Edric Blight

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  • Joe is on a vacation far away

    You called him up to talk it over

    So many things that you want to say

    Leave your message when the beep is over

    I don't want to miss your call tonight

    I already missed your call tonight
    Family Guy Toilet GIF
    Hi RP partners. Thought I’d get on and dignify you all with a reason for my sporadic activity.

    Unfortunately I’ve fallen seriously ill with COVID 19. It might also even be the flu on top of that but I don’t know for sure as of now.

    I’d message you all each individually but that would be too tedious and I’m in too weakened of a state to go and do that right now.

    I’m feeling a whole lot worse unfortunately and it’s looking like it’s getting really serious and severe. It even is hard to type this all out on my phone right now.

    I know many of you will not see this and some will. Apologies. I’m not ghosting anyone.

    I might still be able to reply to some RPs but the longer ones I simply cannot put in the effort right now to respond to in my weak and sickened state.

    That being said, it is super serious so I honestly don’t know when I’ll come back to regular activity. Sorry about the inconvenience.

    Hopefully my next message will be an update of good news.

    But if you don’t hear from me know it’s not intentional. I just can’t respond to a lot of my RPs because of how seriously sick I am right now.

    Wishing y’all the best,
    Edric Blight
    Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. COVID is nasty.
    Celestial Water
    Celestial Water
    It also helps to @insertusernamehere to draw their attention to this. But get well soon!
    Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu BING CHILLING wǒ hěn xǐhuān BING CHILLING dànshì sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 bǐ BING CHILLING
    Hope you're feeling any bit better, friend. If you need someone to suffer with, feel free to throw me a DM. Suffering with a cold and OCD, ugh.
    Edric Blight
    Edric Blight
    Thank you. It’s been getting worse sadly. Appreciate it tho.

    I’d probably take you up on the offer but it’s even hard to type this on my phone.

    I’ve fallen seriously ill and feel very weak.

    Hope you get better.
    You want ice cream?
    Turns out I have COVID. Apologies to my partners for the suddenness of this announcement but I probably won’t be able to respond a whole ton. I feel really sick.
    And the Islanders give me an early Christmas present.

    Makes up for my only Christmas present I’m supposed to be getting which still hasn’t shipped yet….
    Gonna continue to be a bit busy over the holidays, to all my partners. Apologies if responsiveness is questionable.
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