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  • Toonami for me, is about to start... And to quote CL, I'm about to go get lifted! [But NOT on drugs or alcohol lolzness...]! Sukai's Definition of Lifted: Feeling really happy while watching anime! :D  
    RIP C Martin croker I feel super saddend by his death :( he was a great toonami host He will be missed
    R.I.P I believe his amazing legacy will live on... :(  
    *Notices people leaving messages on each-other's walls* Hmm./.. *Thinks* One, two, three... *Do the Nick Minaj blinks* Hmm... *Keeps thinking* Okay! *Decides* Nah... *Avoids joining the trend and hops away like the cat she is* 
    I'm alive, but I feel rather dead and lonesome... Anybody up for a deep, philosophical conversation? 

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! 
    "Beating the drum like dum-dee-dee-day, I like the dirty rhythm you play... I wanna hear ya' callin' my name, like Hey moon mama, hey moon mama, moon mama ehh!" - Just a little lyric for thought. Sometimes I wish I was male so that way no-one would be pressuring me into relationships. Not saying it's true for every guy, but I feel like I'm kinda being pressured right now. It's so stupid. Also I Am Sailor Moon, but I've met one too many Endos to want a "Tuxedo Mask" right now. Just call me Sailor Ghoul... What's One Thousand Minus 7? *Popping knuckles* 
    I don't care what anyone says, Daft Punk are the most amazing robots in electronica music! And electronica music has a lot of legends, but my Discovery of Daft Punk's legacy has me getting lucky whenever I lose myself to their dance music. :)  Yes I did, now to quote Skrillex -- Drop the bass! :D  

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! ^_^  
    My last night of procrastinating before cramming all day tomorrow and I'm enjoying it! So to quote the legendary and deeply missed K-Pop group 4Minute for those who are feeling sad or alone; you're not alone so, 1절만 하시죠 (Cut It Out)!  And 2. You guys always have a friend in me! Your friendly neighborhood Sailor Moon. :)  Well if anyone is up for a chit-chat, RP and/or Status update fun-time (Rping randomly in a status update); then just do it like Nike! No Facetime, but some people wanna Skype me. Okay, 

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! :D  
    Hello my fellow RPN-Nerds, I hope everyone is doing well today and if not, as I always say I hope things get better for all of you! I'm off tonight, from homework and work in general so if anyone wants to RP with me or chat with me or continue to chat with me. Now is a great time, to start and/or start back! I also apologize to the people I haven't replied to, I've been very busy and exhausted so I just haven't been able to reply the way I'd like. However I'm looking forward to RPing with old friends and new friends; making new friends and figuring this crazy puzzle called RPNation's new website! :)  

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! ^_^  
    Also if anyone wants to RP or discuss RP ideas through PM, just let me know. I need to be entertained, so entertain me! For I AM your reverse harem Neo-Queen, forget School Days (In fact, don't even watch it... Please!!) and watch Fushigi Yuugi and Diabolik Lovers. Just sayin'... Are you entertained by me? Then please entertain me! *Evil giggling* Teehee, hee, hee... 
    Just wanted to say hi and sorry to everyone, I haven't been talking to lately... I've been really busy studying and working on myself; as well as my career of course! So I hope everyone is doing well. And if not, I hope things get better for you guys. :) Also for those of you, have heard of this friendly desert town here's a hymn to sing in the rain; "Waiting for the bus in the rain, wa, wa, waiting in the rain, in the rain..."... 

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! :)  
    Gotta wake up early tomorrow to defend the world from evil, go to college and mainly get my Odango on fleek (lolz)! I'm sorry to all my friends, I'm talking to right now... But I'm the Champion of Justice and Luna's demanding I go to bed (just kidding). Sweet dreams all! 

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! ^_^
    Preparing for college tomorrow, I hope everyone else who is doing the same is blessed as well and please pray and/or hope for me too. I'll be praying and hoping for everyone as well, I hope all of us students do well! And I hope everyone who is out of school and/or graduated is also blessed as well. Hopefully this came out correctly! Lolzness... 

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! ^_^
    Sukai's Sickness Remedy: Vanilla Milkshake, A Sprite (both you drink separately) and French fries. As odd as it may sound, it really helps you when you can't keep heavy foods on your stomach. :) Just a recommendation... And a set of cravings, I'm having! 
    When you almost do something extremely embarrassing, only to stop yourself by looking at the page you're on... I know that sounds odd, but the amount of relief is so beautiful! This is the life of the Neo-Queen of Earth and Awkwardness... Lolz! 
    Just wanted to say thank you, to all the people I've talked to and who have replied to me. I hope everyone has a great time, whatever timezone you guys may be in. Sweet dreams all! 

    The Moonlight is a Message of Love, 

    Sailor Moon Says! ^_^
    Going through a lot... Please pray and/or hope for me. Tonight has been crazy. 
    Lord Mitmar
    Lord Mitmar
    Eeeyup! Math is rad, though if I had to choose a favorite I'd have to pick Chemistry. I always prefer work over an idle chat and a beer, or something. 

    Not saying this isn't interesting, that may have sounded off putting. My apologies.

    I'm not a beer guy anyway, could never get past the smell.
    I don't think that's off putting, it's something you're passionate about. I'm not that good at math, though I did get a C in my previous semester of math in college last year... So I'm not that bad, with the help of a calculator. Also I don't drink in general, so I don't see anything wrong with that! :) Chemistry is amazing to me, also... I'd have to say my favorite subject is psychology. I love the idea of studying the mind and thoughts; it's so interesting. The human mind is a world of so many explorations waiting to happen. :)  
    Lord Mitmar
    Lord Mitmar
    Psychology always seemed interesting to me, but I could never get past the... Oh... Random aspect? I suppose? Math is great because you can come up with an answer, turn it around, and show exactly how you got there. With Psychology, there's so many little variances in how people act, so much data can be correct for one person, and wrong for another. 

    As far as Chemistry goes, I could ramble for days about it. However I'll limit it to this; You can make explosives out of sugar. Who doesn't like sugar? Who doesn't like explosions? Exactly. 
    #Nevergettingmarried #neverhavingkids, Amen!
    Same with me, but not by choice.
    Oh, well I hope this comes out correctly... But if you want to talk with me about it through PM, you can. But if you don't want to, you don't have to; I understand. I don't ever want to pry. Anyway I hope you're having a nice evening/whatever time zone you may be in currently! :)
    I feel the need to say this, for some reason... I'm never loving again! Don't ask me why.
    But we loves you!
    It's not platonic love that I'm referring to. It's mainly romantic love, I just feel like right now I shouldn't be falling for anyone. But I do love my friends, deeply in terms of platonic love! So it's not a personal thing. :)
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