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Introduce Yourself!

SDang... That was hurtful in a funny and kind way that overpowers the hurtful factor. I applaud and respect this.
studio ghibli smile GIF
Hi, you guys can call me Steampunk!

If it wasn't obvious by my username, I'm into Steampunk clothing and that sort of stuff.

I've been role-playing for 3+ years and a pretty chill roleplayer. I prefer MxM pairings. Hope to hear from potential RP partners soon! 😊
Hi all, brand spanking new here...:ghostl:

Well, not too new to roleplaying in general. I'm open to all sorts of genres, but my all-time favorite is Horror. Bonus if you manage to squeeze psychological and cosmic horror into things as well. I don't really enjoy 1x1 too much, but I'm open to it. If not a bit picky. I prefer group settings and dice mechanics!
Well, howdy folks!

My name is Gerard, but you could call me Gee or Gerry- whatever floats your boat and is easiest for you!

Ive been rping for years now- has to be around 8 id say, and I still have a ton of fun doing it to this day. I just love writing stories in general, but writing stories with other people is ten times more fun!

I enjoy writing the slice of life kind of rps, however, I’m always down for adding fun twists to make an rp extra special. I love dramatic stuff, action, bits of fantasy, comedy- anything along those lines can be super exciting! I do all different kinds of rps and I love to explore the different kinds of relationships between characters- not just the romantic ones. I love anything weird and out there, makes life more interesting!

I am definitely a writer out of role playing too, I’m I'm currently working on my very own comic I hope to get out into the world soon! Along with writing, I am really big on art and music. I draw every single day and I am always sharing my art with people. I can’t go a day without listening to my favorite bands either, and I hope to some day learn how to play the bass guitar pretty well. Currently, I only know how to play the violin haha.

ive decided to join the rpnation site because someone actually recommended it to me, and I thought hey, it’s worth a shot! I am always bored and looking for rps to keep my brain goin, so why not try looking in a new place with new people?

I can’t wait to start rping and talking to y’all, and trust me, never be afraid to reach out! I’m a friendly guy I like to think, so I’m always down to chat and rp and all that. I’m hoping I can make some epic friends!
No idea if I'm doing this right, but-

I'm Stennie, or Sten.
I've been roleplaying since I was a teenager, when I started on Tumblr. (If you want to get really specific, then I technically started as a kid, RPing as Warriors OCs on a little site called Scratch, if it rings a bell for anyone). I then moved to Discord, and kinda abandoned my Tumblr blogs, for a few reasons. The past few years, I've just been writing with friends. Recently, I've been getting some confidence back, and I felt like trying to get back into - just, not on Tumblr. Which led me here! I also sometimes play RP games on Roblox, whenever my internet allows.
It should be noted that I can be,,,, slow sometimes. This can be for any reason varying from my brain not cooperating to having a busy day to just plain forgetting, as my memory can be shoddy, at best.
Within roleplay, I'm down for just about anything, though there are a few exceptions. I do tend towards less action-y sequences, as I'm not really confident at my ability to write those, but nonetheless. Genre-wise, I've always been drawn the apocalyptic settings, but a nice Slice of Life or fantasy-based story is always good, too.
Outside of RP, I'm a college student. I play video games a lot, but I only play a few, if that makes sense. I especially love series like Persona, Fallout, and Left 4 Dead. I used to read a lot of books, but I haven't in recent times - one series that still sticks with me is Warriors, but I've shaky on the details of it.
I have six dogs - five Great Pyrenese, and one Basset Hound. My family also owns several goats and chickens, and guinea fowl!
And, as for two truths and a lie:
1.) I've finished Sonic 06
2.) I play the flute
3.) I'm a journalism major
I think that's all! Thanks everyone, and have a good one!
hi my names Jenna and i have been roleplaying for a few years now , i'm very open to all types of roleplaying so if you like feel free to message me :)
I haven't roleplayed in a good min, so it would be nice to have someone to role play with.
Well, howdy folks!

My name is Gerard, but you could call me Gee or Gerry- whatever floats your boat and is easiest for you!

Ive been rping for years now- has to be around 8 id say, and I still have a ton of fun doing it to this day. I just love writing stories in general, but writing stories with other people is ten times more fun!

I enjoy writing the slice of life kind of rps, however, I’m always down for adding fun twists to make an rp extra special. I love dramatic stuff, action, bits of fantasy, comedy- anything along those lines can be super exciting! I do all different kinds of rps and I love to explore the different kinds of relationships between characters- not just the romantic ones. I love anything weird and out there, makes life more interesting!

I am definitely a writer out of role playing too, I’m I'm currently working on my very own comic I hope to get out into the world soon! Along with writing, I am really big on art and music. I draw every single day and I am always sharing my art with people. I can’t go a day without listening to my favorite bands either, and I hope to some day learn how to play the bass guitar pretty well. Currently, I only know how to play the violin haha.

ive decided to join the rpnation site because someone actually recommended it to me, and I thought hey, it’s worth a shot! I am always bored and looking for rps to keep my brain goin, so why not try looking in a new place with new people?

I can’t wait to start rping and talking to y’all, and trust me, never be afraid to reach out! I’m a friendly guy I like to think, so I’m always down to chat and rp and all that. I’m hoping I can make some epic friends!
Hi all, brand spanking new here...:ghostl:

Well, not too new to roleplaying in general. I'm open to all sorts of genres, but my all-time favorite is Horror. Bonus if you manage to squeeze psychological and cosmic horror into things as well. I don't really enjoy 1x1 too much, but I'm open to it. If not a bit picky. I prefer group settings and dice mechanics!

aaah a horror fan! have you read any of Lovecraft's short stories?
Hello, my name is Eli and I love to RP. I have been on the feral front since I can remember but since it has gone down I have taken a step back. Now I am looking to get back into the roles and find friends who love RP. I love big plot twists and small group roleplays. I commonly try to have at least one of each gender during group roleplays and sometimes in Pafp threads. Anything realistic, anime, and wolf-type roleplays I am down for. Besides Roleplaying, I typically play games on my Xbox or reading. I can't wait to find more people to roleplay with and to find threads that I absolutely love. <3
Hi! I’m new to this website snd am looking to do either one on one role plays or group role plays, the only fandoms I do ftm is mha but that may be changing soon. I hope to se a message from you soon!
uh, hi! i'm sunnie. my friend recommended this site for me, so i thought, y not. i'm hoping this site helps me find new animanga and krp buddies!
Helloo :3, my name is Pudge and I used to rp all the time about 10/11 years ago on a warrior cats forum haha. I miss rping a lot and I hope that I can find some buddies on here.

What i'm interested in/know:
Maximum Ride
Avatar the Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
Warrior Cats (I will admit im a lil rusty on this)
Clan of the Cave Bears

I'm 23 now and basically still love all the things I did in middle school
Hello, I'm Nico, I'm 19. The site I used to use to roleplay is long gone, so I decided to see if I'd have any luck here. Normally I roleplay in Discord, but I wanted to try out a new community. (If I can figure out how to use the site. I'm feeling a bit lost.)

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