seemed to be empowered by the sins of those around him, so it works thematically, too. Truth be told, I saw that in my initial look-over and...
  6. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    I think it would be prudent, especially considering the skills system was adjusted, so you probably will have more exp to work with.
  7. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Ah, my apologies. Work has been killing me. Add in my computer acting up, and I had one hectic week. My apologies all round. However, I have a gift of sorts. A new version of the game is out! You can find it here.
  8. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Sorry about the late replies. I've been having a bit of writing block once again, and @Thief of Words ' gigantic Solar EFF YOU flare attack. i wasn't expecting how brutally overpowering that move was. Oh well. More to come!
  9. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    I'm sorry, @Thief of Words , did you have an attack roll? I can't seem to find it.
  10. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Hey all. Apologies. I've not forgotten about this; merely my week being absolute bollocks has meant I can only pop in and check things. I'll update tomorrow, though. Also, I've been thinking, and @Thief of Words , if AC-3 eats a Lagosian, will he get bunny ears? The things that keep me up at...
  11. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Oh, sorry. Well, Hopefully you get them now.
  12. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    I'm not really a fan, either, but what can you do? @vinom, I'll need a initiative roll for you for the upcoming brawl tha's brewing.
  13. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    ....Yeah, go ahead. That is odd, though.
  14. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    I'd say it does, but it would make you compelled to eat whatever is left once the battle is over. So, that's up to you.
  15. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Be careful, don't fug with the bug, or you'll end up a rug! Okay, I'll stop now,
  16. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Okay, so, Merrick needs to roll better than a 2 to show up AC3 and set everything on fire. CAN HE DO IT?
  17. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    I say this calls for an initiative roll, gentlemen.
  18. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    It begins.... Also, will AC3 be absorbing Edama, or will you want me to write him out later, @Thief of Words ?
  19. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Oh, yeah, you do have a flame attack, don't you. Well, it would be a thing I could see Merrick doing.
  20. Dietaku

    Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

    Updated! Hopefully I'm not rushing too much, but I think we all want to get to the meat and potatoes of combat.