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Fantasy Bloodlands {Character sheets}



“That’s one small step for man.”
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome all to the character sheets for bloodlands, here is the basic format for the character sheet, though you don’t have to copy all of it, I only want anime or art as face claims so no realistic please! Codes are also welcomed!

|Starter info|

Name: (Simple, what is their name?)

Title/Nickname: (Are they well known and go by a different name? If not you don’t have to fill this out.)

Age: (Simple.)

Height: (Simple.)

Weight: (Simple, are they heavier or on the lighter side?)

Gender: (Simple, what are their pro nouns?)

Face claim: (Anime/drawn claims please!)

Personality: (What do they act like? Use this to describe your characters persona, are they rude or sarcastic, or are they a determined person?)

Backstory: (What is their past? Are they famous adventurers or knights? Or are they infamous criminals?)

Theme song: (Not required!)

Voice Claim: (Not required!)

Trivia: (Just for fun and a extra lore about your character!)

|Combat and abilities|

Character Perk: (An ability that is personal to the character themselves, make sure to be creative on this!)

Passive perk: ( A perk that doesn’t focus on damage, but more of a boost instead, for example they can heal faster, run faster, get back stamina faster?)

Ultimate Perk: ( A ability that is high dealing in damage or even another form of the character themselves the choice is yours!)

Weapon: (Basic, what would they be using throughout the story?)

Element: ( The characters main element that would cause effects to their enemies, you can use the ones I posted or make your own!)

This is a quick summary of your characters build in total, each stat can go up to a maximum of 15, each player only gets 60 points to spend on stats.

Strength: (How strong are they?)
Stamina: (How quickly can a character recover?)
Speed: (How fast can the character move?)
Dexterity: (How good are characters with their hands? Can they hold special items?)
Endurance: (How much damage or how tough are they?)
Faith: (How much do they believe in themselves, can they cast miracles?)
Intelligence: (How smart are they, can they cast spells?)
Luck: (Do they consider themselves lucky and find rare items?)

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Name: Geren Draven

Nickname: "Draven the Craven" (for his cowardly/pragmatic ways)

Age: 27

Height: About 6 feet, but tends to stand crooked

Weight: 177 lbs

Gender: Male He/Him


Personality: Geren is a greedy, gluttonous, treacherous coward. Given the opportunity he'll laze about and stuff himself when not scheming how to get whatever it is he wants at the moment. Quick to seize opportunities and quicker to put others between him and danger, Geren will happily partner with others only to betray them once they've outlived their usefulness and he thinks he can get away with it. But when faced with a stronger opponent he'll run or grovel like a sniveling coward as necessary if he thinks it'll save his skin. Geren can put up a convincing facade of being whatever he's pretending to be, but he prefers to stick to the background and not attract attention to himself.

Backstory: Little of Geren's history is known, even to him. Frequent blows to the head as a child growing up on the streets and delving too deep into things people weren't meant to know has resulted in a patched-together quilt of memories of theft, murder, betrayal, and unpaid tavern bills. His life of crime finally caught up to him when he got too greedy and tried to murder the rest of the heist team he'd joined in the middle of their escape. Captured, Geren was quickly tried and sentenced to death, only to end up with the sentence instead being commuted as he was shipped out to find The Eye of God. If he succeeded he was promised a pardon, although Geren has no intention in turning it over.

Theme Song:

Voice Claim: Robert Martin Klein as Jinnai in El Hazard

Trivia: Geren is an excellent sketch artist as a result of his years of drawing runes.

|Combat and abilities|

Character Perk: Geren can boost his magic through runes he draws before using it. Any surface that can be written on or have runes carved into it can be affected.

Passive Perk: Geren's body heals at an abnormal rate, regenerating as long as he using magic. This has the side effect of leaving him a weakened wreck if he burns out while using magic.

Ultimate Perk: Geren triggers the runes tattooed on his body and draws in mana before projecting a wave of concentrated death magic.

Weapon: A knife/pen that doubles as a way to draw runes.

Element: Death. Geren doesn't mess around and seeks to end his enemies as surely as possible. He uses his magic to attack their life-force, only attacking with his knife if he thinks he can win.

