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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Where the Apple Falls Character Sheet


Keyblade Master
Main roleplay here: Kingdom Hearts: Where the Apple Falls
Do not post unless your sheet is accepted first.


Just to reiterate the rules:


You may claim two pairings as your own for your characters. (ReplikuxNamine: one pairing, XionxRoxas second pairing)

You may also have sibling characters with other roleplayers. You must ask permission and if they say no it's no. You may also offer to ‘share’ your pairings with other people so that they may have siblings with you characters.

You may have twins.

You may control the characters of the pairing you claimed (the parents) if you have a roleplayer who controls a sibling of the pairing you may allow them to control one parent or both parents.

No crack pairings. Pooh Bear cannot be with Anna from Frozen. (If you want a particular strange pairing, message me and I'll review it.)

All Disney properties are allowed, including Disney animations such as American Dragon, etc.

No live action sitcoms from Disney Channel allowed.

All Kingdom Hearts characters allowed, including Final Fantasy characters.

As for Final Fantasy characters, please use well known iconic Final Fantasy characters. Characters in the same game as characters featured in KH definitely allowed.

RPN rules obviously apply.

Romance is PG-13

No God-Modding. You gotta lose sometime!
No killing characters or critically injuring them without permission.

No controlling other characters without permission.

Try to have at least five lines in a post. (It’s okay to have less here and there)

Grammar, please. I’m not saying be perfect, I just need to be able to understand what you’re saying.

Feel free to contribute to the story, after all this is a rp. :)

Have fun! :D

(If any of this doesn't make sense please comment below.)

~Character Sheet~



Gender: (Feel free to include pronouns)






Here's Mine!

Name: Dexter “Dex” Takari

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Parent(s): Roxas and Xion

Abilities/Powers: Casual elemental magic, Two Become One, casual light and dark abilities.

Personality: Dexter has much of his father’s aggressiveness and short temper when threatened. Because of this he will often get into fights with his father all the time. Deep down however, he is very insecure and inherits much of his mother’s softness and courage to do whatever it is that's right. As a result he will not tolerate bullying of any kind, but he often fails to defend himself.

Bio: Dexter grew up in Fatefaire and as a result he doesn't know much about the Forgotten Isle except for what he has heard about it. He often gets aggravated at how happy and bubbly some people act around him. Because of this he gained an interest in the Forgotten Isle, because he believes that there's more to the island than what he was told. Dexter’s relationship with his father is somewhat strained, as their temper do not mix well. Despite this, he deeply loves his family and will do whatever it takes to protect them.

Name: Dawn Himari

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Parent(s): Riku and Kairi

Abilities/Powers: Her specialty is more on the magic side, although she enjoys the art of sword fighting.

Personality: Dawn is a smart young woman. She’s a hard worker who would do anything do her friends and family. She also has a rather strong competitive side at times. She always looks out for others, quickly diffusing any situation that would’ve resolved into a fight. Despite this, she struggles showing her emotions and telling others how she feels. When pushed enough, Dawn will show her rage.

Bio: Kairi became pregnant with Dawn during a deep but very brief relationship with Riku. During her pregnancy, Kairi was attacked, causing Riku to fall into darkness due to his rage. Due to shame of still having Ansem holding his heart even all these years, as well as going on hard missions in other worlds to protect his home, Riku went on his own journey. As a result, Dawn grew up not knowing her father. She grew up with Sora as his father figure, as Sora and Kairi got together before she was born. Dawn has since lived a somewhat happy life, working hard in her studies. Despite this, deep down she questions why her father truly left her.
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Aqua7KH Aqua7KH
"No Yaoi or Yuri pairings, sorry. Only exception to this if it's actually cannon or is at least hinted at."

And there's the rub, and exactly what I was alluding to in what I meant shipping wars.

I would get it if this was another property, but there actually is a mechanic IN game that would allow for basically creating life.

