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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Princess Aurrum
"...Sorry if I'm giving you a headache with my relentless questions...it's just that all of this is so new to me, although...coffee sounds similar to the tea that I was offered when I went to Infernia..." She pauses for a moment, before realizing she's able to help with headaches, and asks "if you need help with the headache, I can try to aid you in getting rid of it."

“Oh, you mean how I’m rubbing my temples? That’s kinda just me signifying this is a little exhausting, I don’t actually have a headache. Don’t take that as reason why humans rub their temples, it’s probably just an odd thing I do. I don’t think I’ve ever had to explain to someone what a kitchen supply store and coffee is in the same sentence before.” Zhi clarified, removing her fingers from her temple. She took a small sip from the can of lemonade that had been idly sitting in her hand for quite a few minutes now.
“Sure, that’s fine. You can call me Zhi. A kitchen supply store is basically where you get things to cook, and a coffee shop....is where you buy drinks and occasionally food. Mostly this beverage called coffee that has a chemical in it that makes humans feel like they have more energy.” Zhi explained. She rubbed her temples with her free hand and sighs, “Honestly, we could go on all day about the things in this world you don’t have back home.“

"That's why its easier to,just go there and let her see for herself" cinder replied
// Hi there! I’m new to this site so forgive me if I’m doing this all wrong and please help me out if I do. But I have a question about this, is there an age limit to the character’s? Especially when it comes to young characters? //

(No, there isn’t an age limit. I think anything’s fine as long as it follows roleplay and site rules.)
// Hi there! I’m new to this site so forgive me if I’m doing this all wrong and please help me out if I do. But I have a question about this, is there an age limit to the character’s? Especially when it comes to young characters? //

(Also, I really hope you can be active, because this roleplay tends to be a fast. And heavy on drama and relationships instead of villain punching action sometimes. And very very weird. So buckle up sister, because this is not your mother’s superhero roleplay.)
“Oh, you mean how I’m rubbing my temples? That’s kinda just me signifying this is a little exhausting, I don’t actually have a headache. Don’t take that as reason why humans rub their temples, it’s probably just an odd thing I do. I don’t think I’ve ever had to explain to someone what a kitchen supply store and coffee is in the same sentence before.” Zhi clarified, removing her fingers from her temple. She took a small sip from the can of lemonade that had been idly sitting in her hand for quite a few minutes now.
"That's why its easier to,just go there and let her see for herself" cinder replied
Princess Aurrum
"I mean...I would go, if I knew what the conversion of galactic credits or Sel Velntorian standard is...but I don't, and there may not be a conversion for those here."
// Hi there! I’m new to this site so forgive me if I’m doing this all wrong and please help me out if I do. But I have a question about this, is there an age limit to the character’s? Especially when it comes to young characters? //
(Nope no age limit)
(Also, I really hope you can be active, because this roleplay tends to be a fast. And heavy on drama and relationships instead of villain punching action sometimes. And very very weird. So buckle up sister, because this is not your mother’s superhero roleplay.)

(It was very villian punchy action, when it was first created, but after the first main threat was beat, it kinda evolved into somewhat a slice of life kinda roleplay)
Princess Aurrum
"I mean...I would go, if I knew what the conversion of galactic credits or Sel Velntorian standard is...but I don't, and there may not be a conversion for those here."

“I mean, she’s got a genuine point there.” Zhi agreed, nodding her head slowly.
(....I should’ve used good instead of genuine there. That just kinda sounds weird.)

(But anyways, since I have to get Swift into the swing of things somehow...)

On the kitchen counter of the superhero house laid a fancily decorated business card. Who left it there? That wasn’t currently known, but regardless there was an eye catching object laying on the kitchen counter for all to see.

(....I’m using something mentioned briefly like once in one of the two pre-character sheet Swift interactions. If this is not ok, please let me know.)
Hero or villain or neutral: Wanting to be a hero.

name: Aurora Hollis

Code name: None yet

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Appearance:View attachment 574774
[hope this worked]

Powers/abilities: She has the ability to slow down, speed up time, and turn back time. She also has the ability to heal any wounds or illness on someone else, however she isn’t able to cure herself from anything.

