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Futuristic ℋ℮їґṧ: SIGMA Character Sheet Submissions

I'm getting caught up on the story so far. Page 21 to be precise. Anyspecifics on when I should or shouldn't look at making my first post? It seems the team is assaulting a dreadnought, so I'm assuming they're still there?
Chak Chak we actually just got out. Perhaps if you are Twisted Wolves you could introduce yourself when we return to our carrier.
Hmm, theoretically. My characters an alien so it makes it ab interesting process. Solid idea though, Ilik could wreck into your carrier in a small Smierc fighter or somesuch. First contact with humans started off in all the worst ways haha.
Chak Chak

Yeah, this ARC is like 2 posts away from ending. Could end up introducing yourself in the next ARC, since I want the troops to at least celebrate this victory for a bit before heading deeper into the Cruento War.
Chak Chak

Yeah, this ARC is like 2 posts away from ending. Could end up introducing yourself in the next ARC, since I want the troops to at least celebrate this victory for a bit before heading deeper into the Cruento War.
Sounds good, I can wait a bit then.
Is anyone of the type of roleplayer who tries to get a rough plan or outline of big events, such as the introduction of a new player? If so I'm more than welcome to work with that now once we're ready.
Micheal "Church" Livingsdale



Not much is actually known about him, despite for the fact that he was abandoned several years ago by his New Union squadron. His was presumed KIA by the New Union, but was captured by Smierc and converted to thier cause, seeking vengence.
Micheal has medium length black hair that is almost always gelled back to stay out of his. He stands at about 6'3, and weights 204 pounds. He has a rather rough complexion, scars across his face from fighting. He has dark green eyes, and a medium set build.

The Smierc Collective

Independent Operator

Frontline Operative.

Primary Weapon
Remington Max Performance Field Rifle Mk. 2
Fast Mags, Range Extender, 4x zoom

Secondary Weapon
Remington Revolver Mk. 15
Laser sight, fast mags

Field Medical Kit.(To use personally)

Using the special device in his armor, he refracts light around him, obscuring himself from sight for a few minutes at a time, and after one use it begins to overheat.

Fears being left behind, has severe paranoia of being impaled, and has panic attacks while riding in dropships during snowstorms.



Armor Type

Armor Variant

Armor Appearance

Tier 1 Enhancement
Electronics Master

Tier 2 Enhancement
Steady Hands

Tier 3 Enhancement
Enhanced Auditory Sensors

Custom Modules
His armor carrys a special device the refracts light around him, turning him near perfectly invisible for a few minutes at a time, though using it often would burn it out and render if ineffective. He also carries a sheath for his sword on his back.

Perambulation Perambulation I finally finished it!
Vega Stepford





New Union

Sabre Corps


Primary Weapon

Secondary Weapon
Type-BM HoloPistol (Suppresor, Red Dot Sight)

MK. 14 Reconnaissance Drone



A black hole that can be summoned via Vega’s ability to manipulate space around him to capture objects or humans or hold smaller objects for later. It takes a bit of time to make a wormhole, depending on the size

-Soldier Capture
Can summon a small wormhole to capture enemy soldiers or rescue allies, people who get wormholed are sent to the evac point for extractIon later on. Enemies must be bound or they can escape once they get wormholed. It takes around 5 seconds to create a wormhole big enough to capture humanoid sized targets.

-Wormhole Pocket
Can capture and hold small objects such as spare magazines, grenades, or anything else of interest. It takes him 2 seconds to create a Wormhole Pocket.

-Wormhole Portal
Vega or his allies can teleport to any position using his wormhole. Only effective up to 120 meters maximum. It takes 8 seconds to create the portal and 6 seconds to teleport to the location. Side effects of teleportation includes slight dizziness and takes 10 seconds to recover.



Has trouble using weapons other than his pistol and sniper rifle.

Has a case of schizophrenia that causes hallucinations during the night, which also gives him a terrible case of insomnia. They don’t affect him during the day, however. The effects of his schizophrenia can be reduced with anti-anxiety pills that he carries.

Due to his damaged lungs via excessive smoking, Vega must take Anti-Anxiety pills as a muscle-relaxant in order to aid in his sniping instead of holding his breath.

Ever since birth, I’ve lived a life in oppression and fear. I wasn’t even sure why, my parents always told me to be careful and watch who I interact with. I wasn’t sure... until the fateful day that my mother had died right in front of me.

