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  • Waiting for RPs to start while slowly freezing to death.
    I'd come warm you up but you too far :'c I dont want my unicorn to freeze </3  

    (totally not freezing myself)
    I have officially fallen in love with spoken word poems. I wish I could perform them for all you lovelies. *sigh* I'll just settle for performing then to my mirror.
    Just binge watched "Carmilla" for the literal sixth time....I swear this show is th only show that's ever made me cry. *sigh*
    Hi! *hugs side*
    Hola! :)
    What happened to the one Roleplay with Elliot and Jackson?? *pouts*
    Well, first I had to go to hell for a few days. Second, I have a really bad memory. And third, I'm just backed up. :(  So in conclusion, I forgot and then got too busy to reply.
    Well, I'm off to do homework. Just a heads up, I might not be able to get out replies for a while. Sorry to all my peoples, I'm just really backed up right now. Might have to take a break from here. :(
    You speak of the impossible. I'll never forget you, Narwhal.

    *Don't You plays in the background*

    *clutches chest and sighs happily* music to my ears....

    Literally xp
    My dog almost died just now cause I started belting out "Don't You".... I feel bad for all the things my dog goes through....
    Ok, imma just bent real quick here.

    The girl that I have this completely inconvient, random, and over all just really aggrivating crush on winked st me today...twice. I know it's dumb but I can't ducking concentrate on fucking math or whatever when her just winking at me makes my head spin.

    I wish crushes weren't so dumb and annoyingly inconvenient.

    Anyway, I'm just gonna go cry in a corner because I hate my heart choosing the most random people to like. *sigh*
    .....I'm half asleep and delusional. Does anyone else see that squiggly thing talking to them?
    For the curious minds that stumble upon what I've just written, I'm talking about Hypnagogic hallucinations (which you experience when going from a state of wakefulness to sleep). Though Hypnopompic hallucinations are pretty similar, though a little opposite in effect (experienced when going from sleep to wakefulness).
    @Mathias No Bias and @sealdust Thank y'all, for your concern. I'm just super tired, no mental disorders or anything to worry about here. :)  
    You're welcome! Also, those terms aren't related to mental disorders, and are actually tested to be quite common. Though I hope you manage to get some good quality restorative sleep soon (that seems to be the most important thing for your health right now). :)
    One of my best friends is sad and it's super obvious but she won't tell me why. I think I know, but I need her to tell me so I can try to help her. 

    It's making me feel really bad myself that she won't trust me. :(
    Desert Rose
    Desert Rose
    I don't know the gravity of the situation but sometimes it's not always about a trust factor. Take it from someone who holds in feelings a lot and I've had friends claim that I don't trust them. In my situation and thought process trust wasn't the issue. Take this with a grain of salt because I don't know much to be giving full advice. 
    I know it doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't trust me.....that's just the point my mind goes to. I just really care about her and want to do whatever I can to help.

    I can't do that if she won't let me.
    Lemon Boy
    Lemon Boy
    Whatever the reason for her not telling you, one of the best things you can do for her right now is just to be there for her and be the greatest you can to her! <3 

    Maybe she'll tell you in time or maybe not, but even if you don't know, she'll almost 100% appreciate all the nice little things you do for her whilst trying to make her better even if you don't know what's wrong with her. 
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