Search results for query: *

  1. Alteras

    Answered Code Question

    As @Sir Les Paul already mentioned, there are common bbcodes that most forums share, and custom stuff with each one. Each forum has different "flavors" of bbcode tailored to their own needs, each one usually maintained and handcrafted by the site owner. For us, our bbcode is very much on the...
  2. Alteras

    Help 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ textbin is sketchy ...

    Uhhh, not sure about textbin, but as far as I'm aware, pretty much all the bbcode workshops here use pastebin, which is quite user friendly. I did a quick search for "textbin" on rpn, but don't see many posts. Pastebin is pretty much the norm across the internet for anonymous code sharing. Feel...
  3. Alteras

    Resource Text Templater — a plain text template to form field generator

    Text Templater a plain text template to form field generator As a small side project, I decided to create the Text Templater, a website designed to take plain text with special syntax and generate a form for users to be able to fill out. The idea is that BBCoders will create a template text...
  4. Alteras

    Help Tabs messing up due to too much text?

    here's the fixed code JC Female/16 -Gym Challenger- -Pokemon- Nickname: N/A Species: Squirtle Gender: Male Held item: N/A Ability: Rain Dish Moves: - Water Gun - Withdraw - Tail Whip - Tackle Extra: Starter Nickname: N/A Species...
  5. Alteras

    Help Tabs messing up due to too much text?

    You just had some extraneous tags at the end of the code. The preview looked fine on my end If there are issues with your players posting inaccessible CS, always feel free to ask them to repost it in plain text. As a GM its well within your authority to do so.
  6. Alteras

    Help Tabs messing up due to too much text?

    That looked like it worked?
  7. Alteras

    Help Tabs messing up due to too much text?

    let's try this out... JC Female/16 -Gym Challenger- -Pokemon- Nickname: N/A Species: Squirtle Gender: Male Held item: N/A Ability: Rain Dish Moves: - Water Gun - Withdraw - Tail Whip - Tackle Extra: Starter Nickname: N/A Species...
  8. Alteras

    Help Tabs messing up due to too much text?

    Feel free to post the raw text here and we can debug it.
  9. Alteras

    Help Tabs messing up due to too much text?

    Doesn't sound like character limit issue. Usually that means a bbcode tag forgot to be closed somewhere. I would recommend scanning through carefully to make sure your bbcode tags aren't opening and closing in the wrong order. You should probably break your character sheets into separate posts...
  10. Alteras

    You might have to join the discord server first in order to associate it.

    You might have to join the discord server first in order to associate it.
  11. Alteras

    Closed Help to understand vertical-align

    vertical-align is for aligning things in the same line as normal text, stuff like inline icons. To get the text center, you'd probably have to add display: flex; flex-flow: column; justify-content: center.
  12. Alteras

    Closed Is there a way to break a border and insert a symbol or image? [Solved!]

    The common method is to get a box and put a div inside and slide it up to the border. something like: fa-solid fa-scissors fa-2x fa-solid fa-scissors fa-2x
  13. Alteras

    Too much good games, light novels, and anime.

    Too much good games, light novels, and anime.
  14. Alteras

    Help help with a code

    You can use margin-left: auto to push a div to the right. You can also use border-radius: Xpx or some fixed length to get rounded borders
  15. Alteras

    Help Need custom made codes for a RP!

    General recommendation: Avoid clumping multiple CS's into the same post. It makes it difficult to navigate and share the individual characters, and if you want to edit it, can be difficult to find the right section to change. It's also easy to mess up the code somewhere and inadvertently mess...
  16. Alteras

    we gotta find a thread...

    we gotta find a thread...
  17. Alteras

    Help wanting to code w/ variables!

    Here's an old tutorial i made on CSS variables. Resource - CSS Variables and Calc() You can also search online for CSS variables. MDN has a great guide on it. Using CSS custom properties (variables) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
  18. Alteras

