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Fandom Superheros and Villains

The figure then felt something again... another punch but nobody made a move... and then another... and another... and another. Each one kept on getting stronger and stronger than the last. Doubling in power and force. The force was pushing the figure away from both Daikos yet the punches did not stop.
"Fine." the figure said as ripple of void energy soon tear through the area and stopping Daiko's portal ability as the armor soon becomes swallowed by spatial goo and becomes bigger to the point as the void goo then shaped itself as large dragoness with a fluked tail "Perpare to be devoured!" the beast roared as the beast soon grabbed one of the daikos and begin to squeeze him.
"Fine." the figure said as ripple of void energy soon tear through the area and stopping Daiko's portal ability as the armor soon becomes swallowed by spatial goo and becomes bigger to the point as the void goo then shaped itself as large dragoness with a fluked tail "Perpare to be devoured!" the beast roared as the beast soon grabbed one of the daikos and begin to squeeze him.
Before the Daiko could be caught, he entered a portal, leaving only this world's Daiko. He punched Joey again. "Please... make it stop." Joey shouted. Daiko's hands were charred and smoking.
Before the Daiko could be caught, he entered a portal, leaving only this world's Daiko. He punched Joey again. "Please... make it stop." Joey shouted. Daiko's hands were charred and smoking.
Erika soon turned toward the daiko punching Joey and grab the Daiko and Joey and threw them into her mouth and soon swallow them both, as for the two they end up falling in a world with a ocean that has been dried up and Erika sitting at a table "Come sit. We'll deal with this situation like modern people. Also I've taken away all your powers and your strength." she said as a tea cup happens to appear in her hand and a teapot in other.
(Forgot to mention this pocket dimension is like her own world that she can toy with. Including the people inside meaning she can use you as a puppet in her world.)
Erika soon turned toward the daiko punching Joey and grab the Daiko and Joey and threw them into her mouth and soon swallow them both, as for the two they end up falling in a world with a ocean that has been dried up and Erika sitting at a table "Come sit. We'll deal with this situation like modern people. Also I've taken away all your powers and your strength." she said as a tea cup happens to appear in her hand and a teapot in other.
(Forgot to mention this pocket dimension is like her own world that she can toy with. Including the people inside meaning she can use you as a puppet in her world.)
(That wasn't in the sheet) Before she could even grab Daiko. He disappeared.
(That wasn't in the sheet) Before she could even grab Daiko. He disappeared.
((it is now :3 anyway the character is being updated and i'll try to slow it down. By a lot as I need to figure out a way to synergize with the powers she has right now like I did when she was still a void and needs to be taught to her))
Erika looked at Joey "Huh. The brat disappeared. Ah well care for a cup of tea." she said.
((it is now :3 anyway the character is being updated and i'll try to slow it down. By a lot as I need to figure out a way to synergize with the powers she has right now like I did when she was still a void and needs to be taught to her))
Erika looked at Joey "Huh. The brat disappeared. Ah well care for a cup of tea." she said.
"Where... where am I?" Joey asked. Daiko was nowhere to be seen back at the cafe "Where... where did aniki go?" Jacob asked.
"Where... where am I?" Joey asked. Daiko was nowhere to be seen back at the cafe "Where... where did aniki go?" Jacob asked.
"Welcome to my world or well inside me. You should probably remember me as the young dragoness when we killed that giant worm together." she said as for the her on the outside world had went silent and glaring around potentially looking for the next snack.
S gulped. "Aaah... this feeling... this dread... it has been too long." An all too familiar voice was heard. Dreema appeared next to S. "Hello mother. Been a while since I last heard from you." "Dreema... what are you doing here?" Dreema smiled "Isn't it obvious? I felt your fear... where there is fear... there is sadness... and where there is sadness..."

Daiko suddenly stood up. A nightmare mask appeared over his face. He slowly turned to Joey and Peter "Peter... I think... we should run."
"There is rage." Dreema said with a smirk as Daiko punched Joey in the stomach hard. Joey immediately puked.
Peter nodded. "Yep running." He said jumping high,
Peter nodded. "Yep running." He said jumping high,
Oz shook Maddy. "Mads get up, your friends need help." Maddy woke up. "Thanks..I used a bit too much energy there." Oz nodded. "I get it. You didn't want to see someone you care about dead.." His eyes were red from crying. "Go help them." Oz helped her up.
"now this is an even fight." Watcher said holding his sword, he flw out of the way of Radobaan. Kala nods using a spell to stop the bleeding.
The Radobaan stopped in the middle of its missed roll and realigned itself towards its missed target.

The odogaron did a long tail swipe aimed straight at Kala.
The Radobaan stopped in the middle of its missed roll and realigned itself towards its missed target.

The odogaron did a long tail swipe aimed straight at Kala.
watcher swung his sword at the rolling beast when he got close.

Kala muttered a spell before shouting. "Prisoners chain" a large dark glowing chain wrapped around its tail
Daiko was bleeding yet chasing after Peter. Peter saw the bullet holes in Daiko's chest.
Seeing that yelling at him to stop wasn't working. Maddy changed into her wolf form and ran after Daiko. When she got close she jumped and pounced on him.
watcher swung his sword at the rolling beast when he got close.

Kala muttered a spell before shouting. "Prisoners chain" a large dark glowing chain wrapped around its tail
The Radobaan was knocked onto its side the brute wyvern writhed around on the ground trying to right itself.

The odogaron stopped its attack for a moment. It took a moment to consider the chain on its tail. The monster then looked at Kala and performed another pounce.
The Radobaan was knocked onto its side the brute wyvern writhed around on the ground trying to right itself.

The odogaron stopped its attack for a moment. It took a moment to consider the chain on its tail. The monster then looked at Kala and performed another pounce.
Watcher just watched. "Who do you belong to."

The chain pulled him back when he tried to pounce on her
Seeing that yelling at him to stop wasn't working. Maddy changed into her wolf form and ran after Daiko. When she got close she jumped and pounced on him.
He struggled to break free of her grip. He remained silent and was still bleeding.
The Doctor thre the gun to the side. He said nothing. He used the Sonic to call the TARDIS it appeared nare by and he went to it.
S merely sighed.
(I honestly did not expect the doctor to wrap this whole thing up so quickly.) Jacob and Susan had disappeared.
Watcher just watched. "Who do you belong to."

The chain pulled him back when he tried to pounce on her
The Radobaan righted itself and shook back and forth. The Watcher's attack had broken off its flank armor. The monster looked around for a way to fix it but seeing as it was in a city and not a boneyard found nothing. It bellowed angrily and beat the ground with its jaw.

The Odogaron growled angrily. The prey was just out of its reach. It reached out with its claws tearing up the road, and snapping at Kala.

The Rathalos medallion seemed to levitate, and suddenly flew back into Viserok's waiting hand. The hunter sighed. "Disappointing" he commented. Walking off. Clipping the medallion back onto his belt to hang with the others.

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