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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Growing Pains
Post-Outbreak || July 15th, 2022
East District
Jackson, Kanna
The doors slowly parted. Beyond them unfolded a long corridor, the walls lined with tapestries of silk, their colors still vivid against the soft glow of lantern light.

The floor was polished to a mirror-like sheen, reflecting the patterns of overhead lattice work. Flanking the hall on either side stood servants in traditional garb. Men and women in long, flowing robes and intricately embroidered gowns hurried to and fro, attending to various business around the Dragon compound.

"Ah! There you are." A voice cut through the splendor, belonging to a young, studious looking man in attendant garb, fiddling with the tassles of his tunic. "Thank you for coming. Right this way." Without delay, he turned on his heels and started off back into the compound. His steps were measured, his pace brisk. Each footfall echoed softly against the polished floor.

As they walked, the young man (whose name they learned was Li) described again what those in attendance already knew. He spoke about the mysterious Child and how he'd been taken into their care after he had been rescued from the clutches of mysterious persons by a small group of Azure Dragons. He told them about July 12th—a date most well known as the day that Lower Central was besieged by crazed Chimerics. On that day, Xuefeng, for reasons unknown, slipped his escort and escaped into Central District. How, upon his return, he'd been effectively grounded... And how well that had been going.

Li took a sharp turn, the narrow corridor giving way to a wide hall. The group passed by a room which would have been particularly stunning, if not for the fact that its walls, roof, and floor had been seemingly scorched, lacerated, and crumpled to the point of near disintegration. Li imperceptibly slowed his gaite, allowing those in his retinue time to gawk, if they wished.

"Master Yun had thought that it might be wise if we pursued... Alternative arrangements." In another life, Li would've made for a passable politician.

They passed the rest of the way in relative silence, navigating through a series of ornate halls and pristine, tranquil gardens, before coming upon a mostly deserted wing of the palace. A solitary guard stood watch outside of a large door adorned with the sigil of a Dragon. With a sniff, he unlocked and opened the way for them, leading them into a small antechamber—what appeared to be a former guest suite, once used to host foreign diplomats and other VIPs.

Xuefeng sat on the staircase, halfway to the second level. His tail twitched in agitation, his ears pinned low and back against his scalp. He glared daggers at Li, who visibly gulped.

"A-Ah! R-r-right, then! W-we s-shall leave you to it. Bye!" The door slammed shut, Li and the palace guard squarely on the opposite side of it. There was the sound of a lock clicking into place.

"Whadda you want?" The Child asked roughly. His Amestrian had improved.

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Lessons in Power
Abandoned Auto Plant, Outskirts of New Oasis
Alice, Ryutaro
Alice frowned, digging up her memories for the umpteenth time in her life. What else would their conversation be about? The days of tea and biscuits were over, replaced with shoddy meeting grounds and dilapidated ambience. This was what she wanted, after all: a dive into reality. And at the very least, Ryutaro accommodated for exactly this topic. A well enough comfort for her.

"My mother has been dead for over 10 years. All that time, I let myself be spoiled by people who I considered family—people who lied to my face every time I asked about my mother. Not one of them had a shred of decency to tell the truth." Faces flickered by. Charmy. Lucy... Elias (though he was 'complicated'). Alice crossed her arms, her gaze drifting to a ray of reflecting sunlight illuminating her face.

"Perhaps it was my fault. For blinding myself in free luxury and adornment. For averting my eyes for the false wonderland." But she knew she was lying to herself. This began before Markus took charge of the gang, and her scarred eye proved a reminder for everything. "It was the Tigers who started all of this. My mother, Darcy, was loyal until her death, and this was her reward. They punished the few people who showed me sympathy. So I do think the Tigers need change."

joshuadim joshuadim
Jackson Reese Alessi
Post-Outbreak || July 15th, 2022
East District
Xuefeng, Kanna, Renjiro

This was Ruri's Child. A part of him didn’t know how he should interact with them. Perhaps Jesper or Nona would be better with this but… well he was what they got. He took a glance at Kanna and Renjiro. Surely they’d know the kid better by now and should lead. Then again there was that rookie too. No, he had to stop thinking of them as kid.

What was the name Ruri gave him when they went out for Tea? Xuefang?

Yeah, that should be right. He took a step forward up to ruffle the hair of the little pipsqueak but thought better of it when he saw the twitch of his tail. He tried to make his body language calming and relaxed despite his nervousness. He was usually pretty rough with his words but he should tone that back in front of a kid, right?

If he didn’t he had no doubt Ruri wouldn’t trust him again and Kanna probably wouldn’t stand for it either. Hell, why was he acting like he was on trial here? He took a glance back to Renjiro and Kanna shooting them a weak smile that hopefully got across that he was going to try.

“Hey Z- er Xuefang.. Xuefeng. Sorry about that pronunciation isn’t my strong suit, and my usual go-to and I aren't on speaking terms. Well anyway, we’re here to hang out with you for today. I heard you got caught up in some crazy stuff last week huh? Betcha that’s why everyone’s so fidgety with ya right?”

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Beann Beann FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
August "TAZZ" August
Feelers in the Deep
Post-Outbreak — July 18th, 2022; Late
Beyond the outskirts of North District
August, Rytaro
When Ryutaro commenced speaking, August withdrew a pack of smokes from his coat pocket and placed a cigarette between his lips, igniting it with a cheap lighter and some practiced puffs. Tilting his head back, he blew the smoke to the night and let the Queen’s question set in.

How much did he hate Markus Weiss?

August wondered if there even existed a measurement for such things and scoffed, smirking.

He decided to pace, one foot in front of the other, slowly carrying himself a short distance before pivoting in the opposite direction. “Don’t ‘ate’im,” he lied. “Just livin’ mah life out in peace ‘ese days,” the fib continued.

