Stray Cat

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  • I must apologise once again, I had a bad flare up health-wise, and therefore the rate in which I reply to everyone has been affected. I'll do my best to reach each of you by the end of this week. I ask that you be patient with me. Thank you.
    I just wished to log in and say I haven't forgotten about my obligations here. I simply haven't been well for a lengthy amount of time. I've been bed bound for the last few days. I will try to log on tomorrow and get to work on what I owe. Thank you to everyone for being patient with me.
    Okay you'be got me interested in rping with you. Finally, a fellow Oncer/Pokemon/KH fan :D This is AWESOME!!!!!
    Stray Cat
    Stray Cat
    Aw, why thank you. <3
    Of course! And I've seen all the way to season 7 of OUAT. Just finished KH Dream Drop Distance as well, and finally got my hands on a copy of Pokemon Moon.
    What I wouldn't give for a few more requests, I have a lot I would be willing to write for.
    School is a menace. I'll be answering OOC messages between today and tomorrow. Replies will be worked on hopefully this weekend.
    Just posting my username for Discord once more ( Stray Cat #6885 ). If anyone wishes to continue discussing our roleplay or engage in any other chit-chat, this is where you can find me. 
    If anyone has Discord and would like to talk during the time the site is down, fill free to add me. My username is the same as here (Stray Cat) and my profile picture is the same as well. I plan to use the downtime to catch up on what I owe. c :
    I'm still not feeling one-hundred percent, but I've made it my mission to try and catch up with things here over the weekend. My, have my notifications blown up. o:
    So, an update that I'm sure no one wants to hear but: I'm unwell, I'm unsure how long this will last. Which means, unfortunately, my getting back to everyone will be stalled. This includes the two replies I owe, the starter I owe and any discussions messages. I'm sorry everyone. 
    oh no!! I hope you feel better soon - it just seems to be that time of year, unfortunately :c
    Stray Cat
    Stray Cat
    Aw, thank you. Although, I must agree, everyone is getting sick as of lately. o:
    So, there is a good chance that I might not be online later today (Saturday). If I am , I will only be able to answer Private Messages pertaining to planning or requests. In regards to the one starter and two replies I owe, I'll try to have them out by the end of Sunday but I'm unsure if I can make that deadline. Just a head's up.
    I don't know what will be the end of me first. This writer's block, or the actual starter? Regardless, it will be written. Preferably tonight. 
    THIS will be the end of you

    Good luck!
    Looks like it might be another late night.
    Stray Cat
    Stray Cat
    Oh, no. I'm actually unable to sleep, despite being tired. Sometimes, in cases like this I end up having to stay up to tire myself out.
    Oh man, that sucks! I hope you fall asleep soon!
    I hate that feeling when you're down, so you try to distract yourself, but you're hindered by those feelings.
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