However explanations would be pointless if someone is against same sex pairings. I was afraid of that, but that'd be a deal breaker for me.
Aqua7KH Aqua7KH
"No Yaoi or Yuri pairings, sorry. Only exception to this if it's actually cannon or is at least hinted at."

And there's the rub, and exactly what I was alluding to in what I meant shipping wars.

I would get it if this was another property, but there actually is a mechanic IN game that would allow for basically creating life.

However explanations would be pointless if someone is against same sex pairings. I was afraid of that, but that'd be a deal breaker for me.

I'm not against same-sex pairings. That's why I said it's okay if the pairing is cannon/hinted at or at least could make sense. What mechanic in-game are you talking about?
I'm not against same-sex pairings. That's why I said it's okay if the pairing is cannon/hinted at or at least could make sense. What mechanic in-game are you talking about?

The nobodies/other beings that were made from multiple people and then developed hearts of their own. Granted these people weren't made under circumstances that such a person would be made are not analogous to creating a child, but they are new and individual people.

Roxas, Namine, and to a lesser extent Vanitas and Xion would fall under this umbrella.

Namine was an offshoot of Kairi and Sora (perhaps a bit of Ventas as well cause blond and keyblade)

Roxas was Sora's nobody, but Sora kept his memories and persona with his heartless after Kairi hugged him. So Roxas ended up drawing off of the next heart down the line, which was Ventas. It's why he looks like him.

When Ventas was split in half by Xehanort, Sora's heart interacted with Ventas's broken one and took the good side of it into his body. The interaction left an imprint on Vanitas as well, which is why he looked like Sora ten years before Sora even was old enough to look that way.

Xion was an experiment who was supposed to be drawing off of the memories of Sora. However the residual memories of Kairi both from him and her time inside him ended up making her a her instead.

Each of them are unique people with their own hearts (probably even Vanitas). Basically almost an asexual reproduction between two or more peoples hearts.

That largely depends on what you qualify as "hinted at" or "makes sense." I can write you a whole thing about how Sora and Riku are hinted at (especially in later games) but if you do not buy into the pairing in the first place then no amount of explaining is going to fix that. You already started at a position of "no lgbt parings, sorry."
The nobodies/other beings that were made from multiple people and then developed hearts of their own. Granted these people weren't made under circumstances that such a person would be made are not analogous to creating a child, but they are new and individual people.

Roxas, Namine, and to a lesser extent Vanitas and Xion would fall under this umbrella.

Namine was an offshoot of Kairi and Sora (perhaps a bit of Ventas as well cause blond and keyblade)

Roxas was Sora's nobody, but Sora kept his memories and persona with his heartless after Kairi hugged him. So Roxas ended up drawing off of the next heart down the line, which was Ventas. It's why he looks like him.

When Ventas was split in half by Xehanort, Sora's heart interacted with Ventas's broken one and took the good side of it into his body. The interaction left an imprint on Vanitas as well, which is why he looked like Sora ten years before Sora even was old enough to look that way.

Xion was an experiment who was supposed to be drawing off of the memories of Sora. However the residual memories of Kairi both from him and her time inside him ended up making her a her instead.

Each of them are unique people with their own hearts (probably even Vanitas). Basically almost an asexual reproduction between two or more peoples hearts.

That largely depends on what you qualify as "hinted at" or "makes sense." I can write you a whole thing about how Sora and Riku are hinted at (especially in later games) but if you do not buy into the pairing in the first place then no amount of explaining is going to fix that. You already started at a position of "no lgbt parings, sorry."

I get that, although in this case the next of kin in this roleplay would just be everyone growing up and having kids. If you message me and explain what pairing you want to do/what the story is gonna be I'll look at it. I'm just trying to avoid impractical pairings such as say, Pooh BearxSephiroth. That makes no absolute sense whatsoever. I myself actually love Ventus x Vanitas but I don't think that would be a plausible pairing, especially since Vanitas' entire goal in his life was to basically make Ventus suffer as much as possible. If you're interested in a Yaoi/Yuri pairing, message me and I will discuss this with you.
I get that, although in this case the next of kin in this roleplay would just be everyone growing up and having kids. If you message me and explain what pairing you want to do/what the story is gonna be I'll look at it. I'm just trying to avoid impractical pairings such as say, Pooh BearxSephiroth. That makes no absolute sense whatsoever. I myself actually love Ventus x Vanitas but I don't think that would be a plausible pairing, especially since Vanitas' entire goal in his life was to basically make Ventus suffer as much as possible. If you're interested in a Yaoi/Yuri pairing, message me and I will discuss this with you.

