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Fantasy Bloodlands {Lore}


“That’s one small step for man.”
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~~~Introduction to Lore~~~

The New continent
The lands that erupted from the earth below in the great rumble, not much is known of the lands. It’s hasn’t been explore or investigated though rumors that The Eye of God is located in the island. Though the island is protect from dangerous climates and weather surrounding it, a dangerous journey though the challenge is worth it. The continent has stable living conditions though many unspeakable horrors live across the continent. It has unpredictable weather and climate.


Kingdom of Phetah
The Kingdom of Phetah is one of the eight nations across the lands, it’s known for its wealthy nation and powerful military along side the humongous forest that make it extremely difficult to invade for other country’s. It has a rich atmosphere and climate perfect for farming crops, though finding minerals such as copper, gold , and iron is now becoming difficult from them mining at increasing paces, located in the Far East near the ocean where the new continent emerged from during the night of the rumble.

The most commonly used element of all of them, a basic element that is easier to control than the others, deals burning damage to enemies.

An element that is also common with in the world of magic users though it is more difficult to use than fire.

A pure element that is extremely more harder to control than other elements, it can cast lightning strikes and unstable pure energy.

Another pure element, able to cast dark magic able to cast other dark spells that can create shadow energy and highly dangerous to people.

A mixture element of both Dark and Moon, able to use both sides of the opposite elements able to use shadows and cast energy magic.

An intense variant of the light element, more dangerous and harder to control, deals more damage then light.

A deadly element that slowly damages enemies as seconds pass by, causing slow and heavy amounts of pain.

A rare element that only the skilled can use, if the death element overwhelms the enemy it can cause the effect, blood loss, taking multiple and massive amount of damage.

These are the basic elements of the world, feel free to make your own I love creativity in character sheets so don’t be afraid to make different elements! If your not sure if it’s allowed just dm me!^^

The Great War of Phetah
The Great War of Phetah was a brutal war that lasted 12 years in total, both sides of the nations that fought with one another lost many lives, and lives they would never get back. It was also the first war that had the first encounter with the, white beast of war , as the elf raced reffered the creature as, many of the elves described it as an animal with no mind and only instinct to kill any thing it saw, immediately becoming a beast that the race of elves feared from the war.Though the nation that Phetah was In ganged with was called,’Eldrith’ a nation that was highly populated with the elf race. Elves and Humans didn’t have many differences in fact they had more similarities. Though the oppression the elf race faced was monstrous, so monstrous that the few elves alongside humans who considers themselves allies with the hated race. The resistance lasted a few exhausting months for the kingdom, there were multiple reports of the enforcers of the knights of Phetah hanging eves and humans for opposing the law and giving public executions, hanging them on crosses , though the ressictane eventual fell and the war had finally concluded to an end. Though elves still face oppression and are forced to wear clothing than marks them letting others know of their race.

The white beast of war

It was a brutal siege in a battle of the Great War, both sides flooding with troops as they fought over flat land, making it nearly impossible for either side to conquer the other. The humans, charging at the elves or better yet in this case the, Eldrith nation. It was brutal, hundreds of humans and elves dying, though amongst the battle a blood curling, monstrous and loud scream that could be heard from kilometers away could be heard along side a loud blinking and a flash that blinded anyone who looked at it for a short period of time. Once people regain their sites they could see easily at least 30 meter beast appear out of the midst, and soon it rushed towards the eldrith nation killing soldiers like flies even taking short periods of time to eat the elves infront of their comrades. The nation in a whole was shocked to realize they had lost so much territory from the beast alone. Many humans described the beast as a pale and skeletal figure, possessing long fangs to turn anybody to pieces of meat and devour them. It was slim and it’s body was completely pale, it’s face possessing no skin as the hole of its eyes glew having an aurora terrifying everyone, it’s back having wings with a purple color.

Beats are a species of various creatures that are humongous in size and easily could be a high level threat to elves, humans and other species that fall victim to them. They are to be avoided at all costs, they take forms of terrifying monsters that chase anything that moves, beasts that are starving constantly looking for a meal to devour. Extremely difficult to kill when alone, it’s advised to attack a beast with multiple people with you.


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