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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (always open)

Eliza took a hesitant step forward, falling in step right behind Airion so that he was leading the group to the gym. He and Jinx were the least nervous of them, and since Jinx took a protective stance beside Cahira, she though it'd be best to stick close to someone too. The trees began to thin as the group reached a the wide building, there were multiple double doors lining the wall and big black words plastered unto one above with 'GYMNASIUM'. She gulped, usually a group would form to see what had happened, but there wasn't a crowd outside like she thought there would be. Instead, it was quiet and peaceful now and she spotted someone leaning against one of the gym's doorframe. Still a little wary, she made sure she wasn't far from the group, she wasn't brave enough to peek through what might be a horrible accident behind those doors. Straightening herself as much as she could, she asked the stranger by the door, "U-uhm." She coughed a little, getting rid of her nervous stutter. "Did something happen? Is anyone hurt? We heard a pretty loud bang just a little while ago." She turned around to face Airion, Cahira and Jinx, as if doing a head count, before looking to the woman for an answer True Blue Flannel True Blue Flannel @HuntedFox Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

(Uh, I'm on the inside of the gym)

"Nothing happened, but a boy messing up his combat class challenge" she replied
(Uh, I'm on the inside of the gym)

"Nothing happened, but a boy messing up his combat class challenge" she replied

(Oh. Sorry, thought the teacher was by the door. I've edited my previous post.)

Eliza blinked, pausing a little as she took the answer in. She felt like a complete fool, just when Cahira was nice enough to tell her about combat classes just minutes before, she couldn't even deduce the possibility of the sudden noise to be from said classes. She looked around the spacious room, groups of students were chatting on bleachers and some were sparring with each other on the floor. She felt like digging a hole and staying hidden for a while. Her cheeks turned red, clearly embarrassed. She quickly bowed towards the lady, her hair falling over her face in an attempt to cover her rosy cheeks. "Sorry." She apologised quietly. "We just transferred here today and we were touring around the campus, so..." She trailed off, she didn't know what to say to explain herself. The stranger must think that she's a fool and a hindrance to the class. "Sorry," She uttered again quickly, used to bowing politely and apologising to others for strange occurrences caused by her abilities.
Airion watched ahead just knowing that Eliza wanted someone to hold on to so he offered out his arm. "Eliza now I know this might sound like taking the mickey but are you scared of big black words and if you can't tell there's been a fighting class going on, that's the big noise we heard " Airion chuckled. I think that's a teacher so yes we should go to the loud noise". It was quite and seren tranquil like a forest. Not a soul in sight. Only an imposing femal towering over everyone. Airion didnt know about the others but he was scared and curious. " See I told you guys, sorry I like it when I'm right it was someone messing up a fighting class ha"
(Oh. Sorry, thought the teacher was by the door. I've edited my previous post.)

Eliza blinked, pausing a little as she took the answer in. She felt like a complete fool, just when Cahira was nice enough to tell her about combat classes just minutes before, she couldn't even deduce the possibility of the sudden noise to be from said classes. She looked around the spacious room, groups of students were chatting on bleachers and some were sparring with each other on the floor. She felt like digging a hole and staying hidden for a while. Her cheeks turned red, clearly embarrassed. She quickly bowed towards the lady, her hair falling over her face in an attempt to cover her rosy cheeks. "Sorry." She apologised quietly. "We just transferred here today and we were touring around the campus, so..." She trailed off, she didn't know what to say to explain herself. The stranger must think that she's a fool and a hindrance to the class. "Sorry," She uttered again quickly, used to bowing politely and apologising to others for strange occurrences caused by her abilities.
Sorry I've gtg be back on later
Airion watched ahead just knowing that Eliza wanted someone to hold on to so he offered out his arm. "Eliza now I know this might sound like taking the mickey but are you scared of big black words and if you can't tell there's been a fighting class going on, that's the big noise we heard " Airion chuckled. I think that's a teacher so yes we should go to the loud noise". It was quite and seren tranquil like a forest. Not a soul in sight. Only an imposing femal towering over everyone. Airion didnt know about the others but he was scared and curious. " See I told you guys, sorry I like it when I'm right it was someone messing up a fighting class ha"

Sorry I've gtg be back on later

(No worries!)