“Thinkin’ ‘bout goin’ back to uni, moight write a book, meet a woman.”

It was clear that he wasn’t taking their little rendezvous very seriously. Yet.

“An’ you, mate?” August returned the question, stopping to face the Queen again. “‘M not gatherin’ ya came ‘ere ta play mediator ‘cause Weiss misses me. Question sounds a bit loike ya lookin’ foh mutuals. King’s got enemies so close as you then, ay?” He had nothing to lose if he was wrong.
— —POST RECAP: The conversation thickens.


(Interacting w/ Ryutaro)
(Mentioned no one)
joshuadim joshuadim
CS Link
Lessons in Power
Abandoned Auto Plant, Outskirts of New Oasis
Ryutaro, Alice
Lessons in Power
Ryutaro kept his gaze levelled at Alice as she spoke, keeping his undivided attention to her words. He slumped slightly as he rested his elbow atop his legs, and frowned when she mentioned being lied to over such a touchy subject. Beyond that, she did seem eager to be a part of realm change within the Albino Tigers - something that Ryu had been searching for amidst the ranks of its more notable and prolific members. Those that shared a disdain for the current status quo would become great allies... though in this case, it required a greater measure of understanding between the two.

"I understand." Ryu said, looking off to a nearby support beam that was looking worse for wear. "To be lied to for so many years... it festers. It becomes a poison that you can't even feel until it is revealed to you." He then let out a sigh: "Did you know I was once a Phoenix? Many years ago, when I was in my youth, I was drifting aimlessly through the world. It had been years since my father was shot for simply trying to make this city a better place, and I so happened to fall under their wings. For a time I was happy, as you said for yourself, in my own delusions."

He then turned his gaze towards Alice with a much sterner look: "Then I learned that they were the ones responsible for his death in the first place. Five years chatting and sitting with the very same people that murdered him."

He then shook his head: "So I abandoned them. I left behind the one I called my oath brother. Betrayed some secrets of theirs for entry into the Tigers as part of my vengeance against them. But all this time... the grief remains. A constant reminder of the wound they inflicted upon me."

He then looked up to Alice: "Your power manifests from these feelings of yours? Your... outbursts?"

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
CS Link
Feelers in the Deep
Just outside New Oasis, closer to the North District
Ryutaro, August
Feelers in the Deep
"You're not off the mark there." Ryu replied, his shoe tapping the cracked asphalt below rhythmically. "Weiss is a problem. Plain and simple. And I seek to do what is best for the Tigers, which is to remove him from the equation altogether." He was being candid, as much as he could anyway, though he suspected that August - given his current state - wouldn't be as forthcoming in the conversation. He wanted to see more out of this, and so the Queen decided to shift the subject.

"I know you left because of him. Must have been something severe because of him, enough to pack your bags and leave while making yourself persona non grata in the West." Ryu then commented, "Markus has a habit of burning bridges when it's detrimental to everyone. Unfitting of our supposed 'leader' when he's supposed to be making sure we have a strong position in the first place."

The Queen then shifted where he stood again, this time to a more serious posture: "So I must ask again, how much do you hate Markus Weiss?"

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
CS Link
Call to Arms
Post-Outbreak, July 23 2022
Ryutaro's Rooftop Garden, Imperial Gardens Condominiums, West District
Camila, Ryutaro
Call to Arms

There it was, the oh so dreaded question the Camila saw coming from miles away. The man was as straightforward they come, cutting to the chase with a sharpness that reminded her of his swordsmanship from a couple months ago.

"Going straight to the important questions, I see." She took a seat nearby, her leg elegantly crossing itself atop the the other. "I can work with that, we're both very busy people, after all."

She closed her eyes as she gave a relaxed smile. Or at the very least she made convincing job at making it look as such. "Well, what can I really say about myself that isn't obvious from the get go? I'm just a girl who was dealt a difficult hand, buf was still able to make something decent out of it" She shrugged, nonchalantly downplaying what was clearly the biggest source of her pride, then, looked at the queen in the eyes. "Henmerfeller's CEO, The heads of Weber Industries, close contact and business with Doctor Motesfont...I could keep the list going, but the point is, well, there's little I can't do thanks to the people I can reliably reach out."

She reached for a small pocket mirror safely tucked in her purse, delicate fingers brushing through her silver locks as she attempted to keep it under control, high altitude breeze be danmed.

"But I guess you're more interested in my contats who are more...capable on the field, I presume? It's true that I keep a good deal of those in reach to cover as many jobs as I can, keeps the business nice and steady...Their methods can be very questionable at times, but they still get the job done, even I get surprised at times with how reliable they are."

joshuadim joshuadim
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Growing Pains
Post-Outbreak || July 15th, 2022
East District
Xuefeng, Jackson, Kanna, Renjiro
The grand hall of the Azure Dragons. It was Chiyome’s first time inside it, and it matched every description and every expectation she had of the central headquarters of the East District’s masters. Ever since she proved her mettle (and earned her membership) by participating in a defence against an incursion of Serpents from the North, she hoped for more opportunities to raise her standing inside this prestigious group.

As she walked ten steps behind her superiors, she allowed herself enough time to marvel at the tapestries depicting scenes from the life of the one they call Shen. The King of Dragons was someone she hoped to meet at least once, if only to help her achieve her own goals… everything she had done so far was all to find that one person, the target of her revenge. Her blood boiled as images flashed through her mind, and when they passed by the ruined room, she ruminated on how it reflected her own past.

Once the clearly spineless attendant led them to a suite, she let out a sigh. While she wanted to earn more reputation within the Azure Dragons, she didn’t imagine babysitting as one of the things she’d end up doing. She settled her gaze on the child – the chimeric child – lounging on the staircase. Her hand itched towards her sword. She had heard about the devastation caused by his kind recently, and while she hadn’t experienced it firsthand, the stories she heard were vivid enough to make her keep her guard up, even around a child like this… Xuefeng.

