'sup? I'm here. A little lost on plot details despite my best efforts, but I'm here. >.>;
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Also it's unnerving how the main forum containing this and two other threads is still marked as containing 0 items.

Anyway. Following everyone and everything at this point so I'll know when we're ready to get back on the road. [JUSTICE INTENSIFIES]
I'm alive, I swear. School started this week among other things. So, the plot.

All five of you gathered through happenstance (later revealed to be THE WILL OF THE SUN) at the village Manua in the Relinquished Marshes. This lovely slice of the Hundred Kingdoms has welcomed all of you for various reasons. This is an isolated land pocked with ruins like the face of a pox victim. The Old Crown Lands, though no one recalls where the name originated, dominated by a great, calcified alien city at its heart. What of it? This isn't the first time a Circle of Exalted (of any type) have come together under momentous events...but there's the rub. The events unfolding in the Crown are of cyclical import. Strange doings and a virulent outbreak of an old plague brought the region to its knees. Villages wiped out; hundreds dead and missing. 

You Solar Exalted walked into the horror, spoke with local gods, village elders, and pursued strange hunters with the skein of Fate drawing you to Manua. There, the company's Twilight faced down the plague and, seemingly, lit the curative fire in the sickened masses. From this victory, the Circle was spoken to by the Sun Himself. His Word urged the group inland toward the ancient city of Antoo. Along the way, you stumbled upon a dilapidated manor from a bygone era. Driving rain and strange noises drew you in to discover an orgiastic cult presided over by two very old Fae. Their ivy-draped bacchanal set the air afire when you made contact with Thicket's Shepard, a serene fae who provided this hedonistic escape for local villages who would offer up their prayers to aide his wife. She sat upon a chair by the fire looking for all the world like the finest marble statue ever made, until she turned her head to gaze upon the lot of you. She was slowly, painfully turning to stone from a battle with an unknown Chosen a century past. Begging your help, Thicket beseeches Shine's help once more. A flurry of masterful surgery and healing magics flow forth and his wife is restored to her beautiful, lively self.

You leave with a Fae's debt.

Onward, to Antoo. The City Which History Built. The roads and walls and canals and temples are a visual mural of the city's history going back to neolithic times, before Men, before the Chosen. At an inn before the city, you were given guidance to men who may have word of the plague. The great agora hosts the Debate, the Nettling Discourse, where philosophers, fools, and carpenters come to trade ideas and harangue the apes of the library. One such man brought you to the Library, the crown jewel of Antoo, high upon the hill. An ancient relic of the First Age, the great cathedral complex was converted into perhaps the largest and most well defended place of learning in all of the East. 

The brotherhood of uplifted apes, the Ur-Ook, shepherd curious souls and gathering intellects to any subject imaginable, save the sealed Vault of Glass rumored to lie beneath the Library.  They brought you to a solitary wing covered in old tapestries and filled with books of marvelous construction. Each and every one of them codified as relevant material to the plague that has long ravaged the Crown. In the ultimate expression of bureaucratic puissance, Echo's Lament created a vast web of information for the rest of the Circle to launch off of, to learn, and begin uncovering a strange connection to between the plague and the fabled dead city in the heart of the Crown. 

Now, after a long day's research, you find yourselves in an inn downhill from the Library, owned by a lively wood elemental and populated with sordid sorts. Presently, Samesh is interrogating Cordwainer, recruiter for the Martyrs, killers for coin who've been plying their own methods to stop the plague back in the marshlands. 
I'm still in. Just not myself lately. Cannot decide what to do in character right now. I can squirt out a post but it's not likely to achieve much, so I was waiting to see if something I know Shine can latch onto comes up. 
Game pls

I was one of the most recent, doesn't feel right posting again straight after.
I have to admit I've sort of lost enthusiasm for the game and was under the impression that it had quietly passed on. I'm willing to give it another go, though.
I am to blame for that since I restarted school recently. I've been inundated with work and I've stupidly not kept everyone up to date. I will be fixing this as soon as I am able, most likely tomorrow. How goes?
I do really wish they hadn't banjaxed the transfer of this game into these forums. I still don't get alerts for it. 
You might have to go into the Notifications Settings, which you can do when you click on the notification icon. That's how I fixed it.
I know this doesn't help for the time before, but right now there's a Category 4 hurricane bearing down. I will do my best but can guarantee nothing.
The spirit of Florida Man is restless, having not received his sacrifices of molested alligators and drug-addled cannibal hobos. 
This is Florida, @Grey. Molested alligators and drug-addled cannibal hobos are par for the course.

The worst of it is passed, and I and my family are fine. The course deviated enough so that we didn't face the worst of it. The coast is a bit different, but where I am is not bad at all.

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