"I wasn't scared by that..." Eliza said softly, biting her lower lip, making her defence seem like the truth. Her cheeks were still a little flushed, she glanced at Cahira with pleading eyes to defend her apparent timidness. She didn't expect her to understand though and meekly smiled, "Sorry Airion, I'll believe in you from now on. Do you guys want to stay to watch the class?"
" actually Eliza I need to apologise to you, sorry for kind of appearing at your door step asking for help". Airion blushed. He wondered if Eliza liked him or not, or if she had a boyfriend or even a girlfriend. "Sure what harm will it do I can ask the teacher where I'm supposed to anyway thanks though for the help I appreciate it"
"Eh?" A little stunned, she wasn't sure what to do. "You have nothing to apologise for Airion! I'm glad that you knocked, if you didn't I wouldn't have met you." She blurted out. "You're not ditching the tour, are you?" She asked, at least that was what it had sounded like- like Airion was saying bye. Now she sounded selfish. She was frustrated with herself, what was going on? "I mean- you don't have to stay with us. It was my pleasure to help you Airion. If you ever need help again, you know where to find me." She gave him a smile, looking towards her dorm-mates to see what they would like to do.

(If you want to know if she likes Airion or not, she's doesn't know. She's confused haha)
(Oh. Sorry, thought the teacher was by the door. I've edited my previous post.)

Eliza blinked, pausing a little as she took the answer in. She felt like a complete fool, just when Cahira was nice enough to tell her about combat classes just minutes before, she couldn't even deduce the possibility of the sudden noise to be from said classes. She looked around the spacious room, groups of students were chatting on bleachers and some were sparring with each other on the floor. She felt like digging a hole and staying hidden for a while. Her cheeks turned red, clearly embarrassed. She quickly bowed towards the lady, her hair falling over her face in an attempt to cover her rosy cheeks. "Sorry." She apologised quietly. "We just transferred here today and we were touring around the campus, so..." She trailed off, she didn't know what to say to explain herself. The stranger must think that she's a fool and a hindrance to the class. "Sorry," She uttered again quickly, used to bowing politely and apologising to others for strange occurrences caused by her abilities.

(Well you were accurate, I was the teacher by the door, just on the inside, lol)

Jenny chuckled "its ok child, best go find a seat until your next class"
((no worries get better soon))
Emily bit her lip as she turned red from embressment, she had been one of those girls that had been talking. She set her pen down and closed her journal. She looked away from the teacher scared to look over to her as she kept her attention over to Lexi. She hoped that what ever Lexi answered would be enough, because as far as she knew the mister was a mystery. She only knew that she had seen something like that creature and anything she cought when observing it, but besides that the creature was something new to her.
Takei winced in pain as he removed himself from the crack he made on the wall behind the bleachers. He had lost his first match and failed to complete the first task given to him in combat class, it was turning out to be a really bad first day. He dusted himself off and looked at everyone, who was now looking up at him, they were all either sighing in disappointment, laughing in a rueful manner or mocking him under their breath Look! I admit my defeat and I’m sorry if you’re disappointed in me, I got cocky Takei sighed and it seemed that the teacher had turned her attention to a bunch of girls who had some knowledge of the beast. He got out from the crack and slowly walked back to his seat, fortunately he didn’t suffer any major injuries thanks to his powers.
CasualTea CasualTea (get well soon)
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
AquaMarie AquaMarie
"Are you ok?" Lexi asked as her multiple tails were wagging ever so slightly, if he wasn't oblivious he could tell that from her look that she was most likely fantizing about him
*Selma had gotten done with Combat class and was now wandering around the school. She looks around bored wanting something to do*
Elsword S6.png
"Let me tell you something, okay?" She said before she made her blade disappear. "The monsters I summon are past entities I have killed all by myself. Though that thing, was merely just a small fry. I won't be using any of the big ones because that would be for outside and it will surely get some of you killed if your cocky behaviors persists. And if you want to continue taking this class lightly, then I'll just have to throw you all under the fire. This creature still lives. And you will try to hold your ground against it. Good luck." She said before she started to walk to the other side of the gym and sat on the bleachers. She sat on the top row and crossed a leg over the other and folded her arms. She then just watched the students as it seemed as they were being moved to a different reality. They were probably now in a different space. Full of ancient mountains and floating rocks and a foggy bottomless pit. They were now on a rocky platform that seemed to be designed like a bridge. There were ruins of a village and also a shrine. Among the ruins, was a mysterious woman with a hellish darkness energy flowing within her who spoke, seemingly towards Seria who was no where to be found. "Oh~? Seria, you should have let me known in advance you were sending guests my way. I don't have time to inform Drabaki, unless this is what you wanted~" The lady said before a gigantic centipede-like creature arose from the depths of the fog and looked down at the students releasing an echoing hiss. It seemed to have the powers that related to darkness, time, and space. It then wrapped itself along the platform and moved towards the students in a spiraling movement, its body seeming to be covered in hardened scales and armor that seemed to also be razor sharp that could rip any average human to shreds. "It was time to show them there is a much more bigger world than their comfort zones. This is me putting them under fire."
Elsword Devi.png