She let her superiors take the lead on this one, remaining ten steps behind them always as was tradition in her former Clan. She knew none of them personally, but she didn’t need to. On their command, she would act. That was all she needed to be, a blade in their hands. Still, she narrowed her eyes at Xuefeng. What did she know about babysitting?

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Beann Beann FabulousTrash FabulousTrash

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Playing With Fire
South District
July 17th, 2022
Vulken, Yong-Yut, Passeri, Dagger
Playing With Fire

S’no problem,” Vulken waved off the fact that the superstar had brought along an escort, looking down at his ward as she tried her best not to make this meeting all about her and her idol. Instead, the young girl opted to simply wave at Passeri, managing a “Hi!” through a tightly clenched toothy smile.

His gaze shifted towards the escort in question– something about her screamed ’don’t I know you?’, but something about how energetic and loud the woman was threw him off, and he decided to write her off as an unknown assistant. His lack of brains rendered him unable to see through her shades and realize who she truly was.

He’d forgotten how peppy these showpeople could be. Normally, he’d have tried a bit harder to at least somewhat match their energy– but that dark cloud of dejection continued to loom over him and suck away at his spirit.

Damn, this place is cleared out. Guess people’re still scared ‘ta go out…

Passeri beckoned them towards their seat, and Vulken quietly led Yong-Yut and Amelie over to it, sliding into his seat at the large table and leaving space for Amelie to sit wherever she wanted– likely directly across from the woman she looked up to. He nearly introduced his best friend to the two purely on impulse, but stopped himself just as his mouth opened. It would probably be better if she spoke for herself right now, right?

You look good, by the way. I know it can’t be easy stayin’ pretty when you gotta hide from the paparazzi.

Once introductions were over and done with, Vulken cleared his throat, looking Passeri in the eyes and shooting her a cheesy wink.

So. What’s up? You need somethin, or did ya just wanna get ‘ta know me better?

@gxxberkit The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit @simj26

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CS Link
To Live in the Shadows
Afternoon, Pre-Arc 1, June 11th 2020
Nameless Warehouse, South District
Charlie, Helva
To Live in the Shadows
Charlie smiled triumphantly as he let go of the net, that must have been his most effective attack on revenant so far, if the thunderous crash against the wall was anything to go by, at least. He let go of the net, his fingers curling at the pain from the friction of the tool's rough surface. His panting had become more agitated as the toll on his body grew heavier. But he was glad regardless.

Or at least, that would've been the case, if not for Revenant's hasty recovery. Just how durable was she? She had taken more than enough to knock out both of the attackers from last nice twice over. And it didn't look like she was going to stop at any moment, back to the offensive in feral stride.

The boy felt it in his bones. This was a losing battle, the gap between the two fighters clear as day, regardless of it being nighttime. He locked eyes with the rampaging specter, staring intently at those white voids that spelled nothing but the thrill of the hunt.

He sighed, knowing well this was the perfect, and likely last, chance for him to chant the safety word, to stop this madness before it got any worse...
But somehow, he couldnt bring himself to open his mouth. Was it because of great bravery? An undying determination or loyalty to his own goal? Well, those things sound great and all, and there may be a hint of truth to it, but in all honesty...

He's just too damn stubborn.

"COME 'ERE" He growled, rising his arms in a wide stance, open palms facing at the shadowy woman. He was ready to take her attack full on, and opted to the one thing that gave him what he thought to be the advantage: Grappling.

Peckinou Peckinou
Lloyd Sorvocah
2022, July 22nd
Thou Shalt Not Detonate
Pleasure District Sewers, East District
The Pope Vorifengrous Vorifengrous , Yona CasualTea CasualTea , Areith thebigfella thebigfella , Renjiro Beann Beann , Lloyd (Me)
Thou Shalt Not Detonate
"Oh, I'll have to apologise, Renjiro. It seems I remembered your name wrong," Lloyd says when he hears the correct name said, "Likewise, I am actually called Lloyd, not Floyd. It's a mistake I have heard others make before, and I find it quite humorous."
He continues to head deeper into the sewers, his eyes still changed from his Potential to allow him to see better in the dark. Though, while he heads into the sewers, he does not seem to keep his weapon ready the same way Yona does. Instead, it remains resting on his shoulder, with both hands firmly gripping the handle.

'Who plants bomb capable of causing massive damage to a district and then sings this loudly as if that isn't suspicious at all?' the voice in Lloyd's says.
'How should I know?' Lloyd responds in thought, 'I can't say that, on average, I find the Serpents to be an intelligent bunch. Aside from the ones making their drugs, of course.'
As Lloyd leads the three-man cavalry into the sewers, it would not be long until the sewage would have a change in colour due to an unwanted presence in it. This is not immediately a concern to him, or something he consciously notices. It is not like he enjoys looking at the waste or inspect the usual colour of it intensely. He only really raises an eyebrow when the sewage seems to have... hair? Actually, the chanting from before now sounds less like an echo, and more as if they are standing close-by.
Jackson Reese Alessi
East District; Dragon HQ
Pre-Outbreak || July 1st, 2022
Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells ), Yona ( CasualTea CasualTea ), Jackson
Agonizing Bonechill

Once they got going and slinging back shots it was easy to ignore whatever free will they must have lacked to get them here. Becoming a threat meant he could attack back without having to worry or wonder about if he’d have been in their place if he’d made one poor turn. They were violent, they were dangerous, they were the enemy. ‘Cause that was all he needed to know to fight.

He’d support Llyod, he’d keep Yona safe. To do that he’d have to snuff out every damn serpent here. He raised his lance and got ready to charge in once Yona said to not worry about her. She was a rookie, but she showed in her every move that she wanted to be playing on their level.

