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Dice Eye of the Maelstrom [Apocalypse World 2E] (OOC)

Faceless are so fun. They leave a wake of bodies. Keep on their good side.
I definitely got some plans on how to make that a reality once I hit the first level up. Gunlugger's NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH move looks real tasty.
Also, I saw someone suggesting Canada as a starting location. Sign me up for creepy mutated forests and desperate holdouts in reinforced bungalows.
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WlfSamurai WlfSamurai on my CS there are mentions of some NPCs for regulars and whatnot. Is there a list of these guys somewhere or is it kind of like, just faceless names to be fleshed out. Also, who do I include in the cast and crew?
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai on my CS there are mentions of some NPCs for regulars and whatnot. Is there a list of these guys somewhere or is it kind of like, just faceless names to be fleshed out. Also, who do I include in the cast and crew?
I'd like to flesh that out when we start establishing our world.
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Okay, yeah. Yeah get oddments worth 6-barter, which we have to set what our barter equals yet. 1-barter is like a month of poor living. Then you start with weapons or gear. I’ll get you the list.

Okay, yeah. Yeah get oddments worth 6-barter, which we have to set what our barter equals yet. 1-barter is like a month of poor living. Then you start with weapons or gear. I’ll get you the list.

View attachment 485799

is their any way i could have my guy have a custom gun. I could make it worth the barter that I could use. as for anything else that would be it other that a few weeks of food and stuff stored somewhere in his workspace. That could add up to the 6 barter if would MC would let me. don't want prosthetic or vehicle.
Oof, do we have 2 Faceless?
No. I was concerned as well. But, Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. I THINK made a character for a different game system, it looks like. I'm happy to work with him on a Apocalypse World character.

is their any way i could have my guy have a custom gun. I could make it worth the barter that I could use. as for anything else that would be it other that a few weeks of food and stuff stored somewhere in his workspace. That could add up to the 6 barter if would MC would let me. don't want prosthetic or vehicle.
I think that could fall under "any personal piece" depending on what you had in mind. What were you thinking of?
four barrel sawed off semiautomatic shotgun. close/very messy 4 harm. the difference is that it is silver with gold engravings.1537928935899.png

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