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Airion smiled back " lol sorry I think I gave the wrong impression, I would like to stay but if you have got any work or anything planned feel free to go but I'd be very happy to be staying with Eliza star tours. I'm going to rate it a 4. 5. I would give it 5 starts but the lead guide is way to hot". Airion kind of blushed at his cheesy pick up line. Now he could tell that Eliza was uncomfortable so he just aggreed to stay. " any way shall we sit I for one am for one I'm getting a tiny bit cold out here"
"Let me tell you something, okay?" She said before she made her blade disappear. "The monsters I summon are past entities I have killed all by myself. Though that thing, was merely just a small fry. I won't be using any of the big ones because that would be for outside and it will surely get some of you killed if your cocky behaviors persists. And if you want to continue taking this class lightly, then I'll just have to throw you all under the fire. This creature still lives. And you will try to hold your ground against it. Good luck." She said before she started to walk to the other side of the gym and sat on the bleachers. She sat on the top row and crossed a leg over the other and folded her arms. She then just watched the students as it seemed as they were being moved to a different reality. They were probably now in a different space. Full of ancient mountains and floating rocks and a foggy bottomless pit. They were now on a rocky platform that seemed to be designed like a bridge. There were ruins of a village and also a shrine. Among the ruins, was a mysterious woman with a hellish darkness energy flowing within her who spoke, seemingly towards Seria who was no where to be found. "Oh~? Seria, you should have let me known in advance you were sending guests my way. I don't have time to inform Drabaki, unless this is what you wanted~" The lady said before a gigantic centipede-like creature arose from the depths of the fog and looked down at the students releasing an echoing hiss. It seemed to have the powers that related to darkness, time, and space. It then wrapped itself along the platform and moved towards the students in a spiraling movement, its body seeming to be covered in hardened scales and armor that seemed to also be razor sharp that could rip any average human to shreds. "It was time to show them there is a much more bigger world than their comfort zones. This is me putting them under fire."


Jenny chuckled and walked over to sit down with Seria "so your doing that trick again, well Lexi might be too volatile for that area, too bad we can't watch, id love to watch" she chuckled