I would say something like "No crack pairings. The pairing you choose must be at least hinted at. " would have covered that well enough. The way you currently have it worded implies that any lgbt pairing is implausible, which like I said would be a deal breaker for me. If you didn't mean it that way, correcting the wording may help alleviate further confusion.

and sure I'll do that.
I would say something like "No crack pairings. The pairing you choose must be at least hinted at. " would have covered that well enough. The way you currently have it worded implies that any lgbt pairing is implausible, which like I said would be a deal breaker for me. If you didn't mean it that way, correcting the wording may help alleviate further confusion.

and sure I'll do that.
Yes, I can agree that the wording may be taken as hostile. That I myself will correct. The problem in general is that really any characters could interact and fit, I would be willing to accept strange pairings but it really depends on the pairing itself.
May I ask for lightning and axel to be in reserve?
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Name: Angel Silvermoon

Parents: Lighting and Pooh Bear

Age: 17

Gender: Male (Trap)


Knight form:

Normal form:

Assassin/nobody form:

(Wears the Organization XVIII cloak over his outfit)

I'Cie form:

Parents: Lightning and Axel (She divorced Axel due to relationship problems before marrying Caius Balled before divorcing him due to her finding out that he was an I'Cie and was in love with another woman named Yuel. She then married someone else who I can't say since it would be against the rules before conceiving Angel.)

Knight form: In his Knight form, Angel gains an ability that allows him to deflect most attacks physical or magical wise. He is able to generate shields that can protect him or someone else. He also gains enhanced stamina allowing him to take in more hits. His last ability in his Knight form is that he is able to dish out attacks with twice the amount of damage he has taken. His weapon is a sword that can change into a shield.

Normal form: Angel in his normal form is just him though he knows some healing magic power. HIs weapon in this form is a Katana.

Nobody form: Angel in his Nobody form gains a few unique abilities. He gains the ability to teleport to someone by traveling through the Nobody realm, though if he stay's there too long he will be swarmed by nobodies and will have a hard trying to get through them. Angel gains the power of flames. He is able to use camouflage in this form by using the power of darkness though the chances of the darkness taking over him is high. Angel is able to channel fire through this form. His weapon in this form chakrams.

(Forbidden Form) I'Cie form: Angel was gifted the power of the I'cie similar to that of Caius. In this form, Angel gains the magic power of chaos and void. His choas allows him to gain the ability to have extremely high amount of stamina and the power has a very powerful defense against magic. He is able to regenerate himself fairly fast. He is able to speed up his movements along with someone else. If Angel cuts someone in this form, they will be inflicted poisoned. Unlike his nobody teleportation, his teleportation in this form is short distance while also being able to teleport someone else instead of himself. In this form, Angel is capable hitting someone with the power of a large planet to that of an entire galaxy to that even a god with his sword or fists if he deems his opponent worthy. He is capable of taking a hit from even a god without being hurt. He can also bestow his teammates bravery, faith, and haste. His weapon in this form is Ragnarock. Angel is able to charge an attack with his Ragnarock that if it hits his opponent it will give them considerable amount of debuffs. If he says too long in this form, he will be taken by the chaos that resides in his heart. When that choas takes over, he will have no control of his body and the chaos will inflict everything around him with permeant darkness that even the brightest light cannot touch it without being extinguish before it takes his life and soul and sends it to the realm unknown. When it steals his life and soul, everyone's memory of him will be forgotten. Changed by the chaos. That is the price of using this form though if he is able to control the chaos that lies in his heart, he may be able to control the darkness thorugh his chaos.