Strength: 2
Stamina: 6
Speed: 7
Dexterity: 15
Endurance: 4
Faith: 1
Intelligence: 10
Luck: 15
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|Starter info|

Name: Seymour Bariletti;

Title/Nickname: Seymour, The Blind;

Age: 29;

Height: 5'9 - 178 cm;

Weight: 149.25 lbs - 68 kg (out of armour), 152.4 lbs - 70 kg (in armour);

Gender: Male;

Face claim:
Art by LauraHowlingsworth

Personality: Though this withered man is the epitome of stoicism, that does not mean he possesses no emotion. He cares deeply for the weak and vulnerable but understands that his desire to protect them must not outweigh or overcome his logical reasoning. An honest man who tells no lies even under the direst consequences. His approach to his work is that of a man who only wants to complete his duty, no fuss or muss. His life as a bounty hunter informed many of his beliefs today, it is also the reason why Seymour does not trust anyone deeply. He trusts them to do their job but doesn't trust them with anything else. Also do not be fooled by his passivity or apparent aversion to battle, he takes great pride in his skills and a few people consider him a master at arms.

Backstory: Seymour Bariletti is a man that is known for his conviction, determined pursuit of duties, and skill. But few know of his history. Not even himself or at least fully. Seymour Bariletti was once known as or to be known as Loup Royer, the first son of the Royer Noble Family. He was to be the proud jewel of the family, of which none could compare. His birth was surrounded by charms, apothecaries, and such things that were believed to bring good fortune. Many waited with bated breath as the process went underway, some fearful while others were hopeful. But many were astonished upon his birth. A boy so healthy, he threatened to start walking right away. But as the days went by, another surprise had unintendedly reared its ugly head. When they spotted his eyes, so blank and lifeless. They were appalled by the discovery. They wanted to cast the young baby away into the closest forest. His grandfather had thankfully the foresight to hide away the child to a family of peasants to which he frequently supplied with money. It is assumed that the grandfather had a soft heart and couldn't bear for something to happen to the defenceless babe or perhaps his love for his nephew exceeded the love that his parents possessed. Whatever the case, he was the reason he survived that day.

Seymour grew up in the Bariletti household (or... Well... what could be considered a household) working every day to the bone with barely any, if at all, concessions to relax. His sightlessness certainly did not help with the handling of farm equipment, but he managed. It was a hard life for the young Royer-turned-Bariletti but something within the lad had clicked with his nature. He enjoyed the back-breaking work, he loved the animals, and he loved his massive family. However, what he ended up doing was not what he expected at such a young age. One day a knight had taken interest in the blind boy. Primarily as a novelty squire. But what Sir Valeriano Ossani did not expect was for Seymour to pick up on his swordsmanship. At first, it started with detailedly following his movements with Seymour's senses then transitioned into repeating his movements in secret. His curiosity would pay off years later when an act of bravery saved Knight Ossani from a bandit attack. Though admittedly, it was brave but foolish and haphazardly. Ossani's awe was earned and he became remorseful for treating the young man as a helpless, hapless creature. Under Ossani, Seymour honed his skills and developed his sight. After many years of tutelage, Bariletti departed from the eagle's wing and became a warrior of his own right.

The world would have fun torturing this new warrior. He was confident, arrogant even. His swordsmanship was exemplary, but to deal with this world requires the man to have more than a sharp sword. Eventually, he became misused and his skills were taken advantage of by other parties. He learned from his mistakes since then and became a bounty hunter with no lord or master to be commanded. His own man.

Theme song:

Trivia: His cooking is perhaps the second most known thing about him;

|Combat and abilities|

Character Perk: Light-waltz Because of his enhanced sensory abilities, Seymour is capable of walking almost weightlessly. Evading pressure-sensitive traps or producing no sound upon his feet striking the ground. His sword cuts are more effective when doing light-waltz as his body reacts stronger and faster;

Passive perk: Beyond Mortal Sight - Because of Seymour's blindness, his other senses have evolved to puissance! Allowing him to perceive details of the world that others are just not capable of envisioning. Examples include the marching of ants towards their home, the faint songs of birds a good distance away, whispering behind closed doors, etc. There have even been rumours of him detecting strong spectral entities. The ultimate drawback to his sensory abilities is that he can be overwhelmed by absolutely massive commotion if he is not prepared for it. Also, while his senses can describe the world to him, he is still not able to discern between colours;