Imagine a 12 year old covered in blood... the blood of their mother’s brains that had just been recently blown out on their face which was wearing shocked and confused expression as if they were still trying to grasp on to the reality of what happened. That’s what happened to me, my father quickly snatched me up and ran as I tried to feel some comfort in his large brawny arms, yet I couldn’t because all I saw as we were running was my mother’s corpse which took on a blank emotionless expression and wore a bullet wound on her forehead. It had been the Twisted Wolves, who had a bounty to kill her ever since she met my father, the thought still haunts me to this day, of how I couldn’t save her. How I caused her so much pain just for me to have a good life only for her to be shot in the street. After we managed to escape my father had no choice but to get me off of the planet we lived in, Portus, and to somewhere where I could live a life without fear of anybody, not the Twisted Wolves, not the Smierc Collective, nothing, so I wouldn’t have to live in enslavement and torture for the rest of my life as I’m tormented by my mother’s death. He would find a way to send me to New Krona, I couldn’t remember how he did either because I cried myself to sleep, but when I woke up my father was gone, I was alone with nobody to protect me but myself, the feeling made my heart sink in the depths of despair knowing that I lost everything I loved in such a short span of time. All I could do was move on, and so I did. I lived out on the streets for the longest time, never forgetting the day that had changed me and my life, I kept doing that for the next 6 years until I finally decided to join the military. I made a promise to myself that nobody would suffer the same fate I did, let alone a worse fate and trained to become a scout for the Sabre Corps of the New Union. I finally got in after almost half a year of training, now I can finally protect humanity.

This one’s for you Mom and Dad.
Vega Stepford~Written in 2540 CE


Carries anti-anxiety pills


Armor Type

Armor Variant

Armor Appearance



Tier 1 Enhancement)

Enhanced Metabolism

Tier 2 Enhancement)
Steady Hands

Tier 3 Enhancement)
Enhanced Auditory Senses

Custom Modules


Optical Camouflage MK 3

Hides the user by bending and manipulating light around them, has been upgraded for increased battery life up to 8 hours and protection against EMP and/or thermal signature detection related devices.

Cybernetically Altered Eyesight

Cybernetic enhancements implanted in to the optic nerve that run from the occipital lobe of the brain to the optic disk and vitreous body inside the eye to enhance awareness, reaction time, and eyesight. This also allows Vega to see thermal signatures via switching his viewing mode with a remote control on his wrist. Vega only has his right eye implanted and can also disable his implants remotely in case of it being shut down or hacked. The downside is that he is completely blind when it’s deactivated. His iris color is permanently changed to a bright neon blue due to his implants.

Perambulation Perambulation
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BubbleButt BubbleButt

The Powers/Abilities pertain to your specific superpower as a Silentian. The abilities you listed are more like perks that the Enhancements Section provides. Mind changing it up a bit and adding the Enhancements
BubbleButt BubbleButt

The Powers/Abilities pertain to your specific superpower as a Silentian. The abilities you listed are more like perks that the Enhancements Section provides. Mind changing it up a bit and adding the Enhancements
Oh. I see, my bad. I think I deleted that part on accident, I’ll re-add it in.
(Let me know if I should change ANYTHING)

Mike 'Kaihei' Anderson

(Minus... ya know)
The New Union of the Sigma Sector
The Sabre Corps
Heavy Support Troopers
Appearance of the armor

Primary Weapon
Remington Fast Reaction LMG (FRLMG) Mk.5

Secondary Weapon
Remington Revolver Mk.15
Grip, carbon fiber with a sharp edge for a good melee

Mk.20 Holo-Mortar
Death scream:Usually uses it when wounded, using the scream will either scare the weak troops, or make him a bigger target, tends to fight like a monster afterwards, charging the enemy, using his weight to his advantage and going straight killer

"Wouldn't call this a power or ability, I just am..."-What he means is that he comes up with ideas to demolish the enemy, some would make him look like a psycho(not cleaning his armor after a close up battle for instance.), showing a force of power during battle, following a code of old world war laws. ROE, rules of engagement. Shoot if shot at. He lets the bullets ping before shooting back.

Adrenaline rush:At first sparks of battle he gains a sense of madness and is down right effective in battle. He takes guesses on where enemies are hidden, can hear very well(click of the safety on a weapon, drop of a bullet shell from up to 15 feet, movement of dirt, grass, and if hes close enough, and if the enemy didn't pick their nose clean, the breathing of a target.

General ability:Expert in military tactics and improvising

Devoted loyalty to squad members:He is loyal to those who he sees have earned it. (if allowed) his loyalty boosts moral and makes his current squad more effective in fights, he comforts the wounded(Sometimes giving false hope but whatever calms them to feel better in death), and is at times a good medic...


Death scream rush:When he uses it, as said above, he becomes reckless, he can get himself killed if he doesn't keep a cool head, he knows when he should charge and when not to. He doesn't charge high ground(only if the high ground is a building with more than one floor).

Codes of the old world:When he uses his code of ROE, he puts himself in danger. Yes he is a tank but, he leaves himself open for a weapon that can kill a tank...(Anti material rifles, rail guns-?-, rockets)

High pain tolerance: During adrenaline rush he has a higher pain tolerance. If given the wrong circumstances, he can be surrounded and killed like a wild tiger or lion. If he wins he will be in bad shape if his armor was broken.
Resulting in either MEDEVAC or field surgery


Body of Steel

Master Jumper(Feet first into hell)

Augmented Muscleman


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