Personality: Charismatic, silver tongued, relaxed, adaptable, captivating, considerate, clever, empathetic, hardworking, heroic, and observant.

Biography: Angel was born into the world with a lot of mix genes. Raised without a father, Angel was still taught how to be a man and a warrior by his mother Lightning and was taught how to be a normal human by his other...parent. When he was ten years old, Angel was practicing with his mother in a duel and discovered something that was unimaginable. He was able to turn into an assassin. Amazed by what her son could do, Lightning trained Angel even more before he was able to unlock his knight form and I'Cie form. Lightning told Angel when he was 13 that he may have these powers due to him having a lot of different genes in him, enabling him to transform into different modes that would allow him to use different abilities and powers for each one. Eager to learn more about himself, Angel started to practice on his own. When he turned 16, Angel left his mother's on an adventure to become stronger. This is where his chapter begins at Kingdom Academy.
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Osamaru -right- dark vareon- left


Age: 12 and 14

Gender: male

Parent(s): xemanes and aqua

Abilities/Powers: osamaru can use his fathers weapons and a sword known as thé dark zeon ( twin to White zeon Will explain later)

Personality: osamaru is quite. Hé loves to sleep and Çan sleep anywhere

Bio: osamaru grew up with his father xemnas while hua twin brother dark varion grew up with Thier mother aqua after falling into darkness.

Name: dark varion

Age: 12

Gender: male

Parent(s): xemnas and aqua

Abilities/Powers: dark varion wields his mothers key blade and thé twin sword called White zeon ( twin to dark zeon= Will explain why later)

Personality: hé is dark. Hé Angers easily. Dark loves apples and does not speak at all normaly hé comunicats l'île à heartless

Bio: after aqua his Mother feel into darkness,hé was born to her holding white zeon . His brother was born before him just before falling inti darkness. Since dark grew up with aqua hé has never sene thé sun.
Name: sentry

Age: 14

Gender: she


Parent(s): cloud And aqua

Abilities/Powers: King sorwd

Personality: Light harted loves to run

Name: Angel Silvermoon

Age: 17

Gender: Male (Androgynous)


Knight form:

Normal form:

Assassin/nobody form:
(Wears the Organization XVIII cloak over his outfit)

I'Cie form:

Parents: Lightning and Axel (She divorced Axel due to relationship problems before marrying Caius Balled before divorcing him due to her finding out that he was an I'Cie and was in love with another woman named Yuel. She then married someone else who I can't say since it would be against the rules before conceiving Angel.)

Knight form: In his Knight form, Angel gains an ability that allows him to deflect most attacks physical or magical wise. He is able to generate shields that can protect him or someone else. He also gains enhanced stamina allowing him to take in more hits. His last ability in his Knight form is that he is able to dish out attacks with twice the amount of damage he has taken. His weapon is a sword that can change into a shield.

Normal form: Angel in his normal form is just him though he knows some healing magic power. HIs weapon in this form is a Katana.

Nobody form: Angel in his Nobody form gains a few unique abilities. He gains the ability to teleport to someone through the Nobody realm, though if he stay's there too long he will be swarmed by nobodies and will have a hard trying to get through them. Angel gains a slight power over the

I'Cie form:WIP

Personality: Charismatic, silver tongued, relaxed, adaptable, captivating, considerate, clever, empathetic, hardworking, heroic, and observant.

Biography: Angel was born into the world with a lot of mix genes. Raised without a father, Angel was still taught how to be a man and a warrior by his mother Lightning and was taught how to be a normal human by his other...parent. When he was ten years old, Angel was practicing with his mother in a duel and discovered something that was unimaginable. He was able to turn into an assassin. Amazed by what her son could do, Lightning trained Angel even more before he was able to unlock his knight form and I'Cie form. Lightning told Angel when he was 13 that he may have these powers due to him having a lot of different genes in him, enabling him to transform into different modes that would allow him to use different abilities and powers for each one. Eager to learn more about himself, Angel started to practice on his own. When he turned 16, Angel left his mother's on an adventure to become stronger. This is where his chapter begins at Kingdom Academy.

