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Fantasy Ooc for Kirkwall

Ima wait for a few others to post but yay you for follow through aha

Is there a stable next to the Magi Academy where Magi can keep their horses or rent one for a fee?
If yes, then:
Where is the stable?
How much would the fee be?
What kind of horse could one rent there?
How long does it take to reach the castle from the academy on a horse?
Where would one keep their mount upon arrival at the castle?

Is there a stable next to the Magi Academy where Magi can keep their horses or rent one for a fee?
If yes, then:
Where is the stable?
How much would the fee be?
What kind of horse could one rent there?
How long does it take to reach the castle from the academy on a horse?
Where would one keep their mount upon arrival at the castle?
Here's a cooler idea, since your character is a wizardess, Harry. Ask someone to teleport her to the castle also be Lilith's healer and 27th concubine.
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Heyo I’ll reply soon, Shen was going to make stuff happen don’t worry aha
Lilith tried reading the minds of the on duty courtyard guards to see what the first challenge would be, did you read over that or did she fail?
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Lilith tried reading the minds of the on duty courtyard guards to see what the first challenge would be, did you read over that or did she fail?
I thought I said earlier The guards talked shit about monsters, that’s the only info that’s been spread by the guards
Well, I meant information that they knew but didn't share earlier, if that existed.
In the next post I do I’ll Say stuff of interest she may have heard but no guards know exactly what’s going down, just that...
Monsters are involved in some way,
The trials determine who gets what and is contracted to take the job,

Also Lilith has the largest group including herself aha. I’d suggest giving two or three a personality you like if you expect some followers after the arc
In the next post I do I’ll Say stuff of interest she may have heard but no guards know exactly what’s going down, just that...
Monsters are involved in some way,
The trials determine who gets what and is contracted to take the job,

Also Lilith has the largest group including herself aha. I’d suggest giving two or three a personality you like if you expect some followers after the arc
Bob is the only follower she needs. But I getcha.
Artim would be a somewhat high rank, I should reply sometime today
Now, I know Lilith isn't necessarily the best liar of all time, but how would he know she was a mage or not? She hasn't displayed any magic whatsoever.
shes a succubus, most factions know of monsters
He was more saying she’s a monster, not a human
They're a race of shapeshifters that are, in most common sources for them anyway, supposed to fit in with humans.

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