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  • So I didn't make it into Jazz Band and I'm sobbing on the inside because alto sax is what I'm actually fucking good at
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    You can still hang with em
    Yeah but like now I won't get all the inside jokes, I won't get to play some fun music, and I just
    I'm just pissed
    I want to cry and scream at my band teacher and go curl up somewhere and wait for this sinking-hole feeling to go away
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I know it sucks I really do, but it's best to get over this quickly and move on. Things happen and you can't change em, so don't waste your time and energy mourning Genorksan, perk your head up and stay strong, you tried, and that's all that matters.
    I didn't completely suck at my Jazz Band audition :D But my Calc quiz is another story...damn quadratic formula... >:T
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    lol I think I did fine on most of it...there was just two questions I failed to do because of quadratic formula...
    *gets thrown into trying out for choir solo and fails fantastically* Alright if you were hoping for the miracle of Lean on Me...
    Our entire Physics class just collaborated on one of these static friction problems. This is what happens when our teacher's not here.
    My French teacher hasn't been here all week... I'm really concerned but also pissed because we have a test today
    Casually brings up the fact that she was expelled from a preschool during a discussion about the school-to-prison pipeline...
    Was gonna reply to something and then realized the post including interaction with my character was the wait begins anew
    High Moon
    High Moon
    Group roleplays do have their downsides.
    I feel like when I'm actually 18 I'll come across a thread that says "please be at least 18" and I'll forget I actually fit into that
    This story for Creative Writing is turning into a nightmare with so many flaws I don't remember why I wanted to write it in the first place.
    Exactly how I feel about the late english project I have due. I have two pages....and that's not enough to write a full horror short story.
    I heard this morning that there be a Christmas tree shortage... It's such an amusing thought
    Well the only ones that are actually big enough to sell number so few that it's gonna be a disaster....thank God my family has a fake tree
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    We've also got a fake tree, a shame conifers can't be planeted through vegetative propagation, it would really save them.
    We have a fraiser fur in our front yard and we just chop it down every third or fourth year,it kinda comes back on its own for some reason.
    Yes, take time out of your day just to write three sentences about throwing a peanut at my character. You definitely don't hate me.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    “The time had come, revenge was nigh and she was not about to let such an opportune moment to pass her by... she deftly picked up a small peanut and flicked it with such finesse that it was almost impossible for her target to tell what direction it had come from as it hit them square on the side of the head...”
    Okay actually this podcast is kinda interesting. Why was I so angry about having to listen to it? XD
    When you like a post but you meant to like the one above it and you just feel like such a jerk >O<
    I finally used Avril Lavigne for an FC for someone else... The OC I originally used her for is kinda mad XD
    I could listen to this podcast. Or I could actually care that I'm getting inducted into the Tri-M Music Honors Society tonight.
    So I was just called a bitch by someone on here because I was uncomfortable being randomly approached T_T
    High Moon
    High Moon
    Absolutely right, getting to know someone is a gradual process. Fortunately I'm rather inactive So no one seeks me :) .
    Aw but we had such fun on Lenny's profile once upon a meme XD
    High Moon
    High Moon
    Lenny, my fellow heretic... Now those were the days.
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