• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

hello, lovelies! i’m reverie, but feel free to call me rev or rie!

i’m a young adult with a love for all things reading, writing and photography. i enjoy exploring and experimenting new things━i'm always down for new song recs! i've been roleplaying casually for a few years, but i'm really looking to expand my horizons and improve my craft here. rpn seems like a lovely community and i can't wait to get started!
hello, lovelies! i’m reverie, but feel free to call me rev or rie!

i’m a young adult with a love for all things reading, writing and photography. i enjoy exploring and experimenting new things━i'm always down for new song recs! i've been roleplaying casually for a few years, but i'm really looking to expand my horizons and improve my craft here. rpn seems like a lovely community and i can't wait to get started!
Welcome to the site! Let us know if you need help with anything. 💞
Hello! I've been around the roleplay block for a minute, like back during AOL and Yahoo messenger, if those are still things.
I'm a stay-at-home mom, pushing her 40s soon, with years of real-life experience that I put into my story, from being homeless to combat. I can be whoever is needed.

Writing is a form of expression for me, so I put my heart into my story and characters. I prefer partners who put equal heart into their side. I am not the best dungeon master, but I try to help guide the story and events.

I can spend hours writing my story, but having complete control is not as fun as having a partner who can throw in twists. I know the end of my story and how to get there. I know how all characters will respond to specific situations; it's not as challenging or as fun.

About my RP

My RP is based on my partners. If my partner writes like Tolkien, I'll try my best to add the details to write like Tolkien, and I love some detailed RP. Like my friendships, I prefer to have the RP feel organic and not forced. If characters are sitting around a bar having a fun chat and catching up on old times, that should be completely acceptable. I'm okay with RPing canon characters, but I will not break from their nature unless that is the purpose of the RP. I will only do this for short RPs, and my partner needs that good pick-me-up romance or what have you to get their feels out.

Just assume the action will happen. If my character would stop or react differently, I will correct that in my response. So there is no need for 'My character attempts to-'

I'm also interested in everything, so feel free to hit me up. I've RP'd things from anime, books, games, tabletop (D&D and Starfinder), movies, tv-series, and homebrew, so I'm reasonably well versed and willing to learn new characters and lores.

I prefer discord or google docs and would only do forum RP if it was a fascinating hook of mine, like The Witcher.
Hello! I've been around the roleplay block for a minute, like back during AOL and Yahoo messenger, if those are still things.
I'm a stay-at-home mom, pushing her 40s soon, with years of real-life experience that I put into my story, from being homeless to combat. I can be whoever is needed.

Writing is a form of expression for me, so I put my heart into my story and characters. I prefer partners who put equal heart into their side. I am not the best dungeon master, but I try to help guide the story and events.

I can spend hours writing my story, but having complete control is not as fun as having a partner who can throw in twists. I know the end of my story and how to get there. I know how all characters will respond to specific situations; it's not as challenging or as fun.

About my RP

My RP is based on my partners. If my partner writes like Tolkien, I'll try my best to add the details to write like Tolkien, and I love some detailed RP. Like my friendships, I prefer to have the RP feel organic and not forced. If characters are sitting around a bar having a fun chat and catching up on old times, that should be completely acceptable. I'm okay with RPing canon characters, but I will not break from their nature unless that is the purpose of the RP. I will only do this for short RPs, and my partner needs that good pick-me-up romance or what have you to get their feels out.

Just assume the action will happen. If my character would stop or react differently, I will correct that in my response. So there is no need for 'My character attempts to-'

I'm also interested in everything, so feel free to hit me up. I've RP'd things from anime, books, games, tabletop (D&D and Starfinder), movies, tv-series, and homebrew, so I'm reasonably well versed and willing to learn new characters and lores.

I prefer discord or google docs and would only do forum RP if it was a fascinating hook of mine, like The Witcher.
Welcome to RpNation MissMunin! I hope you find everything you're looking for here. This is an amazing site filled with the best people ever! Happy roleplaying!
hey everyone!
my name (at least on here) is eternally. you can call me e or eternal. i did a lot of roleplaying for a few years but i didn't like the community of the website i was on, so i left. i've been looking for somewhere new. hopefully this site is a good match!

hey everyone!
my name (at least on here) is eternally. you can call me e or eternal. i did a lot of roleplaying for a few years but i didn't like the community of the website i was on, so i left. i've been looking for somewhere new. hopefully this site is a good match!

Welcome to RpNation Eternal! I definitely think this is the site you're looking for! Everyone is so nice and there are tons of memories to be made! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Happy roleplaying!
Hello everyone!

My name is Kenzie and I am 23 years old. I have been roleplaying for a good portion of my life so far, but started descriptively around 2012-ish. I've moved websites from roleplaying just because of some personal differences and the struggle of finding a roleplay. I'm open-minded and tend to match the length and style of my partners. All I ask in return is patience and communication.

I usually like to have a fantasy edge to roleplays as it's just my interest, but open to all sorts of genres. If we have a fandom in common and you're interested in that let me know! Not just for roleplaying, but chatting as well. As far as OC's go, I usually tend to use male characters, but have a couple of good gals as well. I'm open to all pairings (BxB, GxG, etc), so just let me know what you are thinking. I prefer 1x1 as group roleplays tend to make me nervous, but once again, open to trying. If there’s anything else you want to know, just ask!

I hope to get to know some of you soon. <3
Hello everyone!

My name is Kenzie and I am 23 years old. I have been roleplaying for a good portion of my life so far, but started descriptively around 2012-ish. I've moved websites from roleplaying just because of some personal differences and the struggle of finding a roleplay. I'm open-minded and tend to match the length and style of my partners. All I ask in return is patience and communication.

I usually like to have a fantasy edge to roleplays as it's just my interest, but open to all sorts of genres. If we have a fandom in common and you're interested in that let me know! Not just for roleplaying, but chatting as well. As far as OC's go, I usually tend to use male characters, but have a couple of good gals as well. I'm open to all pairings (BxB, GxG, etc), so just let me know what you are thinking. I prefer 1x1 as group roleplays tend to make me nervous, but once again, open to trying. If there’s anything else you want to know, just ask!

I hope to get to know some of you soon. <3
Hi Kenzie and a warm welcome to RpNation! This is such a friendly and inclusive community, with every roleplay you could possibly imagine! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Happy roleplaying! ^^
Hi Fellow Travelers of the Deep,

My name is SanguineShadow, and I either go by Shadow for short or Flip.

I am completely new to literary roleplay, having discovered it through a partner. As I have ingested those second hand, I am now searching for my own experiences.

My interests are myriad. I grew up consuming fiction wherever I could - books, TV, games - which only worked to feed my interest in building worlds. As my ADD and a wild imagination have fueled my ideas, I've found a disconnect in getting those ideas to stick in a vacuum. So now I am looking for inspiration and experience in literary roleplay as well in the stories I can create with the help of another.

When it comes to specifics, I like a wide range of genres - top of which are sci-fi/space and fantasy - but don't yet know what my style is best suited for.

I have aspirations for being a writer so writing is top among my hobbies I enjoy, with gaming and anime coming along nearly as important.

As I am a newbie, my best opener and request is to thank you all for all the future gifts of language I'll be sure to appreciate. And please message me if you, an experienced roleplayer, would like to take someone eager to learn under their wing.
Hi Fellow Travelers of the Deep,

My name is SanguineShadow, and I either go by Shadow for short or Flip.

I am completely new to literary roleplay, having discovered it through a partner. As I have ingested those second hand, I am now searching for my own experiences.

My interests are myriad. I grew up consuming fiction wherever I could - books, TV, games - which only worked to feed my interest in building worlds. As my ADD and a wild imagination have fueled my ideas, I've found a disconnect in getting those ideas to stick in a vacuum. So now I am looking for inspiration and experience in literary roleplay as well in the stories I can create with the help of another.

When it comes to specifics, I like a wide range of genres - top of which are sci-fi/space and fantasy - but don't yet know what my style is best suited for.

I have aspirations for being a writer so writing is top among my hobbies I enjoy, with gaming and anime coming along nearly as important.

As I am a newbie, my best opener and request is to thank you all for all the future gifts of language I'll be sure to appreciate. And please message me if you, an experienced roleplayer, would like to take someone eager to learn under their wing.
Hi there Shadow! Welcome to RpNation! This is an amazing community, so I hope you find everything you're looking for and more here! Happy roleplaying ^^
Hello! I go by Bee. I have been a member on this site for awhile, but I stopped roleplaying for a couple years due to a lack of interest. I recently gained an interest in it again and am hoping to get back into it. I used to be apart of an rp group with some friends, but that phased out years ago. The last time I properly rp'd I believe was 2019.
I am an artist and writer, still have a lot of work with both areas, but both have allowed me to get more creative with stories. I love fantasy, steam-punk, mystery, and romance many, but I love to explore all genres.

I'd love to roleplay sometime with anyone interested. Thank you for listening!
Hello there.

