
Axel The Englishman
Axel The Englishman
Hue hue hue, you'll never get a dolla outta me,
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
That's not what I meant anyways, I don't want other people's money.
Axel The Englishman
Axel The Englishman
I wasn't talking about you getting money from me (not like I'd give away anyway. That's reserved for the Royal Legion).
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Well, that's fine too, everyone needs to decide for themselves what to do with their money.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
What shark thangie
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
If you support on patreon, you get a shark badge thingie according to the amount you donated.
Axel The Englishman
Axel The Englishman
Everyone needs the thangie.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Damnit my inner marine biologist wants me to do it
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
I am gonna do at least 5 dollar, but if I have enough moneys, I'll do 50$, Cuz custom badges are awesome.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
$50?! Damn
Axel The Englishman
Axel The Englishman
50 dolla, she says!
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
Well, if I'm able to. Dunno. I'll see. Rpn is the second biggest part of my life so yeah, it wouldn't be wasted.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
What about food, bills, stuff