• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Just Another CS

~Character Sign Up Sheet~

Real Life Character-
Placeholder Image.png
(Image can be realistic or anime)​
Height: (Optional)
Weight: (Optional)
Physique: (Optional)
What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?:
Backstory: (Optional)

In Game Character-
In Game Name
Placeholder Image.png
(Image should represent your chosen class; preferably anime)​
Race: (Human, Elf, Orc, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Furraine*, TBA)
Class: (This will update when we obtain advanced classes)
Playstyle: (Do you pull more camps than you should? Perhaps you prefer to play solo? Are you learning MMOs in general?)

*Furraine are a custom made race by me. Simply put they are part animal people*
*Races will also have racial traits, which will be found in the lore*
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  • Kai Evans
    Kai Evans.jpg
    Basic Information

    Name: Kai Evans
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 137 lbs.
    Physique: Straight body type. Fairly scrawny and pale, believed to be malnourished due to thin frame and extremely pale skin.

    Kai is a calm individual who often processes things in silence and refrains from acting before he's made his mind. He's hardworking when it comes to his various games, seeing as he's on leader boards of all kinds, and he's humble about it, never mentioning it in public. His interactions with people is often casual and quiet. However, he can be blunt and cold, often hurting people's feelings.

    'Fun' Facts

    Extremely critical of other players
    RP Related Info

    What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?: Aiming for the top of the leader boards again.
    Play style: Reactive

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    0a7b05c34f6ae053d9f89aa2afd2e8ef.png Age: 25
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 183
    Physique: Slim yet athletic
    What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?:
    Become one of the best Mage-class characters in the game, as well as help others along the way if he can
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Real Life Character
Klaus Shaw

Age: 23
Height: 5.84'
Enthusiastic but mild and friendly, however prone to occasional outbursts of frustration.
What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?: Fun, new sights and challenges to master.
A whole world is there and he wants to experience it,however more than he wants to admit there is an ambition in him for perfecting his character, to face his self imposed tasks and make something great from it.
In Game Character-
CalStor (calm&storm)

Playstyle: when you hit make it count, quality over quantity is his attack philosophy and he likes the challenge of finishing enemies in as few hits as possible (however loves the thought of magic to much to play an assasin) He sometimes tries to role play in his immer monolog but is cursed to be interrupted
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Real Life Character
Name: James
Age: 16
Height: 5'9
Weight: 165
Personality: James is a rather quiet guy until warming up to a person. Once he warms up to a person they can see his true colors. He is very protective of his friends. If there was a life or death situation he would protect his friends lives before his own.
What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?: He doesn't want to accomplish much. The MMO is more of a hobby.

(On Mobile ATM so will post characters on different posts)
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Real Life Character
Name: James
Age: 16
Height: 5'9
Weight: 165
Personality: James is a rather quiet guy until warming up to a person. Once he warms up to a person they can see his true colors. He is very protective of his friends. If there was a life or death situation he would protect his friends lives before his own.
What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?: He doesn't want to accomplish much. The MMO is more of a hobby.

(On Mobile ATM so will post characters on different posts)
IMG_0346.jpg IMG_0348.jpg IMG_0347.jpg
In-Game Character
Name: Geo
Race: Orc
Play style: He typically enjoys doing quests solo unless he requires a full team to complete a quest. He's a mix of a Tank and DPS. He tries to output as much damage as possible while tanking damage at the same time.
~Ani Kokh~

Real Life Character-
Age: 20
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Physique: Rather athletic
Personality: Totally average young girl with a tendency toward being hot headed and active. Sometimes snaps quickly.
What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?: She is just having fun.
Backstory: (coming soon)

In Game Character-
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Tracker
Playstyle: Prefers teamwork but if left alone plays solo and picks on small fry.
Alena Takenaka
Age: 18
Height: 5 foot 3 inches
Weight: ~120lb /(>.<)/
Physique: Normal...
Personality: Well, she's pretty quiet IRL, always smiling, always going with the flow, but she holds most of the annoyance inside until she sits in front of a computer. Alena doesn't rage, but instead lets her anger out (if you somehow managed to piss her off that much) by throwing tons of shade and attacking you.
What do you seek to accomplish in this MMO?: She's here for fun and maybe to blow off a bit of steam. Her ultimate goal is to achieve a perfected combo.
Backstory: She always maintained the image of the model schoolgirl from middle school up till now. The whole time, she kept her anger and emotions to herself. After school, she would go to the arcade to let out her steam in fighting games. It eventually reached a point where she was no longer so concerned about letting herself vent, but instead achieving perfection through combos. That translated over to MMOs when she picked them up after no one wanted to challenge her at the arcades for fear of getting their butts kicked by a quiet girl. This new MMO she is picking will be her 3rd, after the first two shut down due to lack of a fan base. She did manage to get quite far in them though.
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Saber
Playstyle: Usually plays solo, but because of her in-game appearance and quiet nature, she gets invited to parties. She likes to just deal with enemies with skilled combos, neither too passive nor too blunt, but some times a bit too overkill just to get that perfect completion.

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