
Axel The Englishman
Axel The Englishman
I feel like contributing to this but I lack the ability to convey effort.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Ah, but that is not the same thing. If you own a computer store, then you have computer parts. If you own a computer store and say to a person who desperately wants a computer part that "computer parts aren't important", when you have them in abundance and they don't, then that's, uh . . .
The Chronicler
The Chronicler
So your taking the opinion of several people, in this case "many" and then putting them in a bin with the rest, essentially generalizing the whole color population on just a 'many' people.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
I thought it was pretty clear that I'm talking about the POCs who want diversity in their media. If it wasn't, then for clarification, that's who I am referring to.
The Chronicler
The Chronicler
GOOGLE! Yes, google! The organization that fired a man for making a memo on how to be diverse. OH NOES.

Also name a media that is 'controlled' by [white][cis][male] peeps?
The Chronicler
The Chronicler
Soooo Disney, Sony, Pixar, I can only list off the cartoon and animated movies because that's all I watch. Sue me.

But last I remember, Disney is pretty far Left, Sony is iffy, and Pixar is essentially apart of Disney so pretty left. If your basing all of this off of what I said about Lesbians, then sue me, again.
Axel The Englishman
Axel The Englishman
Ain't that 'cause the film industry is dominated by western filmmakers? Because North America and Europe and some of the wealthiest continents? And thus can reach out more than their African and Asian counterparts?
You're getting so defensive, all I did was answer your question. I'm talking about film in general, not animated films. That's like choosing bigoted rednecks to represent the entire state of Texas.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
I'd compile a list of media outlets, film studios, etc, but honestly? That would take a substantial amount of my time and I think there's a character limit on comments. The information is available to you if you're intent on seeing it. I'd waste less time citing the media that isn't run by that demographic.
The Chronicler
The Chronicler
General Films? Oh god, what have I done? Fucking animated films, are films, movies are the same.

Also, men have to put a sharp object against their neck to stop having you people call us rednecks and neckbeards. The sharp object can kill us too, so thanks for that.
-a wild moderator has appeared- As much as this was being fairly calm, it is moving towards getting heated. Having opinions is fine, but please try and be respectful.
The Chronicler
The Chronicler
Where would I find that type of information?
The Chronicler The Chronicler I didn't say men, I said bigoted rednecks. A very loud minority which rarely cause any actual problems and just end up being insulting.
The Chronicler
The Chronicler
Damn, moderator appeared, attacks are very effective, can't withstand anymore of it, I gotta get back to my shit and revive.

Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
The Chronicler The Chronicler I generally get mine from books and the internet, personally, so try a library, a search engine, or both.
The Chronicler
The Chronicler
Did someone say Engine! That's what my rocket ship is being moved by! I'll see ya l8 nurd

The Chronicler The Chronicler you used the word "nurd" in a a derogatory manner, and you have deeply offended my species. The alliance between nerds and shitposters is hereby abandoned..
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey