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Introduce Yourself!

Hello! I guess theres a start to everything so here is mine. (f this isnt allowed please tell me im new so apologies)

My name is Finn, I've been role-playing for about...9 years now.
i do from Script -semi-lit/Lit.

Im 19, and the Main rp fandoms i do is

And other fandoms, Just Message me if ya want to role-play and we can discuss the deatails!!

Hello fellow role-players!
After 5-6 years of getting lost in my dramatic reality, I decided to finally settle down and continue my long forgotten hobby, which is of course role-playing!

"How did you start role-playing anyways?", you may ask. Here's my sincere reply.
=> I'm not a native speaker for which I would like to apologize since my English may be flawed. And so I was looking for a fun, challenging way to improve my vocabularies and writing skills. Reading was my first choice. It did have effect on my English ability but! I wasn't very convinced about the "challenging" factor. So I looked around Google and found out about this role-playing. My first impression on RPs? Strange, new and intriguing! (as a student back then, when you say 'rp' we were given situations to make a short conversation and practice our English.) So I thought it would be easy. However the world of role-playing was sooooooooo new and exotic, I never thought this kind of 'community' existed! It was love at first sight!

"Where did you start role-playing?"
=> Google Plus! It was the heaven for role-players back then! I am still very not satisfied with the discontinuation of the service.

"What is your role-play style?"
=> I have to be 100% honest with 'yall, I have definitely gotten lazy as I could ever be. Back then I would write paragraphs after paragraphs but now? Let's say I've become utterly short for words. But! I hope to improve and regain that long gone glory!

"What should we call you?"
=> Call me Poi!
Hi! I'm Ground Zero! I enjoy reading/watching BNHA, and my top four characters are Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Tokoyami. I'm also a girl! Hope to roleplay with you sometime!

Hello there! I go by VoidShard. I'm very new in this forum and here are few things about me, myself and I...
  1. Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
    • My very first experience with roleplaying has been around 2008 - 2009 (It was quite vague and I couldn't remember) where I stumbled upon a random roleplay site called TinierMe. TinierMe helped me set the trajectory of my passion in roleplaying for almost a decade and I'm still currently roleplaying as of today.
  2. What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
    • Most of the roleplaying genre that piques my interest are anime-themed, magic, fantasy-based roleplays. The genres that were mentioned helped me allocate the required elements that I needed in writing.
  3. What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
    • Hobbies that I often do outside as of now currently revolves around lore/world-building and writing alot.
  4. Why you decided to join RpNation.
    • I wanted to see if I can meet up new and awesome people here and perhaps help me with other creative ways to write and make roleplays!
  5. Write about your pet (if you have one).
    • I'm afraid I don't own any pets in where I live!
  6. Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.
    • I am 5' 8" tall
    • I have a prosthetic leg
    • I am 25 years old
I'm going to be real honest with you here, I have no idea what I am doing, this is my first time on a site like this. Coming from the dead, entirely awful, and infamous chatango, where I have been severely deprived of decent roleplay partners, or any at all for that matter. Finally I gave up on it, and took to google, and here I am.
Just another dork trying to create magic with words.
So besides the fact that I am not in the least in touch with how sites work (LOL), I have been roleplaying for... 14 years. Yes, I have been around the proverbial "block". I have seen a lot, and because of this, I have become a very flexible and proactive roleplay partner.
I am literate, and I pride myself on the ability to match a partner in length, and the amount of effort given to me.
Basically, I will put in what I get.
That being said, I am pretty down to Earth, and can easily say I can hold a conversation with the best of them. Though in truth, I'm just a nerd trying to connect and write with other like minded nerds.
Name is Jossalyn, and I look forward to getting to know you all, and seeing what incredible tales we can weave.

-Always Express Your Mind,
Joss... The Panda Boss...? Sure, why not. It rhymes.
Hey there, lupercal here! I've been roleplaying for the past 7 or so years, where I started at the now defunct LandOfOoo forums. Decided to create a new account here on RPnation because, what the heck, it sounded fun.

I apologize in advance if my writing chops and grammar aren't exactly the best, English is my second language you see and its been awhile since I wrote anything halfway decent lol. Hopefully I'll improve as time goes on though!

As for preferences, I do enjoy most sci-fi and fantasy genres, mostly ones with an anime-esque (is that even a word lol) feel to it. I'm down for some guilty pleasure trashy highschool romance from time to time as well.

My current obsessions right now are WH40k, Fate, Arknights, and Azur Lane. One of them is not like the others, but hey, it is what it is. Hope I have a great time here.
• Fandomless OC
• Mirrored Literacy
• Written by #DragonLord
• Over 5 years RP experience
• New to RPNation

Looking for SLs!!


