
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
To me knowing what your character likes or doesn't like has no effect on how I'm gonna post, back story is in the past and it should stay there, personalities? I'd rather learn about the personality through the rp instead of ahead of time, makes it more authentic that way.
*whispers* That's the problem in group role play for me. Usually people are interested in the making of the characters rather than progressing the story. That is why it can become extensive.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
And then don't get me started on bbcode, it slows my phone like no tomorrow when it tries to load that crap, and then Excessive pictures and gifs are also a problem, there doesn't have to be that many pictures and gifs, one is enough to give me an idea of your character
But I need to explain how my red rubber ball became immortal!
Wait what
I personally like having some of that stuff in character sheets. Likes and dislikes I can do without, but personality and background at least ensures that there is a diverse cast of characters and that no one is going to pull the 'I killed my whole family when I was three and since then whenever I see the color red I go on a murder spree' type of stuff.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Hmm I see your point Though it depends on the type of rp and my rules normally state no cliches and certain character types