I'm not gonna accept this just yet (I need to re-read it, I've just been so busy with college. But don't worry I'm sure you're fine.


Osamaru -right- dark vareon- left


Age: 12 and 14

Gender: male

Parent(s): xemanes and aqua

Abilities/Powers: osamaru can use his fathers weapons and a sword known as thé dark zeon ( twin to White zeon Will explain later)

Personality: osamaru is quite. Hé loves to sleep and Çan sleep anywhere

Bio: osamaru grew up with his father xemnas while hua twin brother dark varion grew up with Thier mother aqua after falling into darkness.

Name: dark varion

Age: 12

Gender: male

Parent(s): xemnas and aqua

Abilities/Powers: dark varion wields his mothers key blade and thé twin sword called White zeon ( twin to dark zeon= Will explain why later)

Personality: hé is dark. Hé Angers easily. Dark loves apples and does not speak at all normaly hé comunicats l'île à heartless

Bio: after aqua his Mother feel into darkness,hé was born to her holding white zeon . His brother was born before him just before falling inti darkness. Since dark grew up with aqua hé has never sene thé sun.

DENIED: Sorry dude, I can barely understand a word you're saying in the sign-up sheet. Also AquaxTerra is reserved.

Name: sentry

Age: 14

Gender: she


Parent(s): cloud And aqua

Abilities/Powers: King sorwd

Personality: Light harted loves to run


I'm gonna wait to accept you since I'd like to see more in the sheet with personality and bio. Also, Aqua is reserved in a pairing already, so you would have to replace her with someone else.
Name: Tipa

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Tipa has light brown hair. Tan skin. He is 5 feet tall. Skinny.

Parents: Tidus and Yuna

Abilities/Powers: Water elemental. Can use healing on himself and others

Personality: Tipa is a headstrong boy who likes adventure and helping people.

Bio: Tipa is a young boy searching for the Guardian Sword, a legendary item he believes will make him strong enough to be a valiant hero.
Name: Yuno Yuminara

Age: 23(only been alive for 4 years)

Gender: Female



Yuno's nobody form. Keeping her knowledge of her past life has made made her incredibly powerful keyblade weilder. She is tough and durable able to create powerful shockwaves by swinging her blade. She is faster than the average keyblade weilder by far. Up close her reflexes and instincts are what she relies on most.

Form: Sun goddess


In this form Yuno only possess fire magic. Still keeping her strength and speed from her nobody form, flames ignite on their own in her defense. Also does burn damage. Her flames can reach temperatures as hot as the sun. Also in this for Yuno can use the light in her heart that keeps the darkness at Bay to give her flames healing abilities. This however drains more stamina than using them to attack.

Form: Nemesis

Yuno in this form exchanges durability and power in favor of speed and magical ability. She becomes so fast that she can bend space and time almost vanishing and appearing in an instant depending on the distance. She can use very powerful magic while giving her keyblade elemental properties.

Form: Between light and darkness

In this mode Yuno is granted the incredible near infinite strenght of darkness. Her speed, strength, agility, reflexes, durability and maneuverability are enhanced multiples of times. The highest she can multiply her power is x150. She can also created and shape Dark Matter in any way shape or form she can think of. This is currently her strongest form and while it is strong, it rapidly drains stamina. Once her stamina is used up Yuno only has her speed and hand to hand combat to rely as she's left without her keyblade and very little strength.

Personality: Yuno is kind but fierce. She isn't despite her sweet nature, Yuno isn't one to shy from battle. She won't hesitate to help those in need even if it means getting her hands dirty. She is a warrior at hurt and will appreciate a good bout. Even showing respect to enemies. Yuno loves to eat. trying new foods and training are her two favorite hobbies.