“Stay back and stay safe. I’m going to get some of these fuckers off of us and Juggernaut.”

It was easy enough if he cleared out any threats then she could rest in peace until she could jump back in. Yeah… the situation was already fucked. He aimed at the one closest to him and stopped holding back thrusting his entire weight behind his attempt to skewer them in two. He hummed low, their only warning before he began to sing spreading the pain alongside his actual strikes. The song one with few lyrics to give them moments of clarity and pain-free tricking before they would be shocked once more with a wave of anguish when the few drops came in.

”It’s so powerful.”

North District
~2004, Pre-Arc 1
Passeri ( The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit ) Caio
Captives of The System

He let out a rough laugh at her question about whether they’d be annoyed with a large order. This place probably had like half their business on big eaters. People in the North either had money, drug dealers usually, or didn’t have shit. Smaller orders were probably more likely to lead to a dine-and-dash in the first place. The waitress was probably more annoyed that the two of them were walking around with more money than she saw in a week.

“Don’t worry about it Brandy, they’re probably just happy to see some people with cash for once. ‘Sides root beer’s not beer beer. Its like uh Soda. They like to call everything beer its a grownup thing I think. Like beer-battered onion rings.”

He actually had no idea why it was called that but he had to have some answer for her. He didn’t want to seem like an idiot in front of his new friend. When she asked to take it back he could only think it was a damn shame how clearly uncomfortable she was doing everyday things. A kid should be able to go to a damn diner without looking over their shoulder.

“Brandy… Dolly. We can take it back if you want… but really you shouldn’t worry so much. You’re practically shaking. I got us.”

He’d have to make sure she could feel comfortable even outside their little hideout then. He pushed up on the booth table and was standing on the seat making sure he could get the waitress’s attention.


He sat back down as he heard the grumbles and annoyance of the waitress. He faced his company and put a wide grin on his face to put Brandy at ease, at least as much as he could.

“Whatever makes you comfy okay? I don’t wanna see you doing anything other than smiling while you’re with me!”

Growing Pains
East District
Xuefeng, Kanna, Renjiro, Jackson, Chiyome, Isaiah
Don’t let him out of your sight.

Make sure he eats.

Those were the only instructions given to Renjiro by his older sister, Ruriko. He had met Xuefeng once or twice but their interactions were brief and unremarkable. However, he got an inkling of how much this child meant to his sister, for whatever reason that went over his head. She insisted this mission was of the utmost importance and that she could only trust him to handle it but if that were the case, why were other acquaintances of Ruri’s here? He followed the attendant quietly with the rest of the Dragons, a blissful smile plastered upon his face.

When the group was escorted to the room Xuefeng was kept in, Renjiro spared the fleeing attendant a glance before turning his attention back to the main person of interest. Jackson was the first to break the ice, opting to make small talk with the child but that wasn’t the best strategy in Renjiro’s opinion.

To watch a kid, you gotta think like one!

Reaching into the depths of his kimono sleeves, he casually pulled out a bag of gummy bears. The bag was already opened, he had eaten some on the way here after all but he saved a majority of the sweet treats from Xuefeng. “Want some?” He plucked a gummy bear out of the bag, allowing himself to eat one more before holding the bag out to the child.

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura BriiAngelic BriiAngelic YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Lucem Lucem
CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
In contrast to Ryutaro’s abrupt reaction to his grandmother’s comment, Samira joined Megumi, letting a chuckle escape her lips. “No, no. Your grandmother is right, Ryu.” After all, if one wasn’t using all the weapons at their disposal, was a true effort even made?

Samira nodded slightly in response to Megumi accepting her gift. The older woman was definitely in for a treat considering wine wasn’t very common in Sankai. Of course, the entrepreneur had their sake culture to thank for bringing the accelerated fermentation method of Calrissian wine to light.

Taking another sip of her tea, she glanced at Ryutaro as he brought up the need to discuss matters with Megumi alone. She hid her disappointment with another sip of her tea, curious as to what he wanted to talk about without his own right hand in the room.

She also loved to gossip but that was neither here nor there.

Regardless, Samira set her teacup down before rising to her feet. “Very well — but don’t keep me waiting for too long,” she spoke with a playful tone but she really didn’t mind spending her time exploring the estate. Bowing her head slightly towards Megumi, she turned heel and left the two to discuss their own personal matters.

joshuadim joshuadim
Jackson Reese Alessi
Peyton's Old Apartment, East District
Post-Arc 3 || Two Weeks Later
Jackson, Peyton (@Coyote Hart)
Crash and Burn

Lose? What did Peyton think losing meant? Something insignificant? Something that could be brushed away like water under the bridge? In what universe did their fighting mean anything other than one of them would leave in a body bag? They were part of different gangs now. Peyton was part of a gang that went and terrorized their hometown. That left children quivering in their bedrooms hoping their families would never draw the ire or amusement of the devils that walked among them.

Every word Peyton spoke made him feel as though he was chewing on glass and any moment he would spit up blood and choke on it. Words he wished to express failed him as he heard the other talk about wanting to cling to him despite the clear betrayal. It only got worse when Bash’s name was brought up by the other. His shoulders trembled with anger and jealousy without clear targets for either.

“Shut up. Just shut up for once!”

He grabbed the other and pulled him forward with desperation behind him as he went in for a kiss that was less any form of affection and more an aggressive attempt to chain the other down in the only way he knew possible. Words hadn’t worked. The only other way he’d ever known to vie for what he wanted was through his body. He pulled back from the kiss with tears streaming down his eyes not knowing what he could do beyond this.

“Prove your loyalty? What did you think I expected that? Do you think I trusted you? Do you think you were worth trusting?”

