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    Demon: You fool!  You think you're a champion?  You're a sacrificial lamb!  Now prepare to meet your maker!

    Jester (trying not to laugh): Piff-piff- BAWHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Demon (angry, but quietly and tries to be menacing): And what, may I ask, is so funny?

    *Points at his level over his head, then points at own party.  Each member's is multifold his, Jester's included*

    Demon: Oh sh- *Party proceeds to stomp out demon, liberates slave camp*
    Fantasy Characters in RPG during battle: By the power of Ethrosi, begone!  Creature of darkness!

    Me playing fantasy RPG during battle: EVERYONE!  BEAT THE **** OUT OF THAT GUY!  GO!
    Tabletop gamer here. I relate to this so much.

    <Players>: Let's f*ck this jerk's shit up!

    <GM>: Alrighty. Anything to say in character before the bloody deed?

    <Players>: Umm... by (insert god name), we'll f*ck your shit up!!!

    <GM>: (chuckles meekly while facepalming)
    Haha, right? XD  Pretty much instead of the Moria scene from LotR, whenever I fight I'm think more of this scen, but instead of rollerskating Punks it's orks and blobs and goblins and demons:

    (Yes, I get that we have swords, axes, magical missiles and arrows and stuff, but I like to think that really it's just our party stomping the crap out of our enemies at the end of each fight XD)
    Funny how age can change someone's perspective:

    Younger Jester: Man that's a sexy looking car.  I want it.

    Current Jester: That car gets how many MPG?  30 in the city?!  Now that's a sexy car right there.
    Too true!
    Even in a younger age, I always wanted futuristic stuff with all the bells and whistles.  My tastes only changed as technology did.  Next thing I know...I want my cars self-driving and nuclear powered.  All the cool objects of the past has gone the way of the dinosaur.
    Just a friendly reminder that there ain't no party like a communist party.

    Good morning everyone ^_^  
    *Waves* Hello :)  

    Had a weird dream (though what dreams of mine aren't weird?).  Was in this card tournament thing, but less magic the gathering and more Yugioh (with life and death stakes or something high).  Was convinced that my team should play the opposing finalists from another country (or rivals or something) but they ended up pulling us and putting us in the production crew for the televised stuff and stuff.  Woke up before I had to host the show for like a 2 hours bloc, so that was nice (introvert here being asked/volunteered to host a national tv show out of the blue is not as fun as it sounds XD).

    Hbu? :)  
    Tear-Stained Ice Sage
    Tear-Stained Ice Sage
    Production crew? How dare they change you up like that?! LET ME HAVE A WORD WITH THEM

    I had a weird dream too. I was playing KH2-Final Mix last night, and kept dying to Jafar from Aladdin, who was throwing large pillars of stone at me. Eventually I just threw my controller onto my couch, said F this, and laid in bed. So my dream was wacked, and I ended up being Jafar and throwing said pillars at the townsfolk, but it changed to me being in Winnie the Pooh, and helping the damn bear look for honey. 

    I need to to stop playing video games.
    Lol, it's all good.  I'm Jester in the waking world and that's what we do, we jest and entertain. ^_^  *juggles*

    That actually sounds pretty empathetic of a dream.  Not sure how you ended up having to help Pooh look for honey (hope that he would at least share with you XD).  Nah video games are great.  Some of the best stories I've ever experienced came from the medium ^_^  
    "Thoughts of an abortion taught the sanctity of life;

    a divorced man and woman taught me how to love my wife.

    A poor man sat me down and taught me about dignity;

    a blind man's vision taught me all about imagery.

    It'll leave you broke, that's why it's called the record industry;

    I forgot who I am, trying to get them to remember me." -Sho Baraka.
    "A single spore can wipe out an entire species.  Were it not for the Arbitor's counsel, I would've glassed your entire planet."
    Sports commentators: Yeah that's the last thing you wanna be thinking about, coming off of an injury.  Gotta keep your head on straight, and try not to let that thought distract you.

    *Spends the rest of the game/match talking about the athlete's previous injury*
    For once, I wish I could play a 4x/RTS game where I was the parasitic/infesting species against everyone else. :|
    Those "movie" cutscenes were awesome
    Love the way they told the story.  Everything from live action to the decision junctions to the narrative objects.  Must've taken forever to make everything.  Worked too, felt like I was playing a netflix series XD 
    I know right xD

    Time's fun to screw with =D
    Thank you youtube comments section for explaining to me the joke behind the name behind the sequel for "the Stick of Truth."  Now, I can't hear it any other way.

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