Weapons(optional): She doesn’t intend on being violent but she had a folding knife that she uses for self defense if needed.
View attachment 574777
[hope this worked as well]

Weaknesses: She’s still young, so almost naturally very fragile and impressionable. Her older sister Alexa is very near and dear to her and therefore could also be considered a weakness.

Backstory (wip): Aurora’s mother, Leonora, and father, Carlson, died when Aurora was only three years old, leaving her and her sister Alexa to live with their aunt. Aurora has always had her abilities and they were passed on from her mother.
Aurora is a good child, she only wants good. But her sister Alexa has different ways than her, they are both pure of heart but have a completely different idea of what good and what bad is. Aurora is influenced by her sister but not controlled, she has her own ideas and doesn’t always agrees with Alexa, but they would both do anything for the other. Aurora would do things she never thought she was capable of if it would help her sister.

(We actually have a proper thread for character sheets at: Realistic/Modern - Superheroes and Villains Characters)

(Though no worries, you aren't the first to have made a mistake like this.)
Hero or villain or neutral: Wanting to be a hero.

name: Aurora Hollis

Code name: None yet

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Appearance:View attachment 574774
[hope this worked]

Powers/abilities: She has the ability to slow down, speed up time, and turn back time. She also has the ability to heal any wounds or illness on someone else, however she isn’t able to cure herself from anything.

Weapons(optional): She doesn’t intend on being violent but she had a folding knife that she uses for self defense if needed.
View attachment 574777
[hope this worked as well]

Weaknesses: She’s still young, so almost naturally very fragile and impressionable. Her older sister Alexa is very near and dear to her and therefore could also be considered a weakness.

Backstory (wip): Aurora’s mother, Leonora, and father, Carlson, died when Aurora was only three years old, leaving her and her sister Alexa to live with their aunt. Aurora has always had her abilities and they were passed on from her mother.
Aurora is a good child, she only wants good. But her sister Alexa has different ways than her, they are both pure of heart but have a completely different idea of what good and what bad is. Aurora is influenced by her sister but not controlled, she has her own ideas and doesn’t always agrees with Alexa, but they would both do anything for the other. Aurora would do things she never thought she was capable of if it would help her sister.

(Also Musicnotes is the owner/creator of the thread, I am the architect of the world we all inhabit, and Drumonkey is like our third musketeer)
(Also Musicnotes is the owner/creator of the thread, I am the architect of the world we all inhabit, and Drumonkey is like our third musketeer)

(I'd say Jace and Dragun are the main plot makers around here too, but that's just what I see.)

(And me? I'm just kinda here farting around and making stupid jokes OOC.)
(I'd say Jace and Dragun are the main plot makers around here too, but that's just what I see.)

(And me? I'm just kinda here farting around and making stupid jokes OOC.)

(If im not busy at work i can make a decent plot too)
Hero or villain or neutral: Wanting to be a hero.

name: Aurora Hollis

Code name: None yet

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Appearance:View attachment 574774
[hope this worked]

Powers/abilities: She has the ability to slow down, speed up time, and turn back time. She also has the ability to heal any wounds or illness on someone else, however she isn’t able to cure herself from anything.

Weapons(optional): She doesn’t intend on being violent but she had a folding knife that she uses for self defense if needed.
View attachment 574777
[hope this worked as well]

Weaknesses: She’s still young, so almost naturally very fragile and impressionable. Her older sister Alexa is very near and dear to her and therefore could also be considered a weakness.

Backstory (wip): Aurora’s mother, Leonora, and father, Carlson, died when Aurora was only three years old, leaving her and her sister Alexa to live with their aunt. Aurora has always had her abilities and they were passed on from her mother.
Aurora is a good child, she only wants good. But her sister Alexa has different ways than her, they are both pure of heart but have a completely different idea of what good and what bad is. Aurora is influenced by her sister but not controlled, she has her own ideas and doesn’t always agrees with Alexa, but they would both do anything for the other. Aurora would do things she never thought she was capable of if it would help her sister.

(Also it looks good, but I recommend putting a limit on the time alterations)

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