He did. He truly did. And that was why it hurt. This is why trust and friendship were for fools. Time and time again he refused to learn his lesson.

Growing Pains
[Post-Outbreak] July 15th, 2022
East District
Jackson, Kanna, Renjiro, Isaiah, Chiyome
Growing Pains
The eagerness of having someone else deal with the child couldn't have been more obvious to Kanna, as she heard the door lock behind them. Perahps the Yun Clan would need to be relieved from their duties in watching over Xuefeng.

But one look at him told Kanna otherwise. Not to the fact that someone else would need to take care of him, but that moving him to another caretaker would be pointless.

While she wasn't involved with his initial rescue in the past, Kanna heard plenty of stories about it and had met Xuefeng when he was younger while visiting Ruriko a handful of times. However, she was involved in his most recent outing to Lower Central. Seeing him among the rest of the faces from around New Oasis in that dark underground space was definitely a surprise for the Jack, and made her wonder how he got out in the first place. The answer was more or less obvious, save for a few missing details. But those questions could be asked another time. She, and the others, were here for a completely different reason.

Kanna never imagined herself as a motherly figure. The most she could say she's done was take care of her twin when they were younger, but even so, the two shared responsibilities when they were left alone by their parents. So it was a slight relief to see the others take initiative for once.

As Jackson made first contact with Xuefeng, the Dragon Jack idlily observed the room they were in, beginning to pace around. Perhaps Xuefeng was just recently moved in, taking into account the destroyed room they saw earlier in the hallway. She had been in this room before a handful of times when the Dragons hosted other visitors in the past. The Jack watched as Renjiro approached Xuefeng next, offering him candy.

Eventually, Kanna was next to approach the child, but stood behind Jackson and Renjiro. She didn't want to make Xuefeng feel like he was being surrounded. She gave him a small, gentle smile before speaking.

"I never liked being kept inside all that much either. Come, grab your things. Lets take a walk outside."

Some fresh air would do him good, all of them really.

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura BriiAngelic BriiAngelic YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Beann Beann Lucem Lucem
Next Aisle Down
8th Street Plaza, South District
PARTICIPANTS: Pei ( thebigfella thebigfella ), Rutger ( Slav Slav )
Next Aisle Down
"This is my first day back out after that whole 'thing' at the pier three months back, gimme some time~! 'You can't rush art' and all that~." Jun shrugging his shoulders in response to the fellow assassin's accusation.
Of course, he wasn't surprised that Rutger would refer to his work as a 'mess', most within the gang did.
But, to be fair, you had to have a pretty high IQ to understand Jun's work, the methodology of his kills are very subtle and something, something, something...

It didn't really bother him, just as it didn't bother him as the boy drew closer, even seeming to welcome his advance with a single step forward to meet him halfway, his unblinking eyes, and twisted facsimile of a grin unflinchingly craning his neck up slightly to stare into the mask of cordiality before him.
The boy's fingers running invasively through his hair had similarly little effect, though Jun did glide his own hand over the long, crimson streak, scoffing in response,
"Cut this?"
With a bombastic, contrapposto pose, he proudly declares, "This here's my brand, Rutgy~! When all the peeps creeping on Deadtube see this hair in their feed, they know they're in for some good content~!"
Winking back at the boy, he adds, "...And all of it in the freshest designer~!"

"Oh! Speaking of which...!
Jun's eyes seem to come alight at the mention of his online presence, having remembered a task of utmost importance that needed to be taken care of before their day of shopping could start in earnest.
In a quick, fluid motion, Jun advanced one step closer towards Rutger, his legs weaving skillfully to cut off any chance of the boy's escape, one arm swinging around to drape itself across his back, while the other stretched outward before them, smartphone already in hand.

"Cheeese~!" Jun smiled, winking cutely at the camera, and flashing a two-fingered sign of love and peace, just before the mechanical click of a camera shutter captured the two boys seemingly friendly embrace, with a third in the background marching triumphantly into the gleaming, blinding light of Marcy's.
With that important piece of business out of the way, Jun quickly separated himself from his compatriot's arms, rushing along to follow behind Pei.
"Man, I'm sooo looking forward to this~!" Jun madly giggled, his eyes flitting about excitedly to scope out whatever shiny trinkets and baubles caught his fancy.
"I scored, like, five or six wallets after that last job, and I am ready to use 'em!"

Bedlam Blitz!
Post-Arc 3 — July 10th, 2022; Early morning
Whitepeak, South District; Bolt's car
Boltius, Hector, Milo, Yukari, Raquel, Zach, Leaf

For his part, and somewhat to his credit, Milo kept quiet. Though he wouldn't admit to it if asked, Milo had regretted stepping in the moment he'd done so... Not because he believed he hadn't done the right thing, but precisely because he knew that he had. It was only that, in this backwards world of gangs and gangsters, doing the 'right' thing often got innocent people killed. That, and ever since his less-than-stellar introduction to the gang (when he'd tried to assassinate the man who would eventually go on to sponsor him for membership, the man who would eventually go on to become Queen) he'd been trying to keep a low profile. Trying not to rock the boat. Part of that involved 'playing his role' as a Rookie of the Scarlet Phoenixes, a reality Milo had come to accept (albeit begrudgingly) for the eventual promise of a greater good to come. But even he had his limits. There had to be limits.

Apparently, he wasn't alone in that belief.

Milo blinked, as Leaf once again caught him by surprise. He'd gotten accustomed to being the squeaky wheel of the Phoenixes, even when on his 'best' behavior. It was almost a... Relief? To not feel like he was standing alone for once. Milo returned Leaf's gaze. He was grateful for the intercession, if a touch uncertain. Where could they even go from here?