Ultimate Perk: Umbral Piercing - A sword technique that is said to devastate the insides of its victims. Supposedly, it is based upon practices of Dark Magic;

Weapon: Lunar Gleam - A basic longsword that is named by Seymour himself, possessing no unique features other than the ability to glow under the moon's light;

Element: Moon (Symbolic);


Strength: 8;
Stamina: 10;
Speed: 9;
Dexterity: 11;
Endurance: 8;
Faith: 5;
Intelligence: 6;
Luck: 3;

8+10+9+11+8+5+6+3 = 60

Kaizee, Forest Mother of Unrest


Artist Link

Mother Kaiz / She-in-the-wild / The Presence / The Unrestful One / The Primordial Rage


201 yo | 6'4" | 180lbs | Red Hair | Green Eyes | Light Brown Skin | She/Her(s)

Kaizee is a tall, imposing mixed blooded woman whose gaze is just as intense as her aura. Her auburn eyebrows seem to be ever angled downward, glinting emerald eyes half-lidded. A smile always hints at the corner of her rosy lips whether amused or not. Flowers, leaves and buds usually line her fiery hair and she loves to sport two hardened bark horns to denote her 'Motherhood' status. She is proud of her strong and natural light brown body and would prefer to not wear clothes since she shapes her own garb and armour with her magic. But she will wear simple hemp gowns and robes and adorn herself with natural fauna to accessorize when going formal, but will usually be seen scantily clad to respectfully cover up her lady parts otherwise.​

Of note is the ornate brand on the bottom of her left foot. Also between her shoulder blades, upon the upper middle of her back, is the scarrification of rituals and rites she had passed in her youth lain out like a tapestry of passing time and ultimately of pain and betrayal.​

+ Watchful, Quick Re/actons​
+ Bold, Daring, Fearless​
+ Strategist, Foresight​
+ Reserved, Quiet​
+ Motherly​
- Curiosity​
- Acts Entitled​
- Very Aggressive​
- Needy of others praise​
- Wild, Awkward/Poor Urban Skills​

Back Story:

