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  • I just got back from week-long vacation, and before that other stuff was clogging my schedule. I'm back now, so hopefully I can make time to RP.
    Trying to come back.
    169 days (nice).
    Also, I forgot tags needed to be approved, and so I put the random tag of "otherthingsmaybe" on a post. Very sorry if I inconvenienced anyone, I promise I will wield its power with care.
    Welcome back!!
    From July 5th, back on September 5th.
    I fully realize no one cares, just wanted to post this here.
    I don’t believe myself to be a good fit for this platform, as every time I get into conversations about starting an RP, something happens to come up, and I never end up replying to my partner because I either feel like I can’t say no without seeming rude, or just telling them I’m busy. With this, I then lose interest and after slipping away from everything I’m involved in, I end up leaving, only to try again later. What I do is bad, and though I realize I’m an atom in an ocean, I still feel like I’m somehow negatively impacting other people greatly.
    The main reason for this may be due to the fact that I don’t regularly engage with the platform, unlike what I mainly use, Discord. As such, I think I simply disassociate and additionally feel no need to check out the site when busy. It just doesn’t work and I think for my best interests, it’s better if I stay away. I’ll still be RPing, it’ll just be elsewhere, as it has been. I may return at a different point, but I merely wanted to express a negative trend I noticed.

    Thank you for reading this stupid rant.
    Hi there. Just wanted you to know that I read it, and I care. I hope you're happy RPing wherever you find it best for you. <3
    I’m making a return from a hiatus. I apologize to those that remember me, and hope I can engage with this site in a more consistent manner.
    Last time I was here was like, April 24th, so it’s been 2 months, I believe.
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