As if on cue, Zach appeared, and suddenly Milo felt badly for the elderly body shop attendant, if not for the threat of imminent cannibalization, but for the abrupt and overwhelming assault on his personal space. Milo didn't have any quarrel with that plan—not one that he'd air here, anyway—but he couldn't help but feel that the Veteran was laying it all on a little thick. Milo remained quiet, keeping his own counsel, even as Hector took command on the situation. His eyes followed the trajectory of the Phoenix Queen's head as he muscled his way into the... Whatever this was. Whatever this had devolved into... Negotiations?

Something in the old man's eyes, flitting from Zach, to Leaf, to Hector. Was it relief? Or perhaps recognition?

Milo barely had time to interrogate that thought, before Raquel was speaking. Her attention had firmly affixed itself to him; it left him feeling like a fieldmouse squaring off against a garden snake. He gulped, fighting the fear and the beads of cold sweat that threatened to prick across his forehead. He peeled his lips back to fire off a retort.

"Just l—"

Teeth. That was all his brain could muster. All the information it could interpret from the sight of Raquel's jaws snapping inches away from his throat. His body recoiled, muscles frozen stiff as his adrenaline spiked, his body kicking itself into high gear even after his mind knew (or at least, hoped) the imminent danger had passed.

"Y-yes, let's take this into the garage. I will... J-just make a call." The old man acquiesced to Zach and Hector's directive, leading the entourage of Phoenixes through the shop.

Milo followed the group, giving Raquel a wide berth. He let the door to the service station close shut behind him and took in his new surroundings.

A row of ATVs lined a far wall, in various models and designs, and in various states of finish. There was a work bench, with tools and spare parts laid out somewhat sporadically. Dominating the space were the gas canisters. To Milo they looked a bit like large, cylindrical aluminum bowling pins in the way they were arranged.

The sound of the old man's voice called Milo's attention back. He watched as the man held an old, flip cell phone to his ear. He was fairly composed, all things considered. Few would stand firm in the face of Phoenix enforcers breathing down their necks, let alone the Ace and the Queen. But then again, Milo recalled that this man was more than familiar with the 'Scarlet Phoenixes', or who he believed to be Phoenixes. Milo didn't know this 'Armond', but somehow he doubted that he was some great villain... At least, that he likely couldn't be that much worse than the real Phoenixes—murderers and thugs that they were.

The old man was having some kind of back and forth with a voice on the other end of the line. Milo tuned it out, his attention returning to the canisters... Until the old man said something peculiar, that pricked Milo's attention. He turned back to watch. He wasn't the only one who'd thought it strange.

"Yes, yes... I-I'm jus' callin' t' tell ye', that 'yer order'n's here. Now."

Something was wrong. The others knew it, too. One went for the phone. The other grabbed the old man by the shoulder. It was too late. Someone had rigged the room. The canisters—

Vents in the ceiling, floor, and walls opened, flooding the room with opaque, milky gas in an instant. Milo saw the exact moment the old man went limp in the other Phoenix's grip. He took a step forward, cupping a hand in front of his mouth and nose. It was too late. It was already in his lungs. He felt his pulse dampen, his eyes growing heavy. With all the strength that remained in his limbs, he twisted to one side and tucked his head. It was all he could do to keep from falling flat on his face.

Milo awoke to discover that he'd been having the strangest dream. It was abstract and fuzzy in that way that dreams sometimes were. Already, his brain was hard at work scrubbing the memory of the dream from his conscious mind. Soon, all that remained of it was the feeling of it. Like warmth. Fire. But not burning. Home.

The place Milo awoke in could not have been farther from that.

Wherever he was, he didn't recognize it. He was on the floor. He tried to scratch an itch below his eye but found that his hands were bound. Not good.

A late-morning's sunlight was streaming in from a row of tall glass windows... Which was strange, since last he'd looked it had barely been dawn. He squinted, spying what appeared to be one of those gas canisters he'd seen in the garage... The garage!? He remembered now, remembered the mission, the old man, the False Phoenixes, Ar—

The not-gas canister shifted, rewiring Milo's thoughts. A large man sat in a plush chair before the window. He was wearing an expensive looking suit that appeared like it may sheer right off him if he moved too suddenly.

He didn't speak. Didn't need to. Milo could intuit from context clues well enough just who it was who had captured them.

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Lorette Lècuyer. CS LINK
Alliance of Apex Convinience.
Location: Brother's Krimm Restuarant, West District.
Participants: Lorette, Ryutaro Hashimoto.

Without so much as a glance toward the waitress, Lorette uttered "Water" with an almost acidic curtness. The poor waitress, sensing the growing tension between the pair sitting at the table, quickly scurried away, hoping to put as much distance between herself and the scene as possible.

Ryutaro's request not to follow the usual etiquette made Lorette no less anxious than if he had asked her to stick to tradition. His demeanor and casual generosity weren't anything new or surprising to Lorette. Ryutaro was trying to woo her, and she'd yet to be impressed by his attempts.

Despite Ryutaro's casual offer for her to participate in a coup d'etat, he had to know that they were not on equal footing. The Queen of Tigers seemed to expect Lorette to jump at the chance, given her apparent dislike of all things Markus and Markus adjacent. In this case, Ryutaro was correct.

Lorette raised her well-groomed eyebrows slightly, looking at Ryutaro with a questioning expression.

"What you're saying is true, Sir, but Mr. Wiess should prioritize his Second's concerns at the very least. I can't imagine why he wouldn't."

The Tiger King's true plan had puzzled the Old Tiger for a long while. Markus had all the wealth a man could ever want, and Ryutaro was readily capable of maintaining things, leaving their wayward King all the time he wanted to do as he pleased.

Lorette knew well the need for excitement in her youth. For a man who'd won everything, the thrill of the challenge was nonexistent. But baiting others into turning on him seemed a step too far for Marcus.

