Glad to hear it, man.

I was just referencing the fact Florida frequently sounds like ground zero in a really weird Unknown Armies campaign. 
Florida is ground zero for the really weird. Period. So having an Unknown Armies campaign centered here sounds just about perfect.

Glad to hear it, man.

I was just referencing the fact Florida frequently sounds like ground zero in a really weird Unknown Armies campaign. 

The Sunshine Laws, funny enough, are why all that news out of Florida, gets out of Florida. One of the few states that broadcasts all of our weird legal shit in a transparent way. Other states don't, so that's why Florida is always in the news. 
I uh... can't seem to find my character sheet? Am I an idiot or did it get lost somehow?
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Looks like the character sheet didn't get ported over. Sorry about that, brother. That's why I do my character sheets in Google Docs and then link it. I have a blank sheet that keeps track of most of the moving parts, if you are interested.
Character sheets are on this site *somewhere*, I found my own after the changepocalypse but it took a while.
I found mine, but it was blank. 

Someone in one of my games used a really neat online sheet for WoD, but I think it had an Exalted variant. 

...I should check on that game.
Here is a nice spreadsheet character sheet for Exalted that I found most helpful. I created my character on Google Drive and then linked it to the site. That way, I have a copy and it's not dependent on the site itself. You may have to make a copy of it in order to save it. If you want me to share it with you, I'll need an email address so I can do that share. Otherwise, you all are welcome to use it if you wish.
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I would like to argue that the handling of placing this game, let alone the hundred others on the forum, into the new system was utter pants. This whole series of forums we use for this game aren't even accessible from the forum they're nested in. I do hope with future games it won't be as much a headache. 

Also, posts soon.
Just rebuilding Shine with the handy spreadsheet Vanman linked, then applying the XP.  It's like 30 at this point, right?

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