Lexi was looking at the enormous creature with fear in her eyes
Christian was busy watching the brawl unfold before him until suddenly, the world around them shifted. “Whoa... what?” Christian muttered as he be found himself in a completely different space. He looked up at the massive creature. “Great...” he murmured as he now acknowledged that he and the rest of the students were in quite the sticky situation. Christian looked briefly at Del and Isabel before looking back at the monster. He knew he certainly wasn’t going to just sit around and wait for their doom, so he began to make his way to the front. “Stay here,” he told Del before leaving to face the beast. “I’m gonna need some hezlp guys...” Christian muttered under his breath to his demons. His arms turned charcoal black. However, one arm had blue electricity surging through it, and the other had wisps of flames emerging from it. “Time to see what this thing is capable of,” Christian said, clapping his hands together and combining electricity and fire to create a hot, molten lightning bolt, glowing in a powerful orange hue. Christian took a stance like he was going to throw a spear, taking aim at the centipede’s head. Then, in one full swing, Christian launched the spear, a crackling boom echoing across the bridge as the fire bolt left his fingertips. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer CasualTea CasualTea
"Just keep going down the hall until you get outside, then look for the building with the word Gymnasium on it" she chuckled
Draxian had his doubts about this...
A random voice just springing into his
head like there was a floor mat saying
Either way he needed some sense
of direction.

Draxian followed the instructions about the
gymnasium and walked in, gaping at it's enormous size.
Draxian had his doubts about this...
A random voice just springing into his
head like there was a floor mat saying
Either way he needed some sense
of direction.

Draxian followed the instructions about the
gymnasium and walked in, gaping at it's enormous size.

He saw two women siting on the bleachers on the opposite side of his entrance, then he saw one wave to him
Airion smiled back " lol sorry I think I gave the wrong impression, I would like to stay but if you have got any work or anything planned feel free to go but I'd be very happy to be staying with Eliza star tours. I'm going to rate it a 4. 5. I would give it 5 starts but the lead guide is way to hot". Airion kind of blushed at his cheesy pick up line. Now he could tell that Eliza was uncomfortable so he just aggreed to stay. " any way shall we sit I for one am for one I'm getting a tiny bit cold out here"

"Let me tell you something, okay?" She said before she made her blade disappear. "The monsters I summon are past entities I have killed all by myself. Though that thing, was merely just a small fry. I won't be using any of the big ones because that would be for outside and it will surely get some of you killed if your cocky behaviors persists. And if you want to continue taking this class lightly, then I'll just have to throw you all under the fire. This creature still lives. And you will try to hold your ground against it. Good luck." She said before she started to walk to the other side of the gym and sat on the bleachers. She sat on the top row and crossed a leg over the other and folded her arms. She then just watched the students as it seemed as they were being moved to a different reality. They were probably now in a different space. Full of ancient mountains and floating rocks and a foggy bottomless pit. They were now on a rocky platform that seemed to be designed like a bridge. There were ruins of a village and also a shrine. Among the ruins, was a mysterious woman with a hellish darkness energy flowing within her who spoke, seemingly towards Seria who was no where to be found. "Oh~? Seria, you should have let me known in advance you were sending guests my way. I don't have time to inform Drabaki, unless this is what you wanted~" The lady said before a gigantic centipede-like creature arose from the depths of the fog and looked down at the students releasing an echoing hiss. It seemed to have the powers that related to darkness, time, and space. It then wrapped itself along the platform and moved towards the students in a spiraling movement, its body seeming to be covered in hardened scales and armor that seemed to also be razor sharp that could rip any average human to shreds. "It was time to show them there is a much more bigger world than their comfort zones. This is me putting them under fire."
View attachment 395143

(I'm jumping in :3)

Eliza's face turned beet red at Airion's comment, it was the first time someone told her that she was attractive. She wasn't sure if he just said it to make her happy or if it meant more. Before she could reply, her surroundings changed. The shiny floors of the gym turned into dull and rough rocks, and she was no longer indoors but in a completely different climate, with mountains and ruins, and floating rocks?! "Wha-" Condensation appeared when she spoke, the air was cold, a lot colder than before. At least she wasn't alone, the students she saw before were also in this strange place. Her knees buckled beneath her, this was one hell of a first day. She was too frightened to make a sound. Then, to make it all worse a giant creature appeared before them, making a high pitched hiss. Her heart was slamming against her chest, bolts of electricity sparking on her skin and spreading to the floor around her. Eliza saw a boy, assuming it was a student, standing up front to face the monster before throwing what seemed like a bolt of lightning and fire towards the beast that threatened the everyone's safety. A flicker of admiration crossed her mind, she wished she was as brave as him. She was just a nervous bundle on the floor unable to control her powers, she tried getting up on her two feet, shaking a little. She didn't want to die!
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He saw two women siting on the bleachers on the opposite side of his entrance, then he saw one wave to him
"Are you that random voice that popped
into my head?" He asked as he walked over
"I would prefer you just use a different magic,
if at all possible, would you kindly?
I like my head the empty shell that it is."
As the fight drew on, the environment started to change around them into a different reality. "Whoa, whoa," Delta was obvious taken a back by the changes. Though before everything was completely changed and set in stone, the girl was able to snag her bottle of water. Which was a good thing to because as she looked around, there didn't seem to be any water source as far as she could tell. However, Christian told her to stay put as he moved to the front of everybody, "Christian don't!" The girl grew worried about his safety as this enormous centipede like creature started charging at everyone.

