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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (always open)

(Excuse me for my absence, I've been ill.)
The creature shrieked before it used its other arm to grab Takei and swung it around only to slam him into the wall above the spectating students, its red glare staring down at its prey before it roared loudly with the same ghastly sound, the sound waves causing any to experience the past cries of its victims it had slaughtered and mangled. It then turned to Seria in which she smirked. "Guilty~" It then let go of Takei and started for Seria, unhinging its jaw. Just as it closed in to her by a few meters, Seria quickly made a double edged straight blade before a flash of orange fire ran across the creature causing the creature to evaporate to nothing. Seria turned back to make sure it was dead, which she knew it was. She killed worse things than that. She looked at Takei and sighed in disappointment. "I told you. You should have followed my instruction. What if that thing were to actually break every bone in your body and turn you into a meat ball?" Seria said, knowing Takei had much more power but he decided to not use it. "If you decide to fight creatures like these with basic hand-to-hand combat, your fate will come sooner than expected. Now, Lexi was it? What was one thing you found interesting about this fight? I'm sure you and the other girls were talking plenty about it, right?"
((no worries get better soon))
Emily bit her lip as she turned red from embressment, she had been one of those girls that had been talking. She set her pen down and closed her journal. She looked away from the teacher scared to look over to her as she kept her attention over to Lexi. She hoped that what ever Lexi answered would be enough, because as far as she knew the mister was a mystery. She only knew that she had seen something like that creature and anything she cought when observing it, but besides that the creature was something new to her.
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Takei winced in pain as he removed himself from the crack he made on the wall behind the bleachers. He had lost his first match and failed to complete the first task given to him in combat class, it was turning out to be a really bad first day. He dusted himself off and looked at everyone, who was now looking up at him, they were all either sighing in disappointment, laughing in a rueful manner or mocking him under their breath Look! I admit my defeat and I’m sorry if you’re disappointed in me, I got cocky Takei sighed and it seemed that the teacher had turned her attention to a bunch of girls who had some knowledge of the beast. He got out from the crack and slowly walked back to his seat, fortunately he didn’t suffer any major injuries thanks to his powers.
CasualTea CasualTea (get well soon)
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
AquaMarie AquaMarie
Takei winced in pain as he removed himself from the crack he made on the wall behind the bleachers. He had lost his first match and failed to complete the first task given to him in combat class, it was turning out to be a really bad first day. He dusted himself off and looked at everyone, who was now looking up at him, they were all either sighing in disappointment, laughing in a rueful manner or mocking him under their breath Look! I admit my defeat and I’m sorry if you’re disappointed in me, I got cocky Takei sighed and it seemed that the teacher had turned her attention to a bunch of girls who had some knowledge of the beast. He got out from the crack and slowly walked back to his seat, fortunately he didn’t suffer any major injuries thanks to his powers.
CasualTea CasualTea (get well soon)
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
AquaMarie AquaMarie

"Are you ok?" Lexi asked as her multiple tails were wagging ever so slightly, if he wasn't oblivious he could tell that from her look that she was most likely fantizing about him
"Are you ok?" Lexi asked as her multiple tails were wagging ever so slightly, if he wasn't oblivious he could tell that from her look that she was most likely fantizing about him
I’m fine, although my back hurts from the impact I had with the wall, that was a really impressive throw from the beast Takei said as he seated himself on a vacant seat, the girl was the only one who asked if he was ok and he felt happy, knowing that atleast somebody cared. She also seemed to be more knowledgeable on the beast and now that her attention was on him it seemed like a good idea to get some information about the beast and get some tips from her What was that thing? I haven’t seen anything like that before.
Location: Heading toward Gym​

Cahira watched Eliza with a somber gaze, quickly giving a few nods of her head in response to the thanks. “You’re wel-!” Halfway through her sentence the bang sounded. Instead of finishing she had let out a startled shriek, visibly jumping. Jinx had almost pressed himself beside her, letting out a long, low growl.
She pinned her ears down, her eyes wide with fear while shifting her gaze to the others as Eliza stuttered out a few words. Her dorm-mate seemed fairly shaken as well...
Despite how nervous she was herself, Cahira was a bit relieved she wasn’t the only one.

“I dunno...” Cahira whispered in an almost whimper, trying to locate the direction in which the sound came from.

Airion seemed to manage that before she did, and so bluntly stated the fact that he had figured out.
Cahira blinked, keeping her ears pinned back and giving her tail a few nervous lashes.
“Are you guys really sure we should go towards the loud noises?”

Despite her spoken hesitance towards the idea, she was already slowly walking in the direction of the gym, Jinx close beside her.
RI.a RI.a
True Blue Flannel True Blue Flannel
I’m fine, although my back hurts from the impact I had with the wall, that was a really impressive throw from the beast Takei said as he seated himself on a vacant seat, the girl was the only one who asked if he was ok and he felt happy, knowing that atleast somebody cared. She also seemed to be more knowledgeable on the beast and now that her attention was on him it seemed like a good idea to get some information about the beast and get some tips from her What was that thing? I haven’t seen anything like that before.

