Recent content by Lena

  1. Lena

    Fandom Marvel / OC Universe Literate RP [Cont'd.]

    Real Name → Maria Hill *** Current Alias → Maria Hill *** Affiliation → S.H.I.E.L.D. *** Base Of Operations → S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters *** Identity → Public *** Citizenship → American...
  2. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Of Men Made Gods

    Sorry I haven't been on as much-- there's a lot going on, and I've been really sick lately. I'll post tonight or tomorrow.
  3. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Of Men Made Gods

    Lori glanced down at her hands as she listened to the others talk. She could not help relating to Fletch (honestly, he was the only one here who sounded halfway sane), but there seemed to be a plan falling into order, and as long as she knew what she was doing, she felt at least a little bit...
  4. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Of Men Made Gods

    "No, not a bullet." Lori shook her head regretfully at Alex's question. "Too little contact. I need something they held not too long ago, or something they treasured. Most items of clothing work. A gun, would, too. Objects can't tell me much unless there's, um, human involvement. Like, I...
  5. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Of Men Made Gods

    Lori trickled into the room right behind one of the men, glancing around. The plate settings caught her by surprise; it wouldn't be too strange to set separate food up if, say, someone here was vegetarian or lactose intolerant, but it seemed as though every plate had been prepared exactly for...
  6. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    @DankDoughnut accepted.
  7. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    @TerrinX Why do you keep linking things here without explanation? This isn't the place.
  8. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    Jimmy shook his head once more as the girl who had come up to ask him if he was okay slipped away. This was good; he hadn't liked her. There was something rather odd about her, almost predatory, though he could not tell what it was. She also seemed like she was flirting at him, which was a...
  9. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    Jimmy glanced up at the girl who approached him. She was tall (about the same height, he'd say, as Hannah had been, but now was the very worst time to think of Hannah). He shook his head a few times, looking a lot like a dog shaking off water. "Yeah, yeah..." He said in response to her question...
  10. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    @SirDerpingtonIV accepted
  11. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    Yeah, sure thing. :)
  12. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    Interesting point. Well, you can take a look at the characters up right now. There are not that many, but just PM the owner of whichever one you want him to latch onto.
  13. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    Yeah, I know. I just thought that if there could be a possibility for some sort weird attraction back, it would make the story even more interesting and/or screwed up.
  14. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    I don't think there's any straight human-ish girls, either, lol.
  15. Lena

    Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

    If you want that to be a human being, there aren't very many options right now. There's Blarg's character, who is a sorceress, and there's also always Lee (Lady Ravenshade's character) or Jimmy (mine). I'm not sure if you have any preferences as to the gender of the lost love, though.