What to do, what to do, what to do!? What could she do!? Looking down at the bottle her eyes trained on the water inside, then she felt something click inside her. "Isabelle stay here!" Without saying anything else Delta pushed through the other students until she made it to the front in time to watch Christian throw his spear. After he had done that she unscrewed the cap of the bottle before the water shot out and hovered off the ground in front of the group. The with a powerful voice Del shouted, "Grow!"

Immediately the water grew larger and expanded, forming a dome over everyone. Delta held her ground and caused the water to form long, sharp points before freezing over. The ice was thick, and harder than anything she's ever created before. "Hopefully this will keep it out long enough to come up with an effective plan!" Del looked over at Christian as she panted and held her stance, "You think I'd let you get hurt?" A somewhat tired chuckle escaped her before turning her attention back on the approaching creature located outside her protective dome that held all the students inside.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. CasualTea CasualTea Texangamer Texangamer
"Are you that random voice that popped
into my head?" He asked as he walked over
"I would prefer you just use a different magic,
if at all possible, would you kindly?
I like my head the empty shell that it is."

"An empty head is a playground for a telepath" Jenny chuckled "also I'm your teacher, so please refrain from telling me what to do" she added
"Let me tell you something, okay?" She said before she made her blade disappear. "The monsters I summon are past entities I have killed all by myself. Though that thing, was merely just a small fry. I won't be using any of the big ones because that would be for outside and it will surely get some of you killed if your cocky behaviors persists. And if you want to continue taking this class lightly, then I'll just have to throw you all under the fire. This creature still lives. And you will try to hold your ground against it. Good luck." She said before she started to walk to the other side of the gym and sat on the bleachers. She sat on the top row and crossed a leg over the other and folded her arms. She then just watched the students as it seemed as they were being moved to a different reality. They were probably now in a different space. Full of ancient mountains and floating rocks and a foggy bottomless pit. They were now on a rocky platform that seemed to be designed like a bridge. There were ruins of a village and also a shrine. Among the ruins, was a mysterious woman with a hellish darkness energy flowing within her who spoke, seemingly towards Seria who was no where to be found. "Oh~? Seria, you should have let me known in advance you were sending guests my way. I don't have time to inform Drabaki, unless this is what you wanted~" The lady said before a gigantic centipede-like creature arose from the depths of the fog and looked down at the students releasing an echoing hiss. It seemed to have the powers that related to darkness, time, and space. It then wrapped itself along the platform and moved towards the students in a spiraling movement, its body seeming to be covered in hardened scales and armor that seemed to also be razor sharp that could rip any average human to shreds. "It was time to show them there is a much more bigger world than their comfort zones. This is me putting them under fire."


Emily slowly placed her journal away as she listen to the teacher speak about how dangerous the creatures were. She just continued to quietly listen to the teacher speak as she closely watched her walk over to sit at the bench.

‘Good Luck?...wonder what she meant by that?’ Emily thought, her eyes widen as the world around them started to change. She looked around at their new surroundings with amazement. But all that turn to fearful eyes as she heard the hiss echoing around her. She stared at the large centipede creature, the strange creatures she had read about sure are more scary in person.

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