Bio: Originally born daughter of Hades, Yuno once known as Kariah who knew of her demigod heritage and often went on quest in the name of Zues as a peace offering from her father. In time Kariah was able to spawn her keyblade. The young girl died while on a quest to defeat a heartless that was terrorizing a village as she had to sacrifice herself to kill it. Kariah's body became a nobody named Yari that looked for something to fill the emptiness in her but could only find comfort in battle. Soon the young woman fell to a particularly strong nobody that served Xehanort. With Kariah's heartless being vanquished long ago, Kariah was born once again as Yuno Yuminara
Name: Yuno Yuminara

Age: 23(only been alive for 4 years)

Gender: Female



Yuno's nobody form. Keeping her knowledge of her past life has made made her incredibly powerful keyblade weilder. She is tough and durable able to create powerful shockwaves by swinging her blade. She is faster than the average keyblade weilder by far. Up close her reflexes and instincts are what she relies on most.

Form: Sun goddess


In this form Yuno only possess fire magic. Still keeping her strength and speed from her nobody form, flames ignite on their own in her defense. Also does burn damage. Her flames can reach temperatures as hot as the sun. Also in this for Yuno can use the light in her heart that keeps the darkness at Bay to give her flames healing abilities. This however drains more stamina than using them to attack.

Form: Nemesis

Yuno in this form exchanges durability and power in favor of speed and magical ability. She becomes so fast that she can bend space and time almost vanishing and appearing in an instant depending on the distance. She can use very powerful magic while giving her keyblade elemental properties.

Form: Between light and darkness

In this mode Yuno is granted the incredible near infinite strenght of darkness. Her speed, strength, agility, reflexes, durability and maneuverability are enhanced multiples of times. The highest she can multiply her power is x150. She can also created and shape Dark Matter in any way shape or form she can think of. This is currently her strongest form and while it is strong, it rapidly drains stamina. Once her stamina is used up Yuno only has her speed and hand to hand combat to rely as she's left without her keyblade and very little strength.

Personality: Yuno is kind but fierce. She isn't despite her sweet nature, Yuno isn't one to shy from battle. She won't hesitate to help those in need even if it means getting her hands dirty. She is a warrior at hurt and will appreciate a good bout. Even showing respect to enemies. Yuno loves to eat. trying new foods and training are her two favorite hobbies.

Bio: Originally born daughter of Hades, Yuno once known as Kariah who knew of her demigod heritage and often went on quest in the name of Zues as a peace offering from her father. In time Kariah was able to spawn her keyblade. The young girl died while on a quest to defeat a heartless that was terrorizing a village as she had to sacrifice herself to kill it. Kariah's body became a nobody named Yari that looked for something to fill the emptiness in her but could only find comfort in battle. Soon the young woman fell to a particularly strong nobody that served Xehanort. With Kariah's heartless being vanquished long ago, Kariah was born once again as Yuno Yuminara

She is almost like my OC. XD
Name: Ventus (Named after Ventus from Birth by Sleep)

Age: 14

Gender: Male (He, Him, His)

Appearance: He looks a lot like Ventus, just with blue hair and darker eyes.

Parent(s): Terra and Aqua (I have permission. In fact, I was the one who Aqua x Terra was reserved for. Lucky me, I guess.)

Abilities/Powers: Keyblade (Ventus' old Keyblade)

Personality: Much like his father, he is very quiet around people and fun around friends, unless angered. He also inherits his mother's kindness and intellect. He inherits Darkness from his father as well.

Bio: Ventus was...um...created...a year after the death of the original Ventus. He was always a happy child until he got into an argument with his father Terra. This argument ended up with Ven drawing the keyblade of the original Ventus. (This is confusing even writing this.) After that, Aqua began training him to be a Keyblade Apprentice.


Aqua7KH Aqua7KH
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If Ventus and Namine are available, I would like to request them to be put on reserve for me. Or at the very least, Ventus. I need time to work on the Character Sheet and whatnot and I’m going to be a bit busy today. So if I could request Ventus and Namine to be on hold for me, I would really appreciate that, and I will try and have the sheet up as soon as possible.

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