Recent content by DeafLordess

  1. DeafLordess

    Other Board gamers?

    I'd be down for sure! :D
  2. DeafLordess

    Other Board gamers?

    Sounds good to me I've heard of Dixit, but never played. Is it fun?
  3. DeafLordess

    Other Board gamers?

    Hey at least you play :) I enjoy a good game of chess as well Stay classy my friend
  4. DeafLordess

    Fantasy The Refuge of Wyllt Aurelianus (Still Accepting)

    Joining everyone at the table, Ayleth brought her plate with her. She sat across from the man who had wandered down the stairs. He seemed disturbed or in the very least somewhat leery of the newcomer. As did Grayson, thought Danill did not seem to terrible perturbed. The entire meal, Ayleth was...
  5. DeafLordess

    Other Board gamers?

    I LOVE Betrayel, but like you said, it's complicated. And Pandemic is another great one. My dad and I played it all the time during my surgery recovers.
  6. DeafLordess

    Other Board gamers?

    My family just got a bunch of new games and now, my current favorites are: Sentinels of the Multiverse Ora et Labora Munchkinz Saboteur
  7. DeafLordess

    Other Board gamers?

    Good choice good choice
  8. DeafLordess

    Fantasy The Refuge of Wyllt Aurelianus (Still Accepting)

    "Grayson," Ayleth recalled being told that piece of information. "Of course. I'm sorry, I believe you had said that." Just as Grayson had offered to fetch someone, two things happened. A knock, or more of a rapping at the front door could be heard, which was then followed by a man appeared from...
  9. DeafLordess

    Fantasy The Refuge of Wyllt Aurelianus (Still Accepting)

    As the door opened, a slightly blurry eyed man stood in front of her, mumbling a brief greeting and sending her to the parlor behind him. As she stepped over the threshold, he turned and meandered his way to another room, presumably the kitchen. Ayleth headed into the parlor, lit and warm by the...
  10. DeafLordess

    Other Deaf of H.O.H. (Hard-of-hearing)?

    Awesome :) Awesome :) Awesome :)
  11. DeafLordess

    Other Deaf of H.O.H. (Hard-of-hearing)?

    I just realized this is titled as Deaf of H.O.H. not Deaf OR H.O.H. My mistake, friends.
  12. DeafLordess

    Fantasy The Refuge of Wyllt Aurelianus (Still Accepting)

    As the night past, and morning arose, a figure was seen walking down the small concrete path, heels clicking lightly. A travel-size suit case swung at her side. As she approached the door, Miss Ayleth Spruce noticed that it must be nearing breakfast, because she was entirely famished. She'd...
  13. DeafLordess

    Other Deaf of H.O.H. (Hard-of-hearing)?

    @Ghost I understand that feeling. Before I worked as an ABA therapist, I was a pizza delivery gal, and taking orders by the oven was the bane of my existence. I actually had to call over my co-worker once, because the lady (I think) on the other end was not nearly loud enough.
  14. DeafLordess

    Other Deaf of H.O.H. (Hard-of-hearing)?

    That's awesome! Have you ever gotten to interact with the Deaf community? If not, I highly suggest it. We're pretty fun people ;)
  15. DeafLordess

    Other Deaf of H.O.H. (Hard-of-hearing)?

    It's *use* ASL, but still! That's awesome! As do I :) How long have you been learning?