
depends on why the person ran away, on whether they informed the other that it was an RP idea and on whether they asked the other person to do anything with it. Why?
Just got bored and had this idea of dumping an idea to someone else. Guess I shouldn't.
you could post it here if you´d like. I would rather you didn´t PM it to me, but if you don´t mind putting it here, I´d gladly read it and even give you feedback if you want it.
Welcome to the world of Randomness, where explosions are casual and the fourth wall is often broken. It is a world of chaos to some, and just some fun to other. Many races occupy this mysterious world, with most living in harmony. However, nobody ever thought of writing a list of how many races lived in the world of Randomness, so you can just guess.
Currently the world of Randomness has five known continents: Explodinent, Magicalnent, Fourthinent, Animenent, and Randominent.
Seriously, who named these places?
Explodinent is a contient of explosion, where a special type of mineral called Reactum is mined. Anything mixed with enough Reactum is ready to blow up. However, this also works for pure Reactum, making sure explosions happen about the time you get bored. People from this place are mostly highly resistant to explosions, for some unknown reason, and are given gifts of easily using Reactum. Yes, we give you gifts based on where you are born.
Magicalnent is a contient of magic. Magicians are everywhere. People here utilize magic in almost everything, even toilets. They enjoy wearing robes and long hats around this continent, so this is the place for it. All races from Magicalnent can use magic, but most aren't strong enough to terrify all five contients.
Fourthinent is responsible to more than 80% of the fourth wall breaks in this world. People born in this place can easily break the fourth wall, though breaking it too much will make them ill and die after four days. Yes, too much fourth wall breaks are bad.
Randominent is a continent of randomness. When it rains in this place, it rains random stuffed animals, hand-made and good for selling. This contient became rich due to their stuffed animal rain. This isn't all. They invented sandwiches in this world. SANDWICHES.
*ahem* Now, let's get back to the topic. People born in Randominent get a random gift from another continent.
The moderator of the world of Randomness, who was bored to death,decided to invite characters from other world, give them random missions, and send them home with a pat on the back and a 'you did well' badge and 'you're all winners' trophy for each of them.


Basically a fandom rp with random ideas.