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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Okay girl, make allies and the so, and don't tell anybody about me, those folks and I aren't exactly friends." He said.

"And remember! Icecream is frozen cow fluid! Santa is a lie! Buy gold!" And he warped to who knows where.
"Ugh he forgot to let me tag those two so I can beat the shit out of them later..." she said.
Dash showed up his lightning bolt on his suit pulsing. "Joey are you ok? The council sent me as a representative to make sure you're healthy and that Dreema is helping keep you that way."
"I think she's busy helping Maddy." He replied "Well... her illusion is." He coughed more before ripping a Dalek in half.
Watcher nods and starts flying, being careful in case of other traps.
When they reached thenprison Peter dropped to the floor. "Psst cap." Peter whipsered. The war hero stepped forward. "Spider-Man? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Getting you guys out. The daleks got you by surprise. But all of us togeather they don't stand a chance."
BFF was rampaging through the ship looking for a power supply while Yara was floating behind him cheering him on. "If you need any help don't forget I'm your little mummy~" She said excitedly. Yara loved when she was wrapped in bandages because of the small synergy of BFF controlling the bandages on her body. Since her powers aren't really that strong it makes her feel a little more useful. "Uhhh. Take this left. It's a liiiitle bit brighter than the right so that means power source right?" BFF proceed.
When they reached thenprison Peter dropped to the floor. "Psst cap." Peter whipsered. The war hero stepped forward. "Spider-Man? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Getting you guys out. The daleks got you by surprise. But all of us togeather they don't stand a chance."
Dru formed behind Peter his face being different but his clothes being what Peter could recognize. "it's good that you found them but can you truly break into their cells I mean these aliens are geniouses."
"She doesn't have that power... but this... it's just a little tumor. Nothing I ca-" He coughed. "-n't handle."
Dash sighed "she should've found a way to get you healed. We need to take care of that soon." Dash shook his head.
"That can wait." He said as he fell to his knees "Right now... we have to focus on..." He stood up "The invasion."
Dash grabbed him and pulled him into flash time "we have to get you fixed and you don't have long in flash time to make it happen."
When they reached thenprison Peter dropped to the floor. "Psst cap." Peter whipsered. The war hero stepped forward. "Spider-Man? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Getting you guys out. The daleks got you by surprise. But all of us togeather they don't stand a chance."
BFF was rampaging through the ship looking for a power supply while Yara was floating behind him cheering him on. "If you need any help don't forget I'm your little mummy~" She said excitedly. Yara loved when she was wrapped in bandages because of the small synergy of BFF controlling the bandages on her body. Since her powers aren't really that strong it makes her feel a little more useful. "Uhhh. Take this left. It's a liiiitle bit brighter than the right so that means power source right?" BFF proceed.
Dru formed behind Peter his face being different but his clothes being what Peter could recognize. "it's good that you found them but can you truly break into their cells I mean these aliens are geniouses."
Watcher nods and turns seeing Dru. He was about to say something when he zoned out for a second. ," there is somebody else on the ship"
Dru formed behind Peter his face being different but his clothes being what Peter could recognize. "it's good that you found them but can you truly break into their cells I mean these aliens are geniouses."
(Will you answer my question if he wasn't near the baxter building how did he know thst Peter went to space? He took a ship from the baxter building)

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