Lexi shrugged but still kept smiling at him while her tails wagged "my sister says they are called Grimm, but after that I was distracted" she playfully winked at him
*Selma had gotten done with Combat class and was now wandering around the school. She looks around bored wanting something to do*
Lexi shrugged but still kept smiling at him while her tails wagged "my sister says they are called Grimm, but after that I was distracted" she playfully winked at him

Takei noticed her eyeing him in a weird way and when she winked at him he could tell that she was interested in him and not in the way he thought she was, being in a playful mood he decided to play along. Distracted? Distracted by what? By me? You sure do get distracted easily Takei said while folding his arms and looking ahead, relaxing back in his seat. The day was turning out to be bad one but at the least he “impressed” someone, he smirked at that thought.
Takei noticed her eyeing him in a weird way and when she winked at him he could tell that she was interested in him and not in the way he thought she was, being in a playful mood he decided to play along. Distracted? Distracted by what? By me? You sure do get distracted easily Takei said while folding his arms and looking ahead, relaxing back in his seat. The day was turning out to be bad one but at the least he “impressed” someone, he smirked at that thought.

Lexi smiled and got up to sit next to him "I might have been" she giggled
*Selma sees two people chatting and wanted to make friends, but she's socially awkward and doesn't know how to go about it*
*Selma blinks* You know about that?

Jenny lightly pats her head "yes, I'm a telepath, I read your mind" she chuckled "I mostly do that to keep am eye on all my students, especially my sister" she smiled pointing at Lexi
*Chuckles* I should have guessed. Well to answer your question, I'm a little. How can i put it, Socially awkward. I have a lot to talk about, but can't figure out a way to say it without sounding like an idiot
*Chuckles* I should have guessed. Well to answer your question, I'm a little. How can i put it, Socially awkward. I have a lot to talk about, but can't figure out a way to say it without sounding like an idiot

She laughed "I know the feeling kid, basically you just have to suck it up and do it anyway, usually it turns out good, but then again everyone is entitled to their opinions, just don't let them bother you" she replied
Takei scoots away from the fox girl as he sees another girl, presumably the fox’s friend, walking over to speak with her. He yawns while stretching his arms out, he was tired because of all the walking around but he was also pretty worn out by the battle. Takei needed a massage, he was considering going to a spa but it didn’t seem like a spa was present in the school nor outside the school so he decided he would take a nice long nap back in his dorm.
S Someone
"Hey guys, I see a group of people and I hear a lot of screaming, I think it's the gym, shall we go I'm sure someone an point us in the right direction and as for you Eliza what else do you get excited about because I, starting to get a bit worried if a wall is a surprise for you " Airion laughed jokingly. It seemed like a class was going on in the gym
Location: Heading toward Gym​

Cahira watched Eliza with a somber gaze, quickly giving a few nods of her head in response to the thanks. “You’re wel-!” Halfway through her sentence the bang sounded. Instead of finishing she had let out a startled shriek, visibly jumping. Jinx had almost pressed himself beside her, letting out a long, low growl.
She pinned her ears down, her eyes wide with fear while shifting her gaze to the others as Eliza stuttered out a few words. Her dorm-mate seemed fairly shaken as well...
Despite how nervous she was herself, Cahira was a bit relieved she wasn’t the only one.

“I dunno...” Cahira whispered in an almost whimper, trying to locate the direction in which the sound came from.

Airion seemed to manage that before she did, and so bluntly stated the fact that he had figured out.
Cahira blinked, keeping her ears pinned back and giving her tail a few nervous lashes.
“Are you guys really sure we should go towards the loud noises?”

Despite her spoken hesitance towards the idea, she was already slowly walking in the direction of the gym, Jinx close beside her.
RI.a RI.a
True Blue Flannel True Blue Flannel

Eliza took a hesitant step forward, falling in step right behind Airion so that he was leading the group to the gym. He and Jinx were the least nervous of them, and since Jinx took a protective stance beside Cahira, she though it'd be best to stick close to someone too. The trees began to thin as the group reached a the wide building, there were multiple double doors lining the wall and big black words plastered unto one above with 'GYMNASIUM'. She gulped, usually a group would form to see what had happened, but there wasn't a crowd outside like she thought there would be. Instead, it was quiet and peaceful now. Still a little wary, she made sure she wasn't far from the group, she gingerly pushed the door open, scared to think it might have been a horrible accident. Straightening herself as much as she could, she asked the nearest stranger, "U-uhm." She coughed a little, getting rid of her nervous stutter. "Did something happen? Is anyone hurt? We heard a pretty loud bang just a little while ago." She turned around to face Airion, Cahira and Jinx, as if doing a head count, before looking to the woman for an answer.

True Blue Flannel True Blue Flannel HuntedFox HuntedFox Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
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