Recent content by Magneta

  1. M

    dont klik if ur easly spookd~ (kagura's art)

    Dry charcoal and soft brushes. It's an easy way to get used to shadow/contrast.
  2. M

    Some art...{Anime}

    I can imagine! My only computer art was when I was five and on MS paint... what a time.
  3. M

    Some art...{Anime}

    I think you could improve on the way you construct your faces. The colours are lovely and the faces look really good, but you could try and center the eyes more. It's a matter of doing it often :)
  4. M

    dont klik if ur easly spookd~ (kagura's art)

    Try working with charcoal and soft brushes! I loved your painting but maybe this'll be a good way for you to figure out how to work shades.
  5. M

    What's YOUR Work-Out?

    About 45 minutes of weight lifting and an hour and a half/two hours of cardio per day. Don't ask me how I fit this into my schedule, but I do.
  6. M

    Food How can we improve upon garlic bread?

    If you want a very nice, cheesy garlic bread, listen up - I've got a good recipe. First off, you buy a baguette, you know, the ones that aren't ready yet but you need to bake them in the oven for abt. 15 mins? Those ones. You get one of those delicious motherfuckers and you can get started...
  7. M

    Anime & Manga What is a Weeaboo to you?

    Someone who decides that they want to take their obsession even further and pretend they are actually Japanese when they are not, speak butchered Japanese and hate on everything non-Japanese. Basically, I hate Weeaboos. Anime is cool. Japan is cool. Learning Japanese is absolutely wonderful...
  8. M

    Hello there!

    Oh, gee, I really am daft! I must've misread, but the ten posts within 24 hours won't be much of an issue as I am very talkative. I'm glad to be welcomed here by you and several others. I've seen the rules and what not and I think they are very reasonable, to be honest! I do wonder though - are...
  9. M

    X-Men play wanted: looking for Charles Xavier

    Hello there! For an X-Men roleplay, I am looking for someone who would like to play Charles Xavier in a roleplay between him and a female Magneto. My paragraphs are usually very long and although I do write text message roleplays, I'm not so fond of doing them for longer than five texts or so...
  10. M

    Hello there!

    Hello everybody! As Omegle is getting a bit boring for me, I decided to check Google for any good RP websites and got to RPNation. I haven't gotten to personalising my account yet, but that'll follow soon enough. I am an eighteen-year-old, female roleplayer and I'm an avid Sherlock (BBC...