Recent content by Helral

  1. Helral

    The Principle Journey OoC ( For all players )

    Well I just threw a post together. Just let me know if I need to adjust something, @Shin Positron Laser. Edit: I didn't mention it in my post but Turian is wearing an necklace visibly that marks him as a member of the umi temple.
  2. Helral

    TPJ: Unification of the East IC ( B2/C1/V1 )

    Turian Mizumi Date: Eausen 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D. Break of dawn Location: Southern port Spirit energy reserves: ?? After spending some time back at the Umi Temple training his spirit energy sensing, Turian once again got tired of all the stuff going on. They praised him for his...
  3. Helral

    Turian Mizumi (WIP: old sheet copied)

    Character Sheet General Traits Character Picture: Character Role: Main Main: Main Characters are the ones that will be used more often than others. Points, Combat and story progression will mostly be done by these characters. Main characters can be downgraded later on...
  4. Helral

    The Principle Journey OoC ( For all players )

    Hmmmm true, and he is currently back at the temple..... But what would Turian his reason be to join up with the group in the East RP........ and I probably still have to redo some of his stats so that it is up to date with the changes.
  5. Helral

    The Principle Journey OoC ( For all players )

    So that would be a 'Turian' or more like my Herbalist from way back :) Guess I can go combat for a change. This will be fun. :D :D :D
  6. Helral

    The Principle Journey OoC ( For all players )

    I'm still around, popping in from time to time :P not on RPNation as much as I'd want. some other games are distracting me, but I do hope that will change once I've made a character..... hmmm what kind of build should I go for..... (I am actually fine playing whatever.) *waves to @MsPolite and...
  7. Helral

    The Principle Journey OoC ( For all players )

    ouch.... good to hear that you're healing. well my character did go back to the temple for training before the reboot. And I used the same moment to take a break myself. if this were discworld then I would probably have fallen of the face of the earth ;) just to try and determine the gender of...
  8. Helral

    The Principle Journey OoC ( For all players )

    Hey all, hope everyone is doing okay with all the hurricanes and everything that is going on out there. Figured out how to join this forum, @Shin Positron Laser. I'll read up on the mechanics changes and who knows, Turian Kuhaku might be returning in a few weeks. The other option is that I'll...
  9. Helral


  10. Helral

    The Principle Journey OOC Thread

    Hey all, figured I'd poke my head up here once more. I'm currently still on hiatus for RP'ing here. Sorting out stuff RL, hopefully I'll be back to RP'ing here in a few months. (When my RL gets less busy.) I might write up a single post (again) containing my character heading off to his...
  11. Helral

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

    28, meow
  12. Helral

    The Principle Journey OOC Thread

    I'm on hiatus concerning main quest-line. I will still put up a post concerning how my character left the fort.
  13. Helral

    The Principle Journey OOC Thread

    well my purchases are up, also I'll be gone from the main quest line for the coming month(s). I might (after getting approval from @Shin Positron Laser) put up a separate thread containing what Turian experienced while away from the fort. But on the other hand it might also just be a blank, and...
  14. Helral

    Purchase Requests

    Available TP: 101 Arte lvl 4: 20 TP Rank Succession: 50 TP +10 SE: 30 TP total: 100 TP (Side note: coming (RL) month(s) Turian will be away from the main story line.)
  15. Helral

    The Principle Journey OOC Thread

    Don't hide behind this tank. He'll get you killed. *looks at all the dead civilians behind the tank, because he evaded an attack*