She thought she would be adored, comforted and loved forever as royalty, as a scion. But oh how wrong she was.​
The name Kaizee was given to her, transferred to her actually, from another elflin long before her whose name was tucked away in the tomes of the ancient elders. The last Kaizee was three fourths Pure elvish of royal lineage and of course, the last fourth was that of common human stock. And just like the Kaizee before her, she too had bright green eyes and fiery red hair. And so she was to be raised by the sect of forest elves known as the Hon'Alei.​
The chosen elflin's mother was a Pure elf who was a warrior for a royal family of elves. Her father was a Mixed human/elf that was a hunter proper whose territory spanned the forest between human and elf lands. Although they would be apart from their darling daughter for months on end, they were both proud to know that the Hon'Alei would cultivate their daughters connection to the elemental Earth that they both so dearly lacked. In fact, they hoped that the secret sect of forest elves could elevate their daughter's power to tap into her Primordial potential just like the other Kaizee before her.​
For nearly 3 decades she was pushed daily to the brink of exhaustion and nearly to death several times during her training. But reap the rewards did she; the power of the Primordials coursed through her veins and so she was finally ready to receive the Ritual of Miri.​
All those that adored her were there. All those that loved her were there. All those that comforted her when she lay there broken but not defeated were there. The magnificent royal elflin was to recieve the dagger of MIri and release the power of the Primordials for her elvish people. So proud. So ready. That was until she met and held the gaze of first her father and felt something was off. And then when she met the eyes of her mother... Oh, but Mother could never lie to her could she? Never ever, no, those eyes reflected the truth of the matter at hand.​
The dagger was meant for her all right. Not for her to own but for her to receive the razor-edged blade, slicing her from neck to navel; she was to be sacrificed so the transfer of the power of the Primordials would be received by all present. Kaizee was not a name to be praised. It was not the name of a martyr even. It was the name of a vessel to be filled, drained and cast aside; used up by all present because they were not worthy to be born with the power of the Primordials.​
They were all here to reap the reward of that which they never earned. And they would be utterly content to watch her die just like the other elfin Kaizee before her whose name was tucked away in the tomes of the ancient elders.​
There were no tears left to give. Only rage. The Primordial Rage.​
The beast tore though them all in its valiant attempt to escape. And once more the eyes of parents met hers. A heart wrenching screech let out the monster; both had held their weapons out and attempted killing blows to their only darling daughter. She did not take their lives, but merely took their weapons and the dagger that was supposed to end her. She did not have it in her to kill her parents and so she fled as fast and as far as she could. She flew high up into the night sky and let out vicious enraged roars that sounded more like the broken-hearted sobs of a wounded girl.​
For decades she survived in her own hidden forest; a stretch of territory far from the clutches of the kingdoms of man or elf. They did not adore her. They did not comfort her. They did not love her. No one did except for those that worshipped her. It was only 'spirits' that she talked to (animals and plants) that told her of other clusters of elves that needed her. And so she made contracts with them and thrived on their praise and offerings. Kaizee became an enigmatic figure deep in the forest and was revered by many who knew her formally as Forest Mother of Unrest.
More decades passed and she became quietly revered as the legendary predatory Presence in the wilderness that hunted the lost or the foolish; a mystical being people called 'She-in-the-wild.' Yet only those who knew the truth and actually got to know her called her 'Mother Kaiz.' She was the self-proclaimed forest protector that would strike back at the human forest defilers and betrayers of contracts she had agreed upon. Over time her legend grew and her tale fell upon the ears of those in the kingdom of men, and in particular, the one called Phetah. And so the 'spirits' told her about the call to service to investigate the all too peculiar rumbles she felt emanate from the elemental Earth during the quake.​
The Unrested One left her grove in her far off territory and travelled to Phetah, willingly volunteering herself to this expedition due to aligning goals with the Kingdom. Kaizee, however, has her own reasons to find what man calls the Eye of God.​

Element - EARTH:
Elemental Earth - Kaizee is a strong caster who uses multiple facets of Earth magic to her advantage and needs. She uses the power of Earth to shape and form that within arm's reach and most often she enhances her own light brown frame. Weapons and armour made of stone, diamond, wood and natural poisons she may craft. Her connection to the element runs deep and so another power of hers is that of shapeshifting also. The woman may reform her body into that of any creature up to half her size or double her size. Other than size differences, these animal forms may be exact replica of the animal she wishes to shape into however, she will adorn these forms with some kind of flora and most often proudly accented with a set of bark hardened horns in full view to represent her 'elevated status'. Often when she casts, the ground itself can be heard groaning angrily as it shifts and quakes while she uses Earth's power, giving her the title: Forest Mother of Unrest.​

Character Perk - EARTH DIVE:
Earth dive - Kaiz may move through vegetation and earth like she was running/swimming through it. Coupled with surprising speed for one her size, she is an effective predatory hunter and spy in the wilderness. She may move through stone but at half speed. And if her face is covered while moving through such terrain, she will not be able to see and must also come up for air lest she suffocate. Anything forged or of non-organic matter will not pass into the terrain with her.​

Passive Perk - PRIMAL SPEECH:
Primal Speech - Kaiz can speak with all forms of fauna and may even speak with flora as well. This does not mean she makes allies or charms them to become friendly and work for her, but this ability at least gives her opportunity to attempt to strike up a contract with them. Kaizee calls this 'Spirit Talk' since she believes that she is able to speak to the element earth spirits living within these natural living things.​

Ultimate Perk - The PRIMORDIAL RAGE:

This is the culmination of Kaizee's pent up frustration, anger and supressed damaged mental health manifesting into the giant beast she calls the Primordial Rage. This gigantic monster is an amalgamation of: great cat, scorpion, bat, giant thorns, bark and stone. Not only does the Rage fly but it tosses giant poisoned thistles from its venomous tail too. This poison is a strong sedative and numbs nervous system the more thistles hit the target. From within is the churning heat and magma from the Earth core that lights up with each roar and each devastating bite is increased in damage from the massive amount of heat emanating from the gullet of the great beast. Kaizee calls this form the Primordial Rage and considers it a separate entity from herself; basically giving this form free license to lay waste to anything in its path without any of the actions/percussions weighing heavily on her mind.​