I'm Tenmei and I'm a twenty four year old gal living in Florida that suffers from the debilitating albeit not uncommon weabooism. I'm not new to Roleplaying or the Nation, but I recently went on a purge to delete all of my old accounts to rejoin with a new one. My interests are all over the place, but I enjoy scrolling Pinterest, making playlists, playing anime-inspired fighting games, and watching unhinged YouTube content like two grown men going to every Rainforest Cafe in North America. I also enjoy true crime, video essays, unfiction, ARGs, and "creepy" content. Some might consider some of my fandoms to be childish, but I'm really into Pokemon and Persona at the moment. I'm trying to branch them out some, though, so feel free to recommend some book series, games, movies, or shows for me to check out. I'd love to hear some rants too!

I'm not sure what I want to write at the moment, but I know that I don't want solid fantasy. I've had a muse for something, an itch that I want to scratch, but I have no idea what and it's slowly driving me mad. I might just peruse interest checks to see what stands out to me. Hopefully I won't get overwhelmed, though, because I'm an anxious autistic bean that runs away at the first sign of trouble. I'm trying to get better though!

It's nice to meet you all either way.
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Hello! I go by Bee. I have been a member on this site for awhile, but I stopped roleplaying for a couple years due to a lack of interest. I recently gained an interest in it again and am hoping to get back into it. I used to be apart of an rp group with some friends, but that phased out years ago. The last time I properly rp'd I believe was 2019.
I am an artist and writer, still have a lot of work with both areas, but both have allowed me to get more creative with stories. I love fantasy, steam-punk, mystery, and romance many, but I love to explore all genres.

I'd love to roleplay sometime with anyone interested. Thank you for listening!
Hi Bee! Welcome to RpNation! This is an amazing website and I hope you have an awesome time roleplaying here!
Hello! I'm Crystal, a 24 year old lady in the southern U.S. I'll probably lurk a lot but obviously I'm here looking for a few rp partners to help keep boredom during my free time. I'm open to all sorts of genres, and I tend to periodically fluctuate between craving original rps and wanting to do some fandom rps. It's been a few months since my last rp but I've been rping for around 12 or 13 years now so I'm fairly experienced. I'm looking forward to making some new friends here!! ^_^
Hello! I'm Crystal, a 24 year old lady in the southern U.S. I'll probably lurk a lot but obviously I'm here looking for a few rp partners to help keep boredom during my free time. I'm open to all sorts of genres, and I tend to periodically fluctuate between craving original rps and wanting to do some fandom rps. It's been a few months since my last rp but I've been rping for around 12 or 13 years now so I'm fairly experienced. I'm looking forward to making some new friends here!! ^_^
Hi Crystal! Welcome to RpNation! This is an amazing community full of the best people, so don’t be afraid to ask for help! Happy roleplaying!
hello, i would really like to roleplay stranger things and have someone be eddie, i am fine with any way or rping but i prefer long sentences from both sides. I am fine playing both my character and your love interest while you do the same with your side, thanks :)
hello, i would really like to roleplay stranger things and have someone be eddie, i am fine with any way or rping but i prefer long sentences from both sides. I am fine playing both my character and your love interest while you do the same with your side, thanks :)
Welcome Retroteen88! RpNation is an amazing community, so I know that you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Happy roleplaying!! ^^
Welcome Retroteen88! RpNation is an amazing community, so I know that you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Happy roleplaying!! ^^

Of course! Feel free to reach out if you ever want assistance or just someone to talk to! <3
cool! i cant message anyone rn bc i just first started on here but i will gladly message you once i can <3
Howdy, my little sunflowers! I'm Koa, kind of new to roleplay, and very new to RpNation. I'm not going to make this introduction very long just doing what the site is telling me to do. It's summer so I have a lot of time on my hands, been craving writing so here I am fulfilling that craving. I'm excited to be here and can't wait to see what this site offers!
Howdy, my little sunflowers! I'm Koa, kind of new to roleplay, and very new to RpNation. I'm not going to make this introduction very long just doing what the site is telling me to do. It's summer so I have a lot of time on my hands, been craving writing so here I am fulfilling that craving. I'm excited to be here and can't wait to see what this site offers!
Welcome to RpNation Koa! It’s so nice to have you! I hope you make a lot of memories here with this community!
Hi! I'm TheAnimeArtist!! I'm on here to find a nice roleplay. I'm not too sure how this site works yet, since I just got here and need to explore a bit more :) I'm not willing to do any sort of romance, as it makes me uncomfortable, and I am under the age of 18. I know a couple of fandoms, not very many, and I might not be too good at playing a character, but I sure as heck am gonna try!! Anyways, let me know if you need a RP buddy- I'm willing, and I can't remember the last time I had writing burnout. If you couldn't already tell, I'm pretty chatty, but if you need me to chill out, let me know! I.. also really hope I did this right, haha.
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
big money

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