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Fandom My Hero Academia (Planning)

Name: Ember Homura
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ember has pale skin and long dark blue hair with black ends that resemble flames that she puts up in a high ponytail, she also wears a spiked headband in her hair. she has blue eyes and she's a relatively tall young woman with a curvy figure.
Whenever Ember isn't wearing her school uniform she tends to wear a pink shirt and black mini-shirt and a pair of sneakers.
During the winter she wears a long sleeved black shirt and blue jeans along with a pair of boots. She'll occasionally changed different shirts such as blue, purple or pink.
Personality: Ember is a shy and kind girl, whenver she meets a friend becomes outgoing, Ember may look intimidating but she's actually a sweet person, she loves learning more about what she can do with her powers and expanding her powers.
Quirk: Fire Portal
Description: Ember can create portals through her flames, even going as far to prevent them from being opened by her teleportation scissor blade and other portal users.
Strengths: Ember is a skilled combatant, She has great control of her fire portals,
Weaknesses: Ember has a hard time controlling her portals such as keeping them open for a short period of time, she'll end up someplace else by mistake, opening portals more than three times exhausts her, seeing her brother in danger,

Name: Yukio Homura
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Yukio has pale skin and is fairly tall and slender teenager with dark blue short messy hair that's mildly unkempt spiky with black ends that resemble flames he usually has his hair similar to his sister's.
When he's not wearing the school uniform he's often wears black-shirts and pair of jeans along with some sneakers, he'll change to a dark blue shirt or a dark green shirt with black jeans. During the winter he'll wear long-sleeved dark purple shirts, green or blue shirts and black jeans or possibly blue jeans depending on his mood.
Personality: Yukio is kind and sweet similar to his sister Ember but is almost very charming with a somewhat sadistic personality , he's pretty fond of sarcasm. He also enjoys pulling pranks on some of the students especially his sister who's used to his pranks and often gets pranked by his sister in return.
Whenever Yukio finds someone that he admires or crushes on tends to hide it most of the time with teasing and rudeness, Yukio is a good-natured guy, he tends to be the type of person who enjoys keeping important information to himself, just to see how others react. Especially when the other students realized in the past that Ember and Yukio we're twins they often switched places with each other very often the only way anyone could tell them apart was their personalities Ember is a kind and shy girl while Yukio on the other hand is a sadistic guy that enjoys playing pranks.
Quirk: Pyrokinesis/Heat generation
Description: Yukio can generate and control fire; it usually manifests as a small flames above his head in the shape of horns. He can also channel heat through his hands, hot enough for him to leave a burn mark.

Strength: Yukio has complete control over his flames unlike his sister, he's also quite skilled when it comes to combat,
Weaknesses: He tends to underestimate his opponents, he's not as fast as his sister
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Name: Alan Crimson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Quirk: Distance Manipulation
Description: Alan is able to manipulate how far objects are from each other and himself, regardless of the other objects around him.

(Alan can make two objects touch each other from different sides of the room, without having to move them. Alan can apply distance to the surrounding structures, such as making a hallway never-ending or reducing a gigantic room into a cramped space. Alan can sense far away targets as if they were right in front of him, or he can extend the distance to prevent them from sensing. Alan can apply distance to himself and use them during combat such as throwing a punch from meters apart, etc.)


  • cold-hearted
  • ill-mannered
  • hotheaded
  • demanding
  • boxing
  • power
  • violence
  • fear
  • aggressive
  • ignorance
  • cooperation
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