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  • My name is Lola, also known as Wheels.
  • Experience with RP / Why I joined RpNation = Well, as a 23 year old I've been roleplaying on and off since I was 12. The past 2 years or so I had totally forgotten my love for it, but I did the NaNoWriMo challenge last november, and after doing 50K for a novel I've been craving simpler joys. I'm used to high word requirements, so hopefully I don't write mini-novels on here... although with my ADHD I cannot guarantee being on the wordy side of things! :blowkiss: I'm very much used to RP forums dying very fast and have done moderating back in the day for dying forums, so I love the way RpNation is set up. Hopefully I don't run out of RP partners this time.
  • What interests I have within RP (genre, setting) = I find fun in any genre/setting if it's with the right people, but I do have a soft spot for fantasy and post-apocalyptic. Very much open to experimenting with different storylines and different characters. I may use my novel's characters, maybe not... who knows?
  • Interests outside of RP = I'm obsessed with painting to relax, so much my hands are almost tattoed with it. My first language is French -- I'm from France originally, living in ON, Canada now -- so, stereotypically, you can find me in coffeeshops wearing berets. I'm into fashion, comics, cartoons, and podcasts. I'm studying to be a psychotherapist. My username is currently "biwheels" because I'm bisexual and, obviously, in a wheelchair. The real girl on wheels :angels: I really do hope to join some parasport sometime next year, specifically tennis.
  • Pets, if any = I have a 4 years old Holland Lop rabbit named Pompom. She's white with brown spots, and is free-roaming, meaning has no cage and full access like a dog or cat. She loves scratches behind her ears for hours every morning, and is banana-addicted.
Anyways, hello hello <3 Let's re-ignite my old love for RP.
Hi, my names Ty, I'm a girl and I've been roleplaying for a little over 2 years. I usually 1v1 my rps, but am very open to groups. I dont usually go into forums and this is the first one that I've ever joined so imma mess up a bit. I love rps but I'm still learning, so bare with me 😋
hi! i'm izzy, i'm 17, and i'm very new to forum-based RPing. i'm rusty both b/c this is a new medium + i haven't RPed in a few years! so i would consider myself a very basic, semi-literate (?) writer.
here goes.
i've been avoiding rpnation for nearly six years now. not because i look down on this place or anything, but just from the sheer size and reputation. it was intimidating. but i've become desperate, and the intimidation factor has died out by now, so here i am. i've been roleplaying for well over five years now. i'm no veteran, but i'm certainly no noob. i work at putting both quality and quantity into my posts, though the latter really depends on content i have to work with.
my reason of desperation is simple. i want to do certain roleplays, but other places i'm involved with seem to have little to no interest in my presentation and ideas. so i've decided to come somewhere with a lot more people in order to broaden the spectrum, and find more like-minded individuals.
i should mention that nobody needs to take my lack of capitalization seriously. it comes with the pfp, i've built my persona around this character since my first roleplay, and it ain't changing any time soon. not to worry, however, i use proper capitalization in actual roleplaying posts.

i'm just hoping i'm not biting off more than i can chew, what with already being active on two other sites. anyway, thanks for having me and all that. ciao.
I guess I should introduce myself....

Hi, I'm Chayton Frost, but you may call me Chay. I'm 27 years old and am from the US.

I've been roleplaying since I was a middle schooler. I used to write out role roleplays with my friends in notebooks and pass them back and forth during class (it's amazing I pass all my classes with how little I actually paid attention lol).

Despite what my parents believe, I actually made a career of my writer. I am a professional writer and storyteller irl, and I enjoy every moment of it. I specialize in all things fantasy and paranormal with slow burning romance and are also LGBTQ inclusive.

Outside of writing, I do enjoy reading books, listening to KPOP music, watching anime and movies, cooking, and Pokemon lol.

What I hope to get here is to form a nice group of friends outside of my work where we can roleplay and have fun. Get our creative juices flowing and step outside of the box. Personality wise, I like to think I'm friendly and warm to talk to. Get to know me well enough and I'll start to act goofy and sassy, but that usually means I like you lol.

Well I think that's all I gotta say, so thank you for taking the time to read my introduction and looking forward to roleplaying with you guys 😊
Howdy! I’m Lion, I’m 21 and I am born and raised in the United States!

I’ve got 10+ years of roleplay experience under my belt and even more experience creating characters.

I aspire to work in wildlife conservation but as of right now I’m a bit of a homebody, I tend to stick to what I know, which is plants, animals, art and music!

My hope is that I can find a little something to do onsite and that I can chat and hang out with y’all!

Thank you, and I hope to talk to some of you soon!
Hello all. Name is Sparks Snow.
I guess I can say I have been roleplaying for over 15 years now and I have stuck in the fandom based ones. I have tried original ones and they just don't do well for me. It also doesn't help that I am complete trash for some series/characters/ships so yeah. xD But a pleasure to meet you all! I came here to mostly find some 1x1 partners as some sites were beginning to get stale for me.
Hi I'm Kuzuyu. I have been group RPing in my language for a few years but this is my first try at English RP! I'm more into Japanese-style anime-based RP than western one and would love to join some RP soon!
Hello! I'm new here. I'm completely new to roleplaying, but I'd like to try it.
I really like animal crossing , steven universe, warrior cats, pokemon and furries!
Idk if this is a place to mention this, but if you're interested in animal crossing roleplay let me know ^^
Wassgud wassgud! my name's Edgar but you could call me Red, & I'm representing the NYC Harlem & Brooklyn continuously! A new member of this website and I've been roleplaying for a hot minute now since the Whirled days, but I'm looking forward to getting back into something like this. Let's make something happen!

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