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  1. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    I am currently having a rather though experience with grad school, forcing me to rethinking huge parts of the possible trajectories of my life. Grad school are tough...I am currently in a bit of a 'quarter life crisis'... so I do absolutely feel you here Parrot! Gosh, please be very proud that...
  2. Dreamtique

    Other Who was your first fictional crush? Compare them to your current one.

    It's midnight now and here we go. I sorta always know my 'type' pretty well if you can call it that? Most memorable young teen-hood fictional crush is the pony Dr. Who. I still very much enjoy sleek STEM guy until today! It's been awhile since I have a fictional crush. But recently came across...
  3. Dreamtique

    Advice/Help How to balance work/rp/life/etc?

    I can relate to how you feel a lot. It sucks a lot to realize for the past few years that I just can't realistically bring myself to participate in any rps anymore. I love and miss doing something fun on here as well :'3. I think it's hard for people with demanding job or academic position to...
  4. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    Thanks, will give you all the hugs as well! <3 I think it's okay to feel disconnected once in awhile...for me I just try to remember that the most important connections of all is connection to self, it's like a tree trunk that connects all (as long as you are always willing to be kind and...
  5. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    Oof, not in the best place for the past few months, feeling a bit disconnected from everything, that's a scary thing to went through, but things are getting better now ': ), I am glad. Stumbled upon the cute panda mindfulness kid show that cheered me up a bit. It felt quite bad to feel...
  6. Dreamtique

    Multiple Settings ꉣꍟꍏꀘ ꎇꀤꉓ꓄ꀤꂦꈤ. ₐₙ ₑₓₜᵣₑₘₑₗy ₛₑₗf ₐwₐᵣₑ ᵣₒₗₑₚₗₐy.

    ngl, I love weird shit like this, keep thinking about this. There are other rps that run with the similar idea. I have seen people doing a 'intermission space' sort of rps, be it a bar out of nowhere; a campfire out of nowhere; interdimensional visits for a coffee talk, e.t.c.. They still get to...
  7. Dreamtique

    Multiple Settings ꉣꍟꍏꀘ ꎇꀤꉓ꓄ꀤꂦꈤ. ₐₙ ₑₓₜᵣₑₘₑₗy ₛₑₗf ₐwₐᵣₑ ᵣₒₗₑₚₗₐy.

    I never seen any rps that entirely hinges on 'fouth-wall break' in the rping sense, I used to think about playing with the 'fourth wall breaking' or 'meta gaming' idea but maybe not as literally as this, but anyway, interesting idea! :captaincat:
  8. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    oooh, electronic music... makes me think of gaming and sci-fi indeed :D 'Sci-fi vibe' in older movies are always so much fun to me, Blade Runner has some great great soundtracks as well! (I love Tears in Rain!)
  9. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    The movie is Robot Dreams, it's hard for me to find a movie that makes me smile like that, I somehow love the lack of dialogue very much, makes you watch everything with heart...It's a really good movie :ghostuvu:
  10. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    these movie love themes are not joking around :specialeyes: , movies always get the best songs...
  11. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    Didn't realize this movie stole a part of my soul until I watched it ... :ghostxx: Anyway...beautiful movie, easily one of the best I enjoyed of all time. Loved everything about it...
  12. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

  13. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    I got some more of those covers :D (same singer/voice actor for lead I think?)
  14. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

  15. Dreamtique

    Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: March 2024

    Yoo!!! @Juju!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 As much as I would love to be hype with lines of purely fire emojis, I want to let you know that your kindness truly did make a difference, :specialeyes: you opened so many doors for me! You always bring the best kind of energy to the table as well that just makes...
  16. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    aww that's a wholesome sentiment to hear... :3 anyway, here's some silly energy
  17. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    Haha! Figured! 😂 It's meant to be cute regardless of the context, don't worry about it! (I just can't help to chuckle inward a lot when I think about the memes! Glad you enjoyed boykisser!🤣 )
  18. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    Oh! That's the boykisser!😂 I dunno there's a boykisser version of it. Cute animation of course!
  19. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph

    irl is in full swing, quite busy and stressed recently, came across the music video as I am mindlessly browsing ': D
  20. Dreamtique

    Music Parrot's Phonograph
