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  • Ugh I was just looking at a book on adoption and it was pissing me off. It was saying people adopt for lots of reasons but only (cont)
    You make it sound like a) adopted kids are somehow inferior to biological kids or b) they are FILLER CHILDREN. CHILDREN ARE NOT OBJECTS, ADOPTED OR NOT. WTF? Ugh. And I understand that MAYBE they didn't mean it like that, but for a book on adoption, that was phrased exceedingly poorly
    Like the reason I want to adopt are a couple of things 1) I have no desire ever to get pregnant. I'd almost rather die. 2) I have no desire to get someone else pregnant. Pregnancy freaks me out. 3) The thing you have to do to get preggerz is a no go for me.
    Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. And 4, and most importantly, MY GENES ARE NOT GREAT. I have a family history of ALCOHOLISM, HEART PROBLEMS, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, ASTHMA, DRUG USE, CANCER, and OSTEOPOROSIS. Who wants to saddle THAT on some poor kid? Certainly not me. I'll have someone else's healthy biological kid, or at least one who can't blame me for faulty genetics.
    I think I may have fucked up my nose...the pup headbutted me yesterday and it still hurts, plus migraines and blurry vision... this sucks.
    Why cant I recognize heat? Why can I recognize pain, but not, without holding another second, the difference between hot and cold?
    Why cant I stand a lick of cold or ice, yet I can sit in water of over 100 degrees? Why whenever I get in hot tubs is it usually too cold? Why must I have the heat all the way up in the bath to the point it hurts? Why do I burn my legs on the heater and still sit in front of the heater? Why am I always cold?
    I won't leave our story unfinished, I'll do my best to keep posting until its over but I might need to take like 2-3 day breaks in between my posts, life is too hectic right now
    There should be a filter in introductions for people who haven't been welcomed yet-- no replies. Think about it
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I just think intros should automatically lock after 24 hours
    I think introductions should automatically lock after 5 replies
    Ok but one way you know you're an eccentric writer is you brought a baby names book with you to the E.R. despite being (cont)
    the least pregnant person ever and then every time a nurse stops by explaining that NO, you are not pregnant, and yes, you will be bringing this book into the x-ray room with you bcuz you never know when name inspiration is going to strike. Despite the fact that the reason you're in the E.R. is for extreme stomach pain which got you out of damn bruh
    And no, this didn't happen today. I just remembered this today and was laughing because wow, 17 year old me was LIT
    I think im going to just stop talking to my friend S altogether if she won't put in the effort. I feel like a burden. For now, I'm done.
    Alrighty. I'm going to go take 2 antidepressants and hopefully that will fix this. 2 things (cont)
    1) These drugs have known interactions so forgive anything weird I say/do tonight 2) I've had a not-great reaction to one of these before, so FORGIVE ME FOR ANYTHING WEIRD I SAY OR DO TONIGHT, RPNATION. Here we mfing go
    YAY the super virusy manga website got fixed, now it's just "sus" because phishing, but I don't do email on that website anyway!!!!!
    If you ever need a reason NOT to watch SVU before bed last night I dreamed I was being interrogated by the cops and (cont in comments)
    I couldn't remember anything from the last few days so they were like "Did you rape this girl?" "I don't know." "Did you murder this girl?" "I don't know." 'Well, did you rob a bank?" "Yeah, I did that." "Well, what did you do with the money?" "I don't know." It would have been funny if it weren't so disturbing.
    So the rpnation tripping out for me again or can other people see red threads in story archives that have been deleted? Weird
    I figured out why my cat keeps losing claws! She's not sick! She just keeps clawing the chair by my bed and getting stuck (cont in comments)
    So she pulls so hard on her paw that her nail rips off! And goes flying off INTO MY BED!! She had me so worried too gd it
    When you have an supe embarrassing issue y you don't want to talk to anyone you know so you ask a doctor from another country what is wrong
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