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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Jackson sighed. "You know... I feel sorry for you. You've grown addicted to your powers."

Oracle continued to scream streams of words in her native language. You can't understand a word of it, but it's full of fury for certain.
(She has been the entire time, and whats going on with Oracle?)

(how to make an insane oracle

step 1: take one happy oracle

step 2: remove all of her sights

step 3: give her powers that allow her to make all the murder weapons she wants

you now have an insane oracle)
(or selene for that matter)

(but literally everyone but those two i know what i'll do with)
"So, how was everyone's day?" Joey asked

"Don't worry, I won't aim for you." Haruhi responded as she followed behind Maddy, firing shots near her
Maddy had ran into Spider-man, they talked for a minute as she jumped down to a window ledge. After he left she jumped to a few other ledges before she jumped to a smaller building and she pulled herself up on the roof's edge.
Allyson had been listening, she had changed back to bring a gorgon. "Oracle can we talk. From one future seer to another?"

The odd woman had curled into a ball and was mumbling prayers and curse words in her native language. Her ears are covered and she's squeezing her eyes closed.

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