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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

MacToff stops next to his door and makes a mark on it. "This one's me." He walks to the next empty room and opens the door "And here ye are."
Yuki sits up in bed. She didn’t fully remember the last few days, “I’m in a room?”, she notices Jack, “I... I made it back...”
Dorian let go of her bra and intertwined their fingers "I missed you my little mouse" nibbling on her neck, eventually moving up to her ear. "Jessica will you marry me?" He whispered into her ear.

Jessica moan, face red when he give her a tease nickname. “Dorian....Ahh....” As her heart beating so fast, her eyes widen when Dorian sudden propose to her.
Jessica moan, face red when he give her a tease nickname. “Dorian....Ahh....” As her heart beating so fast, her eyes widen when Dorian sudden propose to her.
"Its up to you, either way I'm staying with you" Dorian stopped and fell off to the side yawning


"James! Can I go up on deck?" Alexia asked as she unzipped the back of her dress and slid it off. Stretching out before walking towards the door. "I wanna get a little sun and take a swim before I eat is all" posing for him trying to be cute
James thinks for a minute “wait it’s dark”
"That's my favorite time, so you have any idea how easy it is for me to get sun burn?" Alexia put her dress on her shoulder before weaving and heading out onto the deck. Standing in the moonlight she smiled and closed her eyes. Starting to sing, her voice elegant and soft.

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