  • 'Jakondar' - The bow of her dead hunter elf/human father. She may magically forge instantly her own arrows but has multiple types of specialty arrows.
  • 'Fae and Sylv' - Her twin tonfa with sharpened, barbed stabbing ends from her warrior elf mother. Both have reservoirs to hold poison or oils that leach out through a small hole in each baton. They are carved so that each has a distinct 'singing voice' when whipped around in circles. One is a shrill whistle, the other is a low warble.
  • 'Miri' - The only metal implement she has. Used as a last resort weapon, this ornate and beautiful dagger is her ceremonial, blood-letting/sacrificing sacred blade.

~ Loves music and dance, will participate too​
~ Loves to be worshipped, comforted and flattered​
~ Loves to be surrounded by gullible/dense others​
~ Acts like she hates humans due to their environmental damage, but does find them rather intriguing.​
~ Actually makes really strong psychotropic magic mushrooms and indulges herself everyso often too.​
~ Acts like she is truly asexual/aromantic but it's really cuz she is inept at romance. (Yeah, she's so gay lol)​
~ Hates wasteful society and environmental abuse​
~ Hates and fears fire and will act aggressively​
~ Hates being played a fool and esp hates betrayal​


Strength: 8
Stamina: 9
Speed: 11
Dexterity: 11
Endurance: 6
Faith: 2
Intelligence: 11

Luck: 2



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Name: Elisabeth von Richtberg

Title/Nickname: The Ashen Lady

Age: 42

Gender: Female (She/her)

Appearance: Elisabeth is a taller than average female human with a slender, yet muscular build. Her hair is of a dirty blonde and her eyes of a deep blue. Her skin is fair, though beneath the clothes, there are various scars scattered around her body. Most distinguishing of those scars is the one on the right side of her face, which reaches down her neck and beneath the clothes. It is a burn scar, that has somewhat healed by now. The Ashen Lady is most commonly found wearing a tattered armor, which has its cloth partly burned and always seems to be covered in glowing embers. The the armor appears to lack a helmet. Further, the woman almost always has a sword and shield on her. The sheath and blade of said sword, along with its handle, seem severly damaged by fire, just as the right side of the shield is almost charred.

Personality: The originally proud, confident and inspiring woman that was Elisabeth von Richtberg is but a hollow of her former self. Resignated, cynical and without a goal. She seems to have grown sour, at herself as much as at the world around her. The Ashen Lady is a hard to read person, her intentions unclear to many, often just as much to herself.

Before Elisabeth became the Ashen Lady, her life had been quite successful. She was born as the daughter of a noble knight in a family, who had served in the royal guard for generations. It was no wonder that he wanted his daugther to continue that tradition. With martial training, education and etiquette, she was raised to a fine example of a knight, soon even surpassing her own father. While she was not dumb, the topics of politics and diplomacy however oftenly evaded her grasp. Her direct and blunt approach to things made her a fine warrior, but a poor politician. What she excelled at was combat and leading.

When she was 18, to nobodies surprise, she joined the royal army, climbing through the ranks at an incredible pace. With just 25, she had managed to join the royal guard, which she served for another 10 years, before being promoted to its captain with 35. Known as a fierce warrior, her skill with the blade unmatched due to her precision and technique, as well as an inspiring leader, it was no wonder she was being looked up to by many of the younger and even older knights.

However, it was a mere three years ago, when disaster struck. The rumors are many, with little being factually known. The only common term in the rumor is that a vicious demon had been ravaging the towns, leading to the royal guard being dispatched to support local forces, hoping to minimize the losses. But while the demon was seemingly successfuly defeated, only three of the ten knights returned. Their captain had not made it back.
Two days later, she was found entering the capital, her flesh, gear and armor burned. She had an ungodly glow to her, seemingly burning from the inside constantly. No doctor seemed able to treat her wounds. Her ability to move properly was severly limited, making her previous, precise, almost dance like fighting style impossible to perform.

