Recent content by Vanman

  1. Vanman


    I show 20 but I leave it to CW to verify. In fact, I hope I'm wrong!  :D
  2. Vanman


    Here is a nice spreadsheet character sheet for Exalted that I found most helpful. I created my character on Google Drive and then linked it to the site. That way, I have a copy and it's not dependent on the site itself. You may have to make a copy of it in order to save it. If you want me to...
  3. Vanman


    @Cthulhu_Wakes - I sent you a PM, in case you didn't get a notification. Not about this game. But I am using this forum to let you know about it.
  4. Vanman


    Looks like the character sheet didn't get ported over. Sorry about that, brother. That's why I do my character sheets in Google Docs and then link it. I have a blank sheet that keeps track of most of the moving parts, if you are interested.
  5. Vanman


    Florida is ground zero for the really weird. Period. So having an Unknown Armies campaign centered here sounds just about perfect. B|
  6. Vanman

    Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City

    Echo's Lament The bard's eyebrows rise with the bartender's comments. "Interesting in what way? I must say, I am most certainly intrigued by these Foundationalists. And I haven't seen the creepy ruin they worship. Do te..." At the sound of the door opening, Echo's Lament turns and sees Samesh...
  7. Vanman


    This is Florida, @Grey. Molested alligators and drug-addled cannibal hobos are par for the course. The worst of it is passed, and I and my family are fine. The course deviated enough so that we didn't face the worst of it. The coast is a bit different, but where I am is not bad at all.
  8. Vanman


    I know this doesn't help for the time before, but right now there's a Category 4 hurricane bearing down. I will do my best but can guarantee nothing.
  9. Vanman


    You might have to go into the Notifications Settings, which you can do when you click on the notification icon. That's how I fixed it.
  10. Vanman


    @Cthulhu_Wakes @Sarky @JayTee @Skrakes @Grey So what's going on, boys? Is the game still on? I want it to be on. Activity has been sparse, though. So I'm checking in. Are we still playing?
  11. Vanman

    Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City

    Echo's Lament "Ahh," says Echo's Lament, his lips pursing in distaste. "Causality. Fate. I don't much like the idea of Fate. I make my own path in the world, and neither gods nor spirits nor some great big...I don't know, spider web determines that path. I make my own path." The bard shrugs...
  12. Vanman

    Exalted 3rd: Nexus

    The Doctor " the labial lips of Mother Gaia!!! Put him down, Opticon, or he may die before we get anything more out of him!" The Doctor kneels down beside the foaming pawn and places his hands over the seizing cat's paw. He closes his eyes for a moment and let's the Unconquered Sun's...
  13. Vanman

    Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City

    Echo's Lament "What brings any wanderer to the fair city of Antoo, my friend? This is the city of answers, yes? There is the Library, there are the debates, there are the learned scholars. If you have a question and need an answer, this is the place to come. As it is with them, so it is with...
  14. Vanman


    Woo hoo!!! Quorum!!! Let's get this party started!!!!
  15. Vanman


    I'm all in.