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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Eris rolls forward, narrowly avoiding the grasp of the creature she attacked. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a sheathed knife. She frees it from its containment and flings it at the cloaked figure. Before she could follow up, she could feel one of the creatures grabbing the back of her shirt.

The knife hits the ground at where the figures feet wouldve been, and yhe creature got a good grip on her shirt and flung her into the ground, making a crater where she impacted

Then the cloaked figure chuckled and a black gooey tendrils appeared from on of the pools and oozed towards her. Once it got to her it dug into her chest and she could feel it attach to her heart, and she could feel herself getting weaker, if she didn't sever the tendrils from her body, who knows what will happen
The knife hits the ground at where the figures feet wouldve been, and yhe creature got a good grip on her shirt and flung her into the ground, making a crater where she impacted

Then the cloaked figure chuckled and a black gooey tendrils appeared from on of the pools and oozed towards her. Once it got to her it dug into her chest and she could feel it attach to her heart, and she could feel herself getting weaker, if she didn't sever the tendrils from her body, who knows what will happen
Eris crashes into the ground. She struggles to move as she sees tendrils approaching her. Taking a deep breath, her body turns into a cloud of mist and floats out of the crater. It continues traveling about 15 yards before reverting back to human form Eris. She falls to a kneel, breathing heavily.
Eris crashes into the ground. She struggles to move as she sees tendrils approaching her. Taking a deep breath, her body turns into a cloud of mist and floats out of the crater. It continues traveling about 15 yards before reverting back to human form Eris. She falls to a kneel, breathing heavily.
The tendrils continued after her, quickly gaining speed to catch her
She struggles to free herself as she continues to try to hold it off.

As she struggled she could feel the tendrils drain her of energy

The cloaked figure floated over to her and chuckled, when the figure spoke she couldn't tell if it was a guy or girl because the voice sounded so unnatural

"Well my child, you have proven quite resilient and resourceful, don't fight my power, just join us"
416 jumps off the Paladin and looks at the others

Thor examined them when they arrived "how interesting, a military experimental super soldier, and a being who is locked in a metal suit who choses to write instead of speak, interesting"
The paladin soon calmed down after Erika's little mocking "So. What happen?" the paper said as Erika turned back to the paladin "Well the devour of gods is dead and after the worm died I kinda got a new body." she said. "So no more dark energy? great." the paper said. "Well it's not a total lost. I do have a new material or well part of me can develop void fluid. So new bomb material for you. But I'm going to give it up that easy." she said with a cheeky smile. The paladin lift up the paper "Fine...What you want." the paper said as Erika smiled "Ask me politely. Not with paper but with your voice...the voice that you desperately hide..." she said as the paladin seemed to frozen in place.
As she struggled she could feel the tendrils drain her of energy

The cloaked figure floated over to her and chuckled, when the figure spoke she couldn't tell if it was a guy or girl because the voice sounded so unnatural

"Well my child, you have proven quite resilient and resourceful, don't fight my power, just join us"
She felt her energy being drained by the second. She watched as the cloaked figure approached her. It sounded inhuman vocally.
"You know you...could've just...asked nicely. And what 'us'...are you referring to?"
She felt her energy being drained by the second. She watched as the cloaked figure approached her. It sounded inhuman vocally.
"You know you...could've just...asked nicely. And what 'us'...are you referring to?"

"I had to test you first, and you'll find out later" the figure chuckled as the tendrils reached her heart and the energy drain vanished as she could feel the tendrils injecting something into her heart before it left, this caused her to be invigorated and stronger, as the goo coursed through her veins
The paladin soon calmed down after Erika's little mocking "So. What happen?" the paper said as Erika turned back to the paladin "Well the devour of gods is dead and after the worm died I kinda got a new body." she said. "So no more dark energy? great." the paper said. "Well it's not a total lost. I do have a new material or well part of me can develop void fluid. So new bomb material for you. But I'm going to give it up that easy." she said with a cheeky smile. The paladin lift up the paper "Fine...What you want." the paper said as Erika smiled "Ask me politely. Not with paper but with your voice...the voice that you desperately hide..." she said as the paladin seemed to frozen in place.

416 and Thor were both eager to hear the Paladin speak
Dash smiled " don't worry I won't let that happen again especially with this on." Dash said as he touched his crown.

"Well it will hopefully ward off the corruption, I had to guess since I didnt have a sample of the corruption" she sighed "but I will be there to stop it if it happens again" she smiled and hugged him, by this point her wings were now fully grown and she still hadnt noticed them
"I had to test you first, and you'll find out later" the figure chuckled as the tendrils reached her heart and the energy drain vanished as she could feel the tendrils injecting something into her heart before it left, this caused her to be invigorated and stronger, as the goo coursed through her veins
Laying on the ground helplessly, Eris felt something being injected into her heart as her illusion dome dissipated. The steel box that the creatures attacked earlier was just a car with tinted windows. The geyser that came out the ground was actually a busted water fountain. Suddenly, she started regaining her energy. It was as if the tendril went from draining her energy to boosting it. She looked at the figure with a confused look on her face.

"What's going on? What's happening to me?"
Zadock banished it with a thought as his aura flared around himself and Kala like a protective blanket pushing everyone else away keeping them a few paces from them as he reached a hand out to support her and touch her where she hurt. His aura manifested as a result of his fear and as such it took the form of a reaper with a scythe and wings spread wide as it stared down at everyone protecting Zadock and Kala. "what happened, are you ok?'
(no. She did that for me) The fear tecnique didn't work on link. "Is she okay?" Jace asked.
"I'm fine..something attacked my shadow. It must have really hurt it for me to feel it." She said taking a few deep breaths.

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