Due to her accursed state, loss in fighting prowess and her supposed failure to save her mens life, she was dismissed as the royal guards captain. Ever since, she has been wandering the capital, frequenting many taverns. She took work as a mercenary, however never requesting payment, instead helping only those she deemed in dire need. She had developed a new fighting style, slugish, brutal, heavy. She was still a vicious foe to face, yet it was different. A lot was.

- Though it might not be apparent at the very first, a lot of Elisabeths fine motoring skills have left her due to the extensive fire damage to the right side of her body. Due to that, the previously right handed woman now even wields her sword in the left hand, using the right to hold her shield, as it requires less dextrous movements.

- With her new style of fighting, Elisabeth has little choice as to what exactly she hits, more so fighting a general area and whatever resides within it.

Character Perk: Curse of the Flame
The curse that Elisabeth bears comes with boons as much as it has drawbacks. is able to harness the curse that has befallen her. While doing so, the burned flesh will start to glow in embers and her right eye will light ablaze. Further, her sword and shield will light on fire, giving her a devestating fiery area effect to all her movements. However, each moment she harnesses her curse like that sends her through agony, as though her flesh was searing off her bones with no end to come.

Passive perk: Forged in Fire
Elisabeth is fairly resistant to all kinds of fire damage. In addition, taking damage will cause the curse to pulse through Elisabeths body. The more her body becomes damaged, the more it will glow with fiery energy. As her health lowers, her strength will increase. Regaining health will in return make her lose a proportional amount of this buff.

Ultimate Perk: Nocturna of Hellfire
Elisabeth will thrust her blade into the ground, causing pillars of fire to errupt around her. These explosive bursts of flame will continue burning after their initial detonation. After a few seconds, Elisabeth will then withdraw her blade from the ground, at which point the fire will flush inward, gathering around the Ashen Lady. The flames will wreathe around her sword, leaving it enhanced and extended for a short period of time.

Weapon: Armaments of the Charred
This set of weapon and shield was once a masterwork of smithing. Now its charred form hardly resembles its prior glory. Only vaguely a sword anymore, the weapon is not particularly sharp, more of a cleaver than a blade. Both, sword and shield look extensively damaged, yet display surprising durability. They seem to require incredible strength to be handled effectively.

Element: Fire.

The Ashen.png

Theme song:

Voice Claim:

This is a quick summary of your characters build in total, each stat can go up to a maximum of 15, each player only gets 60 points to spend on stats.

Strength: 15
Stamina: 12
Speed: 8
Dexterity: 1
Endurance: 15
Faith: 2
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 3
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Name: Ryker Phetah

Title/Nickname: Monster of Phetah (By the King)

Age: 18

Gender: Male (He/him)

Ryker Phetah looks very dirty, he looks like he hasn’t washed himself or bathed in months, his personal hygiene isn’t to well either which doesn’t help his case of being filthy. He has long black hair and blue and very pretty eyes that could remind someone of the ocean or the costal line, he has unatrual pale skin and looks like he never see’s sunlight. He has deep eye bags that shows someone that he’s naturally tired. He stands at about roughly 5’10” not too short nor to tall, he weighs around 175 pounds in total.

Naturally Ryker is very quite person, which could surprise someone for being the son of the king, though not many even know of his existence, only the few know he lives in this world and has royal blood in his veins. He’s extremely controlled and has no feelings towards himself and naturally torn apart from his father. He’s deeply scared from the things he’s seen since he was a child.

Ryker Phetah was born into the royal blood line, which means he was born by the queen and his father is the king himself. Though no one knows that he even exists, so being the heir to the throne is nearly impossible to believe, he was disowned and to be ignored for the rest of his pathetic life, not many known his existence besides a few knights who watched the birth take in place. He was named Ryker by his mother, even though his father did not want to waste any time on him nonetheless name the dissatisfaction of a child. Though once he grew into childhood, his father discovered supernatural abilities that Ryker posses and he saw this as an opportunity to use in The Great War, naming him,’Monster of Phetah’, Ryker has seen the face of war since he was the age of 10 and fought in The Great War against the nation Eldrith for 7 years until the war ended with no victor on either side, though the kings future plans with him tell different once the get The Eye of God in their hands.


