Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    I once had a 1x1 roleplay with someone. It...didn't last long thankfully. So, our characters were in some sort of facility. I think the basic plot was "to deal with their phobias" - aka. "they essentially get knocked TF out and then forced to live in a dream-version of their phobia." ->...
  2. J

    Viewpoint "I don't get it." What's an RP Fandom/Theme/Idea you could never understand?

    RP'ing as real people is...weird. I still shudder when I think of all of these Antisepticeye x Darkiplier roleplays from, when was it, 2013 tumblr or smth? General genres I don't like: Medieval: Idk, never interested me. Also maybe because I think castles are mid at best. Historical...
  3. J

    Advice/Help How do you store and keep track of your OCs?

    I'm storing mine on refsheet.
  4. J

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves easy and the rules are easy to follow. It's really beginner friendly!" Me, has ADHD and has a small attention span: "Okay cool, lemme check." *checks rules* *literally 2 pages full of rules, detailing the fighting mechanics and stat system* If I gotta read a 500 page book just to remotely...
  5. J

    Advice/Help Does Plotting Ahead Kill Your Roleplay?

    For me, no. Most of the time plotting doesn't kill any of my RPs.
  6. J

    Experiences What are some RP ideas you've always wanted to try?

    Adding onto the roadtrip RP: A horse-ranch RP. I've also been in quite a few of these (also a super soft spot for me) but most of them seem to die out rather fast. It's a shame though, one of my first roleplays was a horse-ranch RP where the parents essentially dumped their kids with the horses...
  7. J

    Realistic or Modern Cities Never Sleep: A Large-Scale Sandbox

    Interested if you are still looking.
  8. J

    Experiences What are some RP ideas you've always wanted to try?

    Roadtrip-roleplays. I've actually joined quite a few, but all of them ended rather apruptly. Can't even say why - probably because most don't follow a plotline? It feels like a cursed genre.
  9. J

    LF first DnD Campaign

    @Jodyguru: Hi! I'd be super interested in knowing more about the sea port one <3
  10. J

    Other Is there anyone here who doesn't rp anymore?

    I do RP, but very rarely. Barley any roleplays on here interest me, and if I do find one that I like, it normally dies out super quick or I start to become more complicated - I am definitely not the easiest writing partner, as the slighest change in tone towards me OOC makes me feel super unwelcome.
  11. J

    LF first DnD Campaign

    Well, good to know that the sub button doesn't work. @John Wellington Wells: I'd love to join a campaign with you ^^ @Thanny: Also hello to you. I'd love to play a campaign with you :)
  12. J

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    Okay here. I'll say it as it is. Complex BBcodes are absolute trash. Give me a simple one please, not one where I need to solve a goddamn nuclear bomb code to see all the information related to a roleplay or a character. I once saw a code where I legit thought no info has been written. I only...
  13. J

    LF first DnD Campaign

    Hi. See title. I've wanted to try DnD before, but had some godawful experiences before (including a DM that never told me what was wrong with my sheet. Thanks, but saying it's wrong doesn't help me?) I have read up on DnD previously, but ever since that encounter a year ago, I never read more...
  14. J

    Experiences Dungeons and Dragons, anyone?

    Haha, as much as I love the concept of DnD, I never had the pleasure of being in a good group - you know, those that help beginners out. My first experience was a shitty DM telling me my "sheet was wrong" but never saying what is wrong with it. Well, maybe I'll try to find a new group sometime...
  15. J

    Multiple Settings Jules RP Search

    Oh man, sorry for the semi-late reply @Dozeji. I forgot to sub to my own thread. Also same. Haven't been on rpnation for like 4 years, so my old posts also don't really reflect my English. But sure, I'll DM you in a bit (unless I forget. Welcome to the ADHD life)
  16. J

    Multiple Settings Jules RP Search

    Okay, first off: I absolutely SUCK at formatting, so I won't even bother to use any code. Also some codes are hard on the eyes, unfortunately. Anyway. Uh, hello I guess? My name is Jules, I am 23 years old and have been roleplaying for the past 12 years. I am also from Germany, so English is...
  17. J

    Viewpoint FCs and character appearances

    I personally like both, but I do tend to use FCs. I absolutely SUCK at describing my own characters - always have, always will. When I can, I use a faceclaim of one of my OCs - which all have commissioned art, so art I paid for.
  18. J

    Character Theory Characters are more than just their powers

    Funnily, I switched from most of my OCs having powers to having barely any OCs with powers. From my dozen of OCs, only about 4 or so have abilities. The rest are normal everyday character with their own knacks and ticks. Mostly because I put too much effort into their abilities and made it their...
  19. J

    Viewpoint Roleplaying the same or similar charactersβ€”yes or no?

    Most of the characters I play are OCs I actually own and developed. So, no. I do not like changing my OCs for roleplays. If none fit, I just make a throwaway.