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Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise

SirDerpingtonIV said:
Whoop whoop! I might actually do both. Would anyone volunteer for being the double of the "Lost love" of mr. Ghost soldier?
If you want that to be a human being, there aren't very many options right now. There's Blarg's character, who is a sorceress, and there's also always Lee (Lady Ravenshade's character) or Jimmy (mine). I'm not sure if you have any preferences as to the gender of the lost love, though.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Don't have to be for ghosty to stalk them.
Yeah, I know. I just thought that if there could be a possibility for some sort weird attraction back, it would make the story even more interesting and/or screwed up.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Well, if there was, the Ghost would likely become peaceful and quite sweet...
Interesting point. Well, you can take a look at the characters up right now. There are not that many, but just PM the owner of whichever one you want him to latch onto.

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