- For safety procedures, he has his arms locked tighter to prevent movement.

-Extremely desperate for food and other items needed for survival.

Character perk-

Passive perk-

Ultimate perk-





Theme song:

Voice claim:
{Sabito from demon slayer}


Strength: 15

Stamina: 15

Speed: 10

Endurance: 15

Dexterity: 1

Faith: 1

Intelligence: 1

Luck: 1
|Silas Reed|
The Wicked.png
Title/Nickname: The Wicked, Venom of the Blood Orchid
Age: 25
Height: 5'9
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Personality: Through grit and grind, Silas respects others with strengths. This is however not limited to physical. Everybody has different capabilities. Those who drag others behind are viewed as weak. To Silas, the weak is a stain that should be removed. Helping others is not much of a priority of Silas unless he gets something in returned. After all, nothing offered, nothing gained. In return, Silas doesn't like the idea of asking for help unless he has something else to give. In a group, he typically cooperates and works efficiently. Survival is best with a group. Silas expects others to depend on him in certain cases, and in return, they better assist in the same manner.
Backstory: Not everybody starts off life so great. That doesn't mean that they have to end it the same. Problems within the slums of the city are quite large, but are often swept under the rug. Especially with the so called "Great War" active, nobody so much as cared for the peasants suffering from the bottom of the food chain. Perhaps he could have joined the kingdoms forces, if only Silas weren't a child at the time. With that in mind, Silas spent his childhood scrounging for food, and picking fist fights with others to get what he wants. After each failure, Silas grew stronger and more bold.

Eventually, simple thievery wasn't cutting, so Silas resorted to robbery. Sometimes, such a thing would leader to outright murder. One failed attempt, left Silas with a slash at a face. Such a scar would be very recognizable, so he had to flee civilization. Surviving inside a city from the bottom was already a difficult feat.

The wilderness proved to also show no sympathy. Within typical predators lurked
monstrosities which held both the form of beast and men. Silas learned that a lone wolf would not survive, so he found a pack. They weren't the greatest bunch. Hell, the most common terms used for the group were bandits, marauders, raiders. Unlike typical pillagers though, Silas and his comrades were pretty well organized. Trained soldiers were too occupied to take down thuggish outlanders, so it was mercenaries that were the primary foes. Either way, attempts at eliminating Silas and those above him ended with failure.

Years past since Silas first took on this life. Eventually, rumors spread, and fast. Silas and his group heard of a new land since a natural incident. At first glance, the earthquake wasn't seen as such a big deal. These things happen. That was when stories began to become... overexaggerated. Silas had to admit that he took a bit of interest which was shared by some of his other brethren. The band of raiders were criminals though, but a single individual might look independent from them. This artifact, the Eye of God, held a lot of mystery and curiosity. What could such a thing be, and what power could it bring to a simple group of outlaws. The Blood Orchid was always greedy and could use such a thing, so they decided to send their Venom. Silas decided to pose as a volunteer for this expedition, but he has his own objective.

Trivia: When things get moody, Silas likes to lift up the mood by singing and dancing. A tavern is the best setting, but it can always be done around a campfire.

|Combat and Abilities|
  • Character Perk - Smokescreen: Black smoke surrounds Silas's body and bursts out to create a thick fog around the area.
  • Passive - Filtered Lungs: Silas is immune to toxins in the air and can enter areas without effect. However, this is only applied if the poison is in gas form. Other types, most commonly liquid, he is not necessarily immune to, but is resistant against.
  • Ultimate Perk - Glitch: A massive illusion ability which allows Silas to project afterimages. It can be used in several ways. Perhaps a foe thinks they landed a hit on Silas, only for them to be stabbed from behind from the real form. Offensively, Silas can fire several arrows, but only one of them is real. The interesting part of this ability is that Silas's clones will react as if were the original, but only he can actually deal damage.
  • Weapon: A pair of daggers, shortbow and arrows, and vials of poison
  • Element: Poison
Strength: 6
Stamina: 12
Speed: 15
Dexterity: 10
Endurance: 8
Faith: 2
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 2


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