
Devious Dilbert
Devious Dilbert
True meaning of roleplaying?
The reason Roleplaying became something that people did is because it's enjoyable. When you get right down to it, you're supposed to RP to have fun. If that's not happening anymore... There isn't much of a point in it, is there?
Yeah, you could say that about a lot of things, happened to me with vidoegames. They were supposed to be fun but I turned them into a "job." Now I don't play. Not doing with roleplay though.
Devious Dilbert
Devious Dilbert
Maybe people have just grown out of the hobby or don't find it exciting anymore... Not necessarily forgetting that it's supposed to be fun. I don't really think there's a "true meaning of roleplaying" I think it's pretty subjective.
Devious Dilbert Devious Dilbert
I'm not talking about most people, though. I never said I was. I'm talking about the people who keep trying desperately to RP, but never realize they're not having fun anymore, and just become unhappy without ever knowing why.
Daisie Daisie It´s not that people can´t enjoy RPs though. A lot of people I talk to, especially people who have stances like your own, look at forum roleplaying like it´s a game or a movie. They feel like they should be having fun right away, and when they are not, they feel cheated, and think that if they keep looking they will find a "true roleplay" or something
But that is just not how writing works. I´m not talking writing books here, I´m talking any form of writing. You can´t enjoy writing unless you have a prior investment in it, and sometimes getting invested takes time and hard work.
Again, that is a good observation. But as I said before, I'm not talking about people like that. I'm talking about people who KEEP trying and trying to write when they're never achieving that happiness they crave, and they don't know why, because they look at it as a task and not a hobby that you can have fun with.
I can see your point Daisie, even if the words you´re using aren´t the ones I´d use, since I believe you can look at it as a task and a hobby. After all, if you´re doing something for a hobby you love, wouldn´t you try to always give it your best? Put in effort even if it´s difficult sometimes? Fishing isn´t fun in all parts, but the parts that are fun only exist because of the ones that aren´t.
The large majority of roleplayers use it as a way to escape reality, ease stress, and simply express creativity. But then you have those that take roleplaying seriously as if it were a job than a hobby. Both opinions are valid, but I just feel a bit sorry for those of the latter group. I believe its suppose to be something for people to enjoy, not slave over for perfection within one's writing.
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 and who says you can´t enjoy quality in your writing? Just because it´s a hobby do you have to be a slacker about it?