Ryutaro Hashimoto was the only man with insight into the Tiger King's possible intentions. He'd be sorely disappointed if he'd invited Lorette to dinner to sniff them out.

"If I knew what went on in our King's head, I'd gladly be of service to you, Mr.Hashimoto. But I'm quite lost in that regard."

She paused, taking a sip from her glass, and noted that her drink held a light fizz that she found unnecessary. Even the damn water was pretentious. Lorette was not looking forward to whatever nonsense the menu offered.

"While I understand that our King can be a little…difficult, surely he can be reasoned with. If you intend to have him step down, why not go to the Board? They'd give you their full support, I'm sure."

The notion that he'd want to take the throne was treated as if it was of little consequence. Power struggles came part and parcel with active membership in a criminal empire. The fights only got dirtier the farther up one went. With so much to lose and so much more to gain, it was expected that you'd wind up with a knife in your back sooner than later. That it had yet to happen to Lorette made her all the more wary of Ryutaro.

Wanting Markus gone wasn't the issue. The matter of sitting on the newly vacant throne was something that she could tend to later. Lorette only needed to know how a man in Ryutaro's position could not have simply acted already. The Queen of Tigers had the money and the means to kick off his little Civil War with no issue. If he wanted to depose Markus that badly, he'd have done so already.

The best that she could come up with was that Ryutaro was ensuring that Lorette wouldn't take advantage of the ensuing chaos to cut his legs out from under him just to fulfill her own ambitions.

If he were in the market for a new Queen, Richard would have much to say about that.

And if the Queen of Tigers were testing Lorette's loyalty to her King, he'd have been better off taking her out somewhere less expensive to do so.

joshuadim joshuadim
CS Link
Call to Arms
Ryutaro's Rooftop Garden, Imperial Gardens Condominiums, West District
Ryutaro, Camila
Call to Arms
Ryutaro listened, then allowed a smile to come up the edges of his lips when Camila explained not only her origins but also how she continues to manage her little web in the Tigers. "Music to my ears." Ryu said before taking another sip of water. "A story like that is one in a million, especially in this sort of environment. It becomes hard to stand out when so many are reaching for higher peaks, and yet here you are. Taking initiative and showing leadership where it's needed. Bringing to heel these 'contacts' of yours into a cohesive unit."

He was being genuine in his compliments, but there was also intent laced behind the flattery. It continued to build the more he spoke: "It helps to set an example for others. Especially for those that don't necessarily work well with others... after all, a rising tide raises all boats." His gaze then trailed over to his orange tree nearby, seeing a caterpillar walk along one of its branches in search of its next leafy meal. "That is what is often forgotten in our creed. Of course we seek wealth and power, but we have forgotten how to wield it. Too much is spent on vanity, and too little on what is actually needed."

Tilting his head slightly, he returned his gaze back to Camila. "Of course, you stand out in that matter. You've brought a certain unity to just a small fraction of the Tigers. Imagine what you could do in an even higher position worthy of such talent." he mused, making the implication clear. "Back at the dinner, you were one of those that stood out to me as capable and willing. And so I must ask... if an opportunity presents itself to advance your station, are you eager to reach out and take it?"

Roda the Red Roda the Red
CS Link
Alliance of Apex Convenience
Brother's Krimm Restaurant, West District
Ryutaro, Lorette
Alliance of Apex Convenience
If Ryu was annoyed by the refusal of hospitality, it didn't show as the waitress made herself scarce between the two of them. Instead, Ryu kept the conversation on hand with a smirk at the edge of his lips. "If only I knew as well what went on in that head of his. But, apparently, he isn't sound of mind either." Ryu commented, taking a sip of his wine. "From what I've heard, he's been often talking to himself and rambling to someone that isn't even there." Slightly embellished, but the core of it remained true from what he had heard from Camila back at Sarizara.

"And that's not to mention our current state of affairs... we should be pushing for a better position in this city. Instead, Weiss doesn't act and remains idle while our enemies have the opportunity to attack as they did to our casinos, nearly capturing one of our own."
Ryu then said, "And while I have done what I can to remove threats, such as the G&G Conglomerate, from our territory, it still isn't enough when our supposed leader doesn't act."

Lorette also brought up the Board, which made Ryu scoff. "Markus has friends at the Board. And the Board does as it pleases... no one can command them to do anything if they don't desire it in the first place." In truth, he also hated the existence of the Board. A shadowy cabal whose intentions and motivations were unknown to practically everyone. He didn't like that unknown factor being in play. Though that in of itself was a problem for another day. "Which is why we are here today. Of course I have met with others on this matter, but I have been most eager to meet with you in particular."

He took another sip of his wine, allowing the crimson fluid to rest on his tongue for a moment before continuing: "I am not unfamiliar with your talents and capabilities, as are many within the Tigers. And yet, Weiss hasn't offered you any sort of prize worthy of your efforts. I think it's rather obvious that he'd rather keep you under his boot than give you a seat at the table, wouldn't you agree?"

Ramjammer Ramjammer
CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Wandering through the halls beyond the interior garden, Samira found herself passing by a variety of well-preserved cultural artifacts: an ivory mask with horns and fangs, with black silk flowing behind it meant to cover the wearer's head and hair. A performance mask by the looks of it, neatly situated alongside two others. One was that of a dragon, red and gold in color, while the other seemed to resemble that of a fox that was coloured with black and red dyes. This was likely meant to represent the kitsune, a mythical creature in Sankai resembling that of a fox and a person and the ability to shapeshift.

Walking further, she would come across old paintings that featured certain scenes: a great battle between two daimyo during a time when the archipelago was divided amongst petty rulers. There was also the scene of a vessel braving a stormy sea, confronting a massive wave to its front. In the sky, a storm kami looked down upon the sailor with contempt. Perhaps there was something more symbolic beyond the literal being depicted. Still, when she reached the end of the hall she would leave the main house entirely and return to the outside once more. The serene quiet of nature greeted her senses as a petal from one of the cherry blossoms landed gently on her shoulder.

