Recent content by Otaku_Girl

  1. Otaku_Girl

    Um, hi there! It's been a while ^_^'

    Hiya! *waves* It’s aweslme you’re trying out roleplaying again too! :o What made you decide to come back? :csmile: I’m sure we’ll both get over being a bit rusty in no time :bishiesparklesl:
  2. Otaku_Girl

    Other What's your most hated fan ship?

    True, true, but canon doesn’t always get it right :o Poor Vision can do better than Wanda T_T He didn’t deserve that treatment from Civil War...
  3. Otaku_Girl

    Fandom Searching for slash or gen fandom partner(s)

    Hi there, thanks for checking out my thread. I’m hoping to find a one on one roleplay for any of the following fandoms. I prefer to keep it cannon characters for most roleplays, or to crossover between fandoms. I am based in the U.K., and I do have a job that means some days I may be able to...
  4. Otaku_Girl

    Other What's your most hated fan ship?

    I was going to pick Dr Strange, but Pepper’s an awesome choice too :)
  5. Otaku_Girl

    Um, hi there! It's been a while ^_^'

    Good luck to you too! ^_^ Thank you :) I totally know what you mean - even if you do find a super fan who likes to rp a dead fandom, chances are they won’t like the same characters or pairings :closedeyescryingfrown:
  6. Otaku_Girl

    Um, hi there! It's been a while ^_^'

    Too many dead fandoms :closedeyescryingfrown:D': For current, I’m a huge MCU fan, but so many of my anime and manga fandoms long since died:dead: Must. Find. New ones!
  7. Otaku_Girl

    Um, hi there! It's been a while ^_^'

    Thank you! :) Oooh can I ask which fandom? That’s so awesome! I’m hoping I manage to find others who are interested in the same fandoms ^_^
  8. Otaku_Girl

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    One line responses, or replies that are clearly padded without adding anything to the progression of the characters or plot. I tend to find those who do either of these wait for someone else to lead all of the time, which can become cumbersome and feel like you are the only one pulling your...
  9. Otaku_Girl

    Experiences oc x canon

    Combining OC with cannon always feels more like a marysue fantasy rather than an equal, fun to explore role play. It also feels oddly restrictive, as one of you has the freedom to create but the other is bound by the relatively strict cannon rules/outlines that make that character who they are.
  10. Otaku_Girl

    Other At what age did you start role-playing and what made you stay?

    I used to role play from about...11-19ish? It’s been about 8-9 years since I last seriously tried an rp, but I realised I was missing it a lot and it has always been a great motivator to keep writing fiction. I’m really hoping to get back into it now :csmile:<3
  11. Otaku_Girl

    Viewpoint Do you ever play the opposite gender? Do you prefer it?

    I usually prefer to play as the opposit gender, but I don’t mind too much either was :)
  12. Otaku_Girl

    Other Hobbies

    Ooooh I might have to try that :o<3 definitely not one I’d thought of before; thank you!
  13. Otaku_Girl

    Other Anyone else an aspiring writer/author?

    I write nonfiction professionally, but I’d love to work in more fiction. I’m hoping that getting back into rping more regularly will help kickstart my writing habits outside of work again :/:
  14. Otaku_Girl

    Other What's your most hated fan ship?

    Steve/Tony (MCU). Since Captain America: Civil War, even hearing this pairing makes me wince. Poor Tony deserves so much better :angryteeth::closedeyescryingfrown: That film saw so many people betraying him and blindly following someone without fully knowing what was going on; it ruined so many...
  15. Otaku_Girl

    Other Do you prefer pre-made characters, or to create your own?

    It depends on the kind of rp. If it’s fandom based, I 100% would rather have a canon character over an OC. If it’s an original rp, I’d rather create my own character