Action Replay

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  • Posts may be erratic until I have the house fixed and family under control. Will try to keep up to speed with everything.
    I-is this related to the twilight zone issue?
    Action Replay
    Action Replay
    Twilight zone was about how my first friend who I lost contact with is suddenly in China as a pro translator speaking fluent Chinese. IE, one of my career choices atm. No contact for years, still eerily similar. Thing with the house is just extensive water damage and younger siblings being problems.
    O___o that is really weird. Huh.

    And that's terrible about the water damage D= Put the young childrenz to work fixing it! Kill two birds with one air burst grenade.
    Due to recent events in my life I feel like I have landed in the Twilight Zone. Too uncanny to call it a coincidence.
    A question at anyone more tech literate. How do you shrink a picture's file size? Limit for avatars is 50kb. Not 181kb. Unfortunately.
    Wolf Rawrrr
    Wolf Rawrrr
    I usually export all of my images at 90. The human eye can barely tell the difference between those 10 difference and the file size can drop by like 1/3 from it ;)

    You can play with it and determine the lowest values you are willing to go with that still displays your image well enough for your needs, and immediately see how big it would be at what quality.
    Wolf Rawrrr
    Wolf Rawrrr
    I mean sure, you can reduce image dimensions to reduce size - but sometimes you won't be able to change the dimensions and what if after the change of format it's still too big? That's where the export quality comes into play.
    Action Replay
    Action Replay
    All good points. Thank you for chiming in with that, Wolf. I'll keep that in mind next time this comes up when playing with avatars.
    Truly it is either feast or famine as far as rp goes here. Best to gorge up now that famine has past.
    I am always running something, which almost always has a slot, if you're willing to learn a new system or setting. Just letting you know 'cause you're a good player to have,
    Action Replay
    Action Replay
    Thank you Grey, it means a lot to hear that. I'll give most any new system or setting a shot if it's an interesting pitch by the ST. If my games ever stall or dry up again I'll keep your offer in mind.
    Some days friends, you just feel like Mr. Welch. Personally I never understood the notion. That's an every day thing for me.
    Boredom is the mind killer.
    Try Cards Against Humanity. That'll cure some boredom. And prove abit of a worse mind killer than boredom, I'll admit. You'll want to take a shower after you start doing good.
    Action Replay
    Action Replay
    Not my thing unfortunately. Thank you for the suggestion though, Taco. Just one of those times when there is nothing you can do about it at the present. Like when steam updates make games unplayable.
    Try experimenting with various odd builds and just see the character that spawns forth from them in a tabletop system? Or patrol that part of youtube?
    I really enjoy reading that picture source
    Action Replay
    Action Replay
    Yeah, I liked the first chapter but afterwards my enjoyment declined. Not fond of vampire arms or Sgt. loli. Props for having a male lead with appropriate reactions to situations.
    No love the totally not-ghoul sharks?

    I'm a big fan of gribbly though, so if something visually is appealling I'm forgiving of most faults e.e'
    Action Replay
    Action Replay
    For all of the initial jaws jokes, afterwards not really.
    I want a hunter's game where they kill vamps with uv rayguns while singing always look on the bright side of life.
    So update on the city mech vs lunar. We pacific rim exalted edition and finished him off by tearing a hole in the loom and calling down sids
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