But there was also a figure in the distance tending to some of the bonsai trees that grew. He held a small pail and wore a plain, black robe and seemed to be almost meditating as he tended to the flora. And while he did not look at Samira directly, he was aware of her presence: "We have not had a guest here in a while." the middle-aged man spoke with a thick accent, tinges of grey showing on his beard and hair. While Sankai was not particularly welcoming of strangers outside its tourist areas, this man didn't seem at all bothered by her presence. "Are you enjoying your stay?"

CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Ryu didn't respond to Samira, save for a soft smile, as she departed; once out of earshot, it was Megumi who first spoke. ["What troubles you?"] she asked in her native tongue with noted worry carried in her tone. ["You can talk to me."]

Ryu remained quiet for a moment, averting his gaze as he collected his thoughts. ["It's..."] he began to say, catching himself before his voice wavered. ["It's about father."] He turned to his grandmother with an expression that saw anger and despair blend together into a human form. ["...I found his archive. Documents from when he was running for office. And..."] He stopped himself short from continuing on, feeling as though he was trampling on everything he had known about the man he had put on a pedestal for so many years. But Megumi knew what he was speaking of, and her expression dropped to that of sorrow.

["All these years I championed him. I believed him to be a good man."]

["He was a good man."] Megumi rebuked sharply.

["To work with the likes of the Triads?"] Ryu then snapped back, his gaze growing more intense.

["He didn't work with them."] Megumi tried to explain, but was cut off as Ryu shook his head. His hands balled into fists, barely containing something that he had kept pent up for so long that it had become like venom in his veins.

["Then why would he have a journalist killed? To protect his image?"]

["Because he made a mistake."] Megumi then said, holding back tears. ["He was a good man who made a mistake in a desperate attempt to protect you."]

Ryu remained silent as the words sank into the pit that had formed in his chest, unable to process what had been revealed to him in that moment.

Beann Beann
The Frog In The Well
June 22nd, 2022
Collapsed Worksite, North District
One Former, and Several Future Corpses
The Frog In The Well
Fingers like steel. A vice. A collar fitted tight around her neck. Aloft above the Ace of the Sable Serpents, Deirest writhed furiously. Her feet kicked limply at the ear and indignant fury turned her deaf to the world beyond her and her assailant. Clumsy fingers struggled to pry the horned woman's grip apart, but it was to little avail. Her blood was still thin, and her strength far from her. Spittle flew from her lips as she spat bare impressions of words down at the Ace, stained a dark, murky red by whatever blood was still caught in her throat.

"Let..." A first, strained word, raspy and dry. "Go..." A second, followed by the press of her feet against the Ace's chest. "Of me." Third and fourth. A movement in two parts. Deirest's body tent taut as she pressed herself away from the woman, and then her neck bled. Along the seams of her regeneration, her skin slid off like that of a shedding snake's, and the Ace felt her grip turn loose. A slick of blood painted the floor beneath the two women, and then the landfill's rotted planks cracked as she fell to the ground.

"Hurts..." Another word, only barely spoken. "You... You..." There was rage in her breath still, but addled by blood loss as she was, it fell limp. There were a few moments where she sat slumped beneath the Ace, her eyes bleary and breath heavy. There were more voices now. She could hear them, now. As the embers of her fury went cold, her world grew. First, to the slab upon which she'd lay. Then to the voice which liked to explain. Next, the nobodies. Finally, the one that was most familiar. Tall in looming. Smiling and hateful. In the habit.

"Sister..." She slurred out her name in recognition, and then retreated to the other end of the room. "...Teacher. Cow. Where's... This?"

She glared at the three women equally. She had no allies here, not until she was given what she was owed. Words. An explanation. Now.

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Helva Linxal
To live in the shadows
Warehouse, South District
Helva, Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red
To live in the shadows

Helva watched intently as Charlie seemed determined to fight on, not willing to give up, figuring that he would rather continue fight on rather than call it quits. Still Revernant charged towards him with the rage and fury of a being from a monster movie, but just as she was about to make contact with Charlie. She jumped to the left retreating into the Shadows of the Warhouse where he would have a hard time finding or even spotting them, disappearing from their sight. When she was far enough away only then did she stop and uncover the vail of the Shadow Armor that she was wearing, making it so that only her back was then covered. But that soon was not the case as Zulin then separated from their merged Shadow form, leaving her without the shadow powers that she had gotten accustomed to. Their was a brief pause as Helva fell to the ground, Charlies heavy hits and her being thrown around has taken a quite a toll on her body, and she was sure that she had a lot of bruises on her as well. As of right now she needed a bit of a break to gather her strength back so that she could give the results back to Charlie, besides she was sure their blue haired boy needed a moment to catch their breath as well anyways. "Go get me some water will you Zulin." with a nod Zulin had went back and later turned up with a drink for her, once she was done rested enough to walk without much of a issue she creeped back to the area where Charlie was.

"Falling Star, Falling Star." her voice was calm and collected as she walked over towards Charlie, determined not to show any discomfort or pain, as she wanted to keep the details of her potential under wraps and leave him speculating on just what her potential was. She wasn't willing to reveal that information about herself until the boy successfully passed her trial, the rest she would leave to speculation. "You did pretty well, for this trial." a small smile appeared on her face as she said that before she added "But this is only the first part of the trial, well second if you wanna count the interview, still got quite a few more trials left, wanna keep going or do you wanna give up?" she wanted to give him a way out considering the first part of the trial really pushed him quite a bit, she figured he would think it would only get harder from here, and might consider giving up though she doubted that would be the case, but still it